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    Visalia, CA
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    M20J & PA46

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  1. RJ, Our 201 has a 1000 lb useful and I am out here in CA and never have problems with non-turbo. I messaged you my information. Call me and we can discuss.
  2. Yes, but they are more for medical professionals. Here is the ear clip only at $172 and you still have to purchase the $325 unit. http://www.sourcemedicalequipment.com/Nonin-8000Q2-Ear-Clip-Sensor-p/8000q2.htm?gclid=COr10-3Q-ccCFRRlfgodUoMCjg&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=8000Q2 http://www.sourcemedicalequipment.com/Nonin-8500-Hand-Held-Pulse-Oximeter-p/8500.htm
  3. My 4 year old uses a Bose Quiet Comfort 2 (or is it 15?) headset with a uflymike microphone setup. It works really well and is light weight compared to aviation headsets and noise cancelling for a lot less. Unfortunately uflymike is re-engineering their setup so you currently can't purchase any at this time. They are hoping to start pre-orders this month, but they have been saying that for a few months now.
  4. We flew when outs was 8 months old, but used children ear plugs and a headset just in case they pulled the headset off and didn't want to wear it. Our pediatrician told us not to be too worried about the altitude, but focus on the congestion. Our daughter always new that when she flew she got a lollipop so the plane was a fun time for her!!
  5. I'm on the mmopa forum and it looks like an 84 Malibu.
  6. I contacted the Aspen rep just last week about concerns over longer body aircraft having an oscillation during descent with the Aspens He informed me that this issue has been fixed with a software update. The oscillations had something to do with the EA100 unit operating at a faster rate than the analog KFC150 units so the autopilot was playing catch up all the time leading to the oscillation. He told me once they slowed the EA100 unit down it alleviated the oscillations. The fix has been available for a couple of months now. At least this is how I understood what he told me, but I would contact your Aspen rep for further detail.
  7. You walked away unharmed. That's what matters.
  8. Thought you could get rid of it with the extended battery. You have one beautiful panel Marauder. Maybe I should just get the second Aspen now and beg for forgiveness later.
  9. What is with the death of the vacuum pump? Mine died last Wednesday. It is used for a backup since we have an Aspen PFD. Contemplated getting a second Aspen and ditching it all together until my wife gave me the look she is really good at giving me so I still have a vacuum pump and a lot more money in my bank. Oh yeah...and a happy wife!
  10. +1 on either one of these
  11. My wife and I are travelling up to Mendocino, CA this coming week and Little River (KLLR) is where I'm planning my arrival. Little River has a Super AWOS, which I have never seen or used before, but reading up on it, it sounds like a viable solution for many of our smaller airports throughout the country (I know Oceano was looking into an AWOS). It looks like it costs around $75K (plus a few hundred dollars annually for upkeep) versus the $200K (plus $5K to $20K annually for upkeep) for a regular AWOS. I don't even know how to use one so I'm hoping to get some guidance on their use (I think it is just clicking 3 times over the unicom to activate it). Plus, am I even going to be able to get into KLLR this time of year? It looks as if it is LIFR all day long the past few days. Is that just par for the course up there north of San Francisco?
  12. +1 on this. Obviously you need to have the currency, but doesn't mean you are proficient. I had a Navy pilot friend out of Lemoore, CA tell me that IFR skills are "perishable" so go out and practice and practice a lot. I try to practice multiple approaches/holds/tracking per month. I would argue that one a month will not keep you proficient (I understand it was just a scenario).
  13. On Sunday I flew into and out of Montgomery Field where sadly, the last accident occurred and upon arrival I was vectored around traffic which happened to be two Osprey heading east. I just am in awe how those aircraft can fly! Simply amazing.
  14. Wow! I just flew out of Montgomery this past Sunday and there is not a good spot to put a plane down just after takeoff. Thoughts and prayers for all involved.
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