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Everything posted by HRM

  1. I basically agree with the wingtip unit, but I think the tail unit is cleaner (only after all is said and done!). With the tail, the discussion got muddled and it looks like there are two groups, full length rudder and short rudder. At the end of the day, i would not even go near this without a seasoned Mooney-savvy IA. Two words you do not want to come up: unbalanced and flutter.
  2. Alan posted an SB link. Note, this does not apply to early Mooneys--like yours (but check the S/N anyway). A&P to do the work, I imagine an IA to 'Return to Service'.
  3. That all looks to be an issue for the later models.
  4. I was looking at the Whelen unit, it is substantially heavier than the SkyBeacon. I doubt the wiring has much impact, my understanding is that it was just 'plug 'n play'. I thought the SkyBeacon was 2.5 oz.
  5. I'm the opposite, the sky beacon is lighter than the current unit, so you could always add weight to balance it out (ignoring geometry, of course). Flutter is an undesirable resonance that occurs as air passes over parts, the ultimate example of this is a flag fluttering in the wind. Here we have a little flag sticking out into the airflow around the tail. It is pretty stiff looking, but resonance is a peculiar thing. Even if it flutters a little bit; i.e.,unnoticeable from the cockpit, it could cause vibration wear over time, possibly snap off in flight and there's your balance issue. I am speaking solely of the earlier models where the beacon is in the stinger section of the tail. In the rudder itself, different animal all together.
  6. Good point. That part moves very little and only vertically on those Mooneys. I am still a bit concerned about the flutter. The Skybeacon has that fin.
  7. Let's see...Whelen tail strobe, 4.8 oz. Uavionix Tail Beacon, 2.5 oz. The tail beacon has a fin (I believe the antenna is in there). I frankly think it is too little change to worry about, but the point about flutter cannot be ignored. I do not know how that is analyzed, probably need a DER to look at it. If you feel a new vibration in the control yoke, probably should note the speed and then slow down
  8. Does this device not send a signal to your iPad/iPhone? I may have been confused about how it works. Clearly, it should have no issue with the signal from the transponder.
  9. I frankly (from an engineer's standpoint) cannot see why this would make any difference in Mooney performance and your flight test confirms that. Thanks for the data point! I was more concerned about signal quality from the tail to the cockpit--apparently that is a non-issue.
  10. That said, aviation support sucks! ILM--$800a month hangar rent and two year waiting list!!! Not looking forward to that part. North Carolina--First in Aviation--what a joke.
  11. Anybody put one of these in their Mooney yet?
  12. I'd be very, very careful with that Merlin on your Mooney, could rip the wings off.
  13. That's because R&R'ing those rods is a beyotch Has to be done though and is a right of passage for anyone who claims to have worked on a Mooney with a doghouse!
  14. Well guys, it can happen to the best, browse here.
  15. This thread made me think about my last FR in April. My E was grounded so I went up with a CFI in a 172. OMG! I had not flown one for over a decade and all I could think was--this thing is so SLOW! The time available to make a decision was like YEARS and it basically landed like Mary Poppin's parasol. I had a great time The Mooney is not that kind of airplane. It, unlike a 172, or even a 182, wants to fly. As you do your take-off run it is anxious, just wanting to leap into the air. Later, it really does not want to land, but if you want to land it you have to finesse it, convince it to take the ground. There really isn't anything like it with a single engine.
  16. Add to their GoFundMe. OMG, they have raised $4,015 of their $55,000 goal. To think that Bob Ballard has somehow missed this incredible discovery is just mind boggling. That he has already started spending millions on his wild goose chase to Nikumaroro Island is hard to fathom. He needs to be told about this!
  17. All kidding aside...here's a good article on the topic from a pilot's perspective. A woman pilot no less!
  18. I am a big fan of cockpit humor. Jeez, the innuendos surrounding the Johnson Bar alone, and we all know how superior manual gear is to electric, is enough to titillate any pilot.
  19. Titanic is over 2 miles deep...of course, it's huge.
  20. Best data on the issue I have seen yet...and Ballard has gotten involved.
  21. Existe esta cosa llamada 'Google'. Intentalo.
  22. Of course, hope springs eternal in terms of closure, this may be it.
  23. Could you post a photo or two? TIA
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