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Everything posted by HRM

  1. So, open a new thread, possibly a poll, and tell us what you want. You could use PM if guys are nervous about public details. I would say to keep the KISS principle foremost; i.e., just the critical data. Insurer, broker, hull value, hours flown per year, pilot age, aircraft details (I suggest this just be Mooney, there are some Mooney-Owner-Wannabe's in the space that we don't care what the insurance is on their Cessgnat), premium in AMU, etc. If the list of data is too long then the final numbers will not be robust.
  2. Gorgeous bird...not quite The Mistress, but gorgeous nonetheless.
  3. I just saw that thread...I assumed it was actually a chute and Garmin Autoland is not out for Mooney anyway. Of course, here we see two different perspectives. 1) Garmin Autoland as safety chute replacement (think on that for a minute, the engine can be dead and a chute will save you better than an autopilot). 2) The self-flying airplane--where's the fun in that? I have said for years that getting an airplane off the ground is fairly easy, flying it around is even easier, but landing it, now there's where we separate the pilots from the barefoot bandits.
  4. Good analogy! As with stocks, a good broker is useful. I've found one that works for me, going on five or so years (probably longer since the memory fades and renewal is so seamless). No need to change, even to chase a .1 AMU reduction.
  5. The fun is coming to an end boys. https://www.aopa.org/News-and-Media/All-News/2020/January/Pilot/hands-off?utm_source=ebrief&utm_medium=email
  6. Magnificent.
  7. That panel was a sister to mine. It was painful though, to see the pile of stuff on the floor
  8. if you read her bios, you conclude that she was an incredible pilot in every respect.
  9. MOONEY 3D Print File Pretty sure I got it from here.
  10. It should be on my machine at school...I'll have to look the next time I am out there...semi-retired...so many projects, so little time.
  11. Always lurking...
  12. No dissing of that. Frankly, Amelia was waaay overrated as an aviatrix (versus the others) and much of her 'fame' was generated by her marketing husband. Jerrie, however, flew a modern airplane in 1964 (my E is a '66) . Still a tremendous feat. Beryl, however, did her (East-West) cross Atlantic in 1936. If you read her biographies, you'll also know that with her in the cockpit you would not need cabin heat. I'll also point out that both ladies died of natural causes in their 80's.
  13. ...and don't forget Beryl Markham!
  14. Hangar with an apartment. Typically because your wife will not live on an airstrip.
  15. If it's any consolation, a bunch of us were hoping otherwise!
  16. If you review your exclusions, I am betting () that your umbrella does not cover your flying.
  17. Same here and my umbrella is with USAA. Who's your umbrella with that covers aviation?
  18. FWIW--my insurance has come due, it went up by 0.1 AMU--no big deal. I have been quite happy with Travers Aviation, at the end of the day they all shop around--except perhaps AVEMCO.
  19. Ok, sh*t again. Please don’t tell the FAA that I am losing it. It was Spinoza, not Goethe...but you guys knew that
  20. Yep. I am now thinking about building a mini-hangar home in Burgaw. Just getting desperate, but the mortgage would be my current lot rent here at KBPT!
  21. I think Brad is lining it...I can't go there. They have beaucoup tie-downs.
  22. LOL...NC is a big state...not very tall/high, but extremely loooooong.
  23. Sh*t, I meant to say 'fin is not that big.' On the SkyBeacon that is. Goethe was right.
  24. Sorry Tony, that is the stinger. I did the annual on that plane and that is what it is called in the manuals. Many errors of a truth consist in the application of the wrong names of things--Goethe. No matter, we know what we are talking about with respect to the empennage geometry here. Frankly, and I am an engineer, I don't think the SkyBeacon is an issue on this type of tail. That said, i am not an A&P/IA, a DER, or even an attorney...so YMMV
  25. Here you go...rudder not involved. Stinger, yes. Not a balance issue, flutter TBD. In actuality, tail is not that big.
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