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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. The nose always deserves plugs… people know how tough it is to get grass out from between the cylinder fins…. the tail gets ignored most often… it is only the spring months that have the persistent risk… bubble wrap is an interesting idea… it won’t have any inherent UV resistance… that would cost extra. back in the day… I made biodegradable bubble wrap… Best regards, -a-
  2. My 65C lived outside… in spring, the birds can fill the tail cone in about a Tuesday afternoon… I had a simple left over piece of carpet from an interior project… that lasted about a decade of use… it was a simple T shape that was easy to stuff in the hole and leave enough hanging out to be ultra tacky and visible at the same time… the top of the T got stuffed into the hole. The bottom of the T, hung outside slightly oversized, to stay in place… the birds hated it… it was soft enough to not interfere with the controls when forgotten… it would be cool if @Gee Bee Aeroproducts had T (or a better shape) dimensions to price making the tool… nice to see you Guy! (Guy is a skilled builder of foam and silicone rubber parts) best regards, -a-
  3. This thread is pretty much what you are asking about… @jlunseth is my favorite author on the subject matter… All the participants in the thread are very knowledgeable.., best regards, -a-
  4. We have a few really excellent threads for turbo ops regarding LOP… I’ll see if I can point this thread in that direction.., as far as TIT and EGT go… know that the POH often points to operating in flaming dragon mode…. Great for speed, but not so good for economy… I have a favorite author on this topic around here somewhere… know that all Mooneys can operate LOP, some are much easier than others. All depending on the intake system, and available instrumentation… best regards, -a-
  5. On the topic of leaving the gear up as long as possible… my M20C experience included a lot of what if the engine dies here… Which lead to leaving the gear up as late as possible… With the Ovation… gear down and T/O flaps occurs before getting into the traffic pattern… The weight and speed and momentum of the slightly bigger bird, takes longer to react to changes… brain off loading while looking for traffic… and multitasking at the highest level of the flight… Still not a CFI… Best regards, -a-
  6. Great video Oscar! little Oscar junior isn’t so little anymore! great conversation starter…. 1) practicing go arounds is important… 2) every Mooney trimmed for landing, with flaps deployed… 3) WILL try to kill the pilot… 4) when full power is added…( without preparation, or practice, or good arm strength…) 5) Reason… the deployed flaps have moved the center of lift a bit forwards. 6) Full power makes the nose rise sharply… 7) be ready to hold the nose in place, while trimming, and cleaning up… 8) all Mooneys can climb with gear down, and flaps deployed, at MGTW… 9) electric gear is nice… 10) electric flaps better stop in the T/O position… 11) hydraulic flaps better be using the slow retract feature, not snapping into the full up position… 12) 310hp makes it more fun… If you use full flaps, full up trim, and push in 100% bhp… you can probably complete the first loop prior to getting the gear up… Failed Mooney go around was the first accident study I read, before flying a Mooney… the victim was a CFI. This is where Mooney specific transition training really shines! there isn’t a check list short enough to read while this is going on… Full power isn’t always the best answer for go arounds… PP thoughts only, not a CFI… Best regards, -a-
  7. Avoiding landing down wind… the @Piloto method… I’m pretty sure I go this technique from José (?) Part of that Gumps check… Ground Speed… 1) if your ground speed isn’t a smaller number than your Air Speed… on final. or… 2) Ground speed on downwind, should be higher than your airspeed… Anyone with a GPS is able to verify this important detail… this is a handy piece of information that didn’t come from primary training, and took years of being an MSer for including it in my flight bag of knowledge… PP thoughts only not a CFI. best regards, -a-
  8. Nothing like landing down-wind without warning… it will happen one day. So many flags, smoke, or water surfaces around… but, if you remember all those… you will also be looking for the windsock that you may have not been able to find…. (My experience, not Oscar’s) new rule of thumb… when expecting to land on the numbers, and you are now whizzing past the halfway point… this is the sign to go around. when you opt to land… you will be touching down long while going really fast… some pilots try to apply brakes… not really effective at 75ias. the runway starts getting much shorter… then the decision resurfaces… try to take off, or fall off the end of the runway…? I know of two Mooneys that left the ground, yet failed to fly… one a rented J, the other a Bravo… we got the full story from the Bravo pilot… the J driver isn’t talking to anyone… from experience… I went out for a short flight to nowhere, came back to the same airport after a cold front came through… wind swapped directions… I had a great touch down… the windsock was pointing my way… I used up 2k’ of runway without touching down… and had another 2k’ to go to get the binders on and slow down… Simple error, I used all 4k’ that day… do not repeat…! remember… there is a simple way to avoid this… see my next post… Best regards, -a-
  9. In modern Mooneys… the hull specific POH has a few key things… That the general POH won’t be able to have… 1) all of the added instruments, avionics, and gear… 2) all the WnB updates that go with that… 3) the POH inserts that go with that… Since the POHs got many updates over time… Get the POH that meets the year of your plans for legality… and get a copy of the most recent POH for your model of Mooney… POHs got updated with a lot of performance data over the years…
  10. It’s been a long strange trip… Best regards, -a-
  11. Welcome aboard RGD… and @LooneyMooney you can also contact your favorite MSC to get many key documents like POH and service manuals… many of them are electronic. Best regards, -a-
  12. Nice work Jolie, as always! Perfect for anyone that sits in the right seat… unless your SIC is also a pilot. best regards, -a-
  13. Quick check of the relays and their wiring may be helpful… for the logic. Master and avionics relays… one is NO, the other NC So the avionics can continue to run, with the master failed…. The avionics relay, is only off briefly… when the Master is on, and the avionics is off… about as much time as it takes to start the engine. As far as how long these relays last… several decades before I got my first relay failure… many relays are the same model… master, starter, battery selector… So having a spare of the starter version could be helpful while out on the road…. PP thoughts only, not an avionics tech… Best regards, -a-
  14. Also consider… The modern POH has some additional details that the older POHs lack… best glide speed is a range… of about 10kias from MGTW, at the fastest… to lightly loaded at the slowest. since this is just practice, not an engineering study…. 1) no need to actually turn the engine off… 2) the practice of using judgement skills is key to this exercise… 3) using the check list (memorized aspects) is still important… let’s say… we’re at altitude gliding as efficiently as possible… 1) Gear stowed 2) Speed brakes stowed 3) throttle out 4) prop pulled all the way back 5) We looked up the best glide speed for today’s weight… say 85kias (?) 6) we are trimmed for 85 kias 7) what is our descent rate? 8) what happens to our descent rate as we add back… - prop full in… - gear down… - speed brakes… - increase speed to Vle…. This is emergency descent configuration…. 9) We have gone from descending at about 1kfpm to 6kfpm… 10) We will be on the ground in under three minutes… no need to experiment with Vne with the gear down or flaps out or adding a slip… bending the airframe for practice… might get expensive. 11) Remember to check the gear again…. This is from old memories… not a CFI. Best regards, -a-
  15. Great discussion! one important topic to cover… Trying to restart a TC’d engine after turbo failure…. Broken turbo, or loose hose… if the turbo gives out at altitude… Suddenly, MP and mixture go into the wrong ratio…. There isn’t an easy method to fail the turbo to practice… but reading the procedure should be pretty helpful. we have a couple of success stories around here… it helps when you fly around in the FLs…. They get enough energy to get to the next airport…. Let’s see if @aviatoreb is cruising by… Best regards, -a-
  16. Briefly… I was sleeping in a hospital when this was written… (way back in 2011) i woke up the following day… to find out I had a lot of work to do… reading and writing became my primary focus… for a decade…. lesson learned… diet and exercise are important for everyone…. Some need Simvastatin…. a big thank you to everyone for helping on my journey… it is great to be part of such a wonderful community. 1) I have learned so much here… 2) I have relearned so much here… 3) some people do a daily crossword puzzle, or a sudoku… I read MooneySpace. 4) for years… I was able to read every single post. That takes a commitment! 5) the most fun part… meeting so many MSers in real life. 6) So many common interests… some not even aviation related… 7) Special thank you to our friend @201er the OP of this thread… who has organized so many Mooney fly-ins in and near NJ. Go MS! Best regards, -a-
  17. This thread carries a whole bunch of extra meaning for me… Merry Xmas, and happy New Year too! best regards, -a-
  18. 1k X 1k = a lot of AMUs… hey everybody! -a-
  19. Denis, which engine/prop do you have in your ovation? that looks like the 280hp Mac prop, that may be limited to 280hp… fuel flow FF is often used for CHT control during T/O and climb… Setting FF for the 310hp IO550 may require convincing your mechanic to set it above 30gph at WOT… There are renferences around here for FFs that people use for their IO550s at 2700rpm. PP thoughts only, not a mechanic… best regards, -a-
  20. DMax did the PPI on my Ovation… Airmods did a few following annuals… best regards, -a-
  21. Deploying speed brakes as a normal procedure… works against the whole speed and efficiency mantra of most Mooney’s pilots…. unless, your engine is on fire, and you want to be on the ground in two minutes… Speed brake efficiency is a speed squared kind of thing… deploying them during high speed cruise is way more effective than during approach or landing phases… in an emergency descent… you will be using all of the brakes… gear down, no throttle, prop in, speed brakes deployed… descending at gear deployed speed, slightly faster than gear operating speed. best practiced before needing it. For best engine economics… Bring somebody along that has done it before… descent rates can exceed 3X of our normal climb rates… it definitely goes off the Vsi scale of many Vertical speed indicators… PP thoughts only, not a CFI… Best regards, -a-
  22. The switch covers are hard to obtain… when you buy a switch, you get the choice of one cap… Sensata doesn’t make it easy to buy just the cap… we do have somebody around here 3D printing some pretty nice caps though… best regards, -a-
  23. https://www.airmodsflightcenter.com air mods is a classic Mooney Service Center… owned and operated by a guy that really knows Mooneys… probably not the place you would go for things that you can buy from the big box store… but, if you need it, and want it installed in a Mooney… great place to go in NJ. Best regards, -a-
  24. Dimensions for the switch are available from Sensata website, drawing… the chance of any matching switch not fitting… is slim to none… they have all been the same basic shape for several decades… PP thoughts only… Best regards, -a- inviting @jkarch
  25. Invite Rich and Doc Jon to the conversation… both have a turbo connected to their IO360… @M20F-1968 @tomgo2 interesting contact for this conversation… @N201MKTurbo Best regards, -a-
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