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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Both Lycoming IO-360 engines I've owned (one on a C172 and one on an M20J) made an intermittent burbling sound after shutdown. I can't quantify your "whoosh" sound, but I think I heard something similar before.
  2. I'll make ya a nice deal on an M20K that I logged about 120 hours in during 2012 and quite a few more this year - just got a May annual signoff at Maxwell. You won't have to sort out 5 years of cobwebs and you'll be up to 10,000 in less than 10 minutes. Who cares about the turbo when the fuel savings will quickly eclipse any marginal extra maintenance
  3. Be careful when that temp reaches 104 degrees on a humid summer afternoon. It'll climb at gross, but not very well.
  4. My schedule is wide open Monday thru Saturday (minus a few days I need to travel to Texas between now and early June). I'll send you a PM.
  5. ...hopefully it'll be a job flying someone else's TBM.
  6. The turbo will spoil you. Operated correctly, it will not require that much extra maintenance. It will give you significantly more capability and more options in your travel. I live at near sea level and still see significant advantage in time to climb, cruise speed, and getting up to smooth air and cooler temps in the summer.
  7. What's your definition of "very successful" and "better managed"?
  8. A detailed look at the logs and a good pre-purchase inspection is your best bet. Hopefully everyone's been honest and logged all repairs.
  9. Get back on the saddle if you can. It isn't impossible to get insurance in these scenarios. As far as how the adjusters handle things, it sounds like this situation is a bit more complicated than normal.
  10. Your best protection and defense is liability insurance with high limits (as high as available / makes sense for you). I carry a limit that includes passengers (no sublimit) well in excess of my plane's value and my net worth. The plane is registered in my name as I presently have no direct business use for it. I am reimbursed by my employer for mileage.
  11. You probably have to pay a hefty premium to get a plane that's been flying at least 70 hours per year and has had some real maintenance. Many of these twins will never sell...
  12. Fly it LOP as you're describing all day long. You might not even need to run that far (50dF) LOP at the higher altitudes.
  13. Sounds like from this board and elsewhere there is nice chatter coming out of the factory. I haven't had any parts problems on my plane since I bought it in June 2011.
  14. Power settings and fuel flows work out to basically be the same between the 252 and Encore since you're not using the extra 10 horsepower in cruise.
  15. +1. I had mine delivered there from Arizona as part of my purchase agreement and I bought the owner an airline ticket back to his home. Do not skimp here. If they won't work with you on the prebuy, it's generally best to walk.
  16. Is the full rich / Wide Open Throttle fuel flow of 26-27 gallons per hour at the airport elevation, or up at 5000'?
  17. Just don't break down in Smithville, TN. The A&P is a good guy though. And it's pretty. Unless you're standing at that gas station/motel combo.
  18. Phillips XC 20/50 plus Camguard.
  19. I've got a nice one for sale! http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8835-for-sale-252-encore-conversion-in-annual-at-maxwell/
  20. I typically stop at Bay Minette (1R8), but you might like KNEW if you're an Airboss member (fuel has a substantial discount for members). It's a bit more southerly and closer to your route.
  21. Another recommendation for Phil at AVO...
  22. Jim, Do you know which year this became standard?
  23. This is when cell phones are nice so that you can call Don Maxwell out from the shop and hand the key thru the pilot window.
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