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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Be safe!! Good luck! Enjoy the experience. -Seth
  2. Facinating - I'd have to say it depends. If it's a short runway - as soon as the mains are planted. If it's a longer runway, during rollout. Sometimes I guess it's before the nose is down, other times it's after. I learned to fly Mooney's on a pretty short strip, so every landing is a short field landing and thus learned to fly the right speeds and retract flaps once the mains are planted. I tend to fly tight patters because of the original mooney training and also to use less runway. I have learned however to let the airplane roll out at my now home airport as I don't really have to use the brakes by the time the turnoff to the taxiway to the main ramp (and hanger area) is achieved when landing in a certain direction. Less braking needed = longer life on the brakes - I get my short field practice in often however with my former home drone which I still visit often. Take care, -Seth -Seth
  3. I just got my double secret probation code. I can now fly to CGS or any of the DC3 airports inside the FRZ. The process started in May - I had forms signed at the Baltimore FSDO, had my finger prints completed at DCA, and dropped the paperwork off at CGS. I did this on the three spearate days. I did not realize I had to then call up a different firm to allow the release of my fingerprints. I called in July to find the status and found that my fingerprints had not been released. I made the call, got an email, signed the form, sent it back, and boom, two weeks later, I have my PIN. You use the pin to file a flight plan in and out of the FRZ and are never supposed to state the PIN over radio frequencies (do not broacast - call into the FSS via phone). So, who else has a PIN for the FRZ? I think it adds minimal security except for the public perception. I only moved forward with getting a PIN because I have always wanted to fly into CGS (a very historic airport) and also to excerise my rights as a pilot. I really hope they open up DCA back to GA without needed an armed officer on board through one of the gateway airports. -Seth
  4. I have an OLD powertow with no variable clutch. It's forward, back, or neutral - you pick it off the ground to slow down the speed and push harder down for better traction. When it dies, and it is toward the 7th or 8th inning at this point, I'll get something new that's electric. I have been very happy with it as it cost $0. Not working in the hanger I ended up taking over, and I guess not free as I got the Mooney extension arms from Power Tow, drilled the holes, bolted the arms on, and boom - tug for the Mooney. I did not use a tug for the F but the Missile when gassed up is much heavier. -Seth
  5. I owened a 1967 M20F and then upgraded to a 1983 M20J Missile 300. Wow. It is fast. For my flying, not near the mountains on the east coast, I didn't need the turbo. I get 175-185 knots regularly depending on what mood I'm in speed and fuel burn wise. The largest negative is the higher fuel burn, which can dial down if you want to go slower. However, if you can go fast, it's hard not to use it. Still an efficient plane, just not as efficient as the M20J or 252. Great speed, great climb - a true hot rod without the turbo of the Rocket. Cost wise, it's just like a J to maintain except for a few parts to watch (exaust, engine management - which could b esaid for the J as well, higher engine reserve) . Also, the fuel per hour is greater, but so is the distance traveled. It also is a heavier plane than the F (and J) and thus get the weight increase. There is a lot of extra weight on that nose. PM me and I'll give you more details. It is indeed a fast plane. There's a TKS Missile for sale right now on the board. Take care, -Seth
  6. I'm very interested. I'm curious how many other Mooney pilots are flying with this. How is the lifting over the baggage compartment wall and putting it place working? That must be a heavy load to get up and over. Are you loading it up after with the special ice gel packs or actual ice? -Seth
  7. Actually, Alan helpe me fix mine at the Mooney fly in at GED. We unscrewed it, put the bolt back on, tighetened it, and good to go. Mine did not fall apart, a nut just came loose. Thank you Alan! -Seth
  8. I think I stayed there during my Mad Mooney Missile Dash this summer when I was in San Diego. They were a fine FBO. Nothing spectacular, but not too bad either. They overfueled me despite instructions, and when I caught it, I asked them to remove a certain number of gallons (a short hop and then potentially flying with others - hence the specific instructions). It turns out the others were not availalbe to go flying so I said I'd take the fuel, they felt bad and gave me a handsome per gallon discount, so it all worked out. Fine FBO - not sure about their mechancial side, but service wise they took care of their mistakes. Take care, -Seth
  9. That is great news. I'm glad that Mooney will be there. Who is planning to go to Oshkosh? PM me and I'll send a copy of my registration so you can pick me up a 60tj anniversary T-shirt! Also, someone should contact the factory reps so that they are there for the mass arrival and cookout. -Seth
  10. The Missile is a great aircraft. Not having FIKI is an issue I thought I'd be okay with, and am for the most part, but to have TKS would alleviate many concerns for slight icing here and there - to punch through a layer during the winter for instance. That is a great combination - it should sell. The Missile is a beast of a plane. What are you moving up to? -Seth
  11. I'll be there! The weather should lift up as the day goes on - there may be some isolated build ups and storms to deviate around but it shouldn't be that bad. We'll watch it and make safe decisions individually. I'll be there 10:45-11:00ish. -Seth
  12. I'm not volunteering - I had an emergency root canal two weeks ago. Not fun. Come to think of it, my sensitivity to altitude change was really bothering my face the past few months - it wasn't my sinuses, it was my tooth! The weather is looking good for Saturday. Chuck Swim with his Cessna 414 may be stopping by on the earlier side depending on a trip he's making later in the day. -Seth
  13. As a backup I can drop you off depending on timing. -Seth
  14. Are you going to be on be east coast? -Seth
  15. I'm based at GAI and it is one of the easier airports to get into to use DC - however there are many options. First off, as noted, make sure you take, print out, and have proof of the DC SFRA training. Also, if you haven't been vetted yet to land at one of the DC3 (College Park, Executive, and Potomac) it's not going to happen quickly unless you take some time to hit the three different locations locally to get it done (in person at the airport you want, the FSDO, and then DCA or IAD for fingerprints). Where is the wedding? If it is downtown, you may not want a car in the city. It's expensive to park and DC traffic can be horrible. That being said, you may want a car as the wedding or events warrent the transportation. If so . . . HEF - Manassas - it's to the SouthWest of the city and I'm sure a rental car can be arranged or a cab ride (though expensive cab ride 30 minutes or 25 miles to the Vienna metro line - you can than take metro in). Towered IAD - Dulles - It's going to be more expensive but you can take a bus or super shuttle into the city. Towered. JYO - Leesburg - Again, to rent a car - North of Dulles - further out - edge of SFRA. Non towered. GAI - Gaitherburg - Just North of the FRZ inside the SFRA - most likely they'll bring you north of Dulles and then over - 7-10 minute cab ride to the top of the Red line metro which wil put you right into the city. If you are IFR or Flight Following, you can request the "East Side Trasition" which flies you on the East side of Dulles and the West edge just outside the FRZ - it'll shave a few minutes off the flight. All depends on the controller and how busy / weather / etc. Non-towered. W00 - Freeway - You'll have to arrange a rental car prior to arrivial. This is a tiny field literally a half mile from the FRZ on the West side of DC. Be on your A game - tall trees on one end and power lines on the other of this TINY airstrip - I learned to fly my Mooney here - if you can operate at Freeway, you can operate anywhere. It's the closest to downtown DC - right down route 50, but you have to drive through a not great area between Freeway and downtown DC. Non towered. Recommendation: If you are not going to take a car into town, I suggest GAI. If you are going to drive into town, go to Manassas as it's the quadrent you're coming from, and get the car from there and drive in. Let me know if you have any more questions please let me know. Take care, -Seth
  16. Great idea for the future! I'm in. -Seth
  17. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. I reserved a table at the Arenas restaruant on the field for 11:00. I'll try to get there early to help us park near each other. Fuel is $5.61 per gallon, and if you go to the restaurnat, you get 10 cents off, thus the fuel would be $5.51 per gallon. Also, you can apply for and recieve a 23 cent rebate per gallon if you are from out of state. So, that takes the price down to $5.28 per gallon - you'll recieve the rebate in the mail after it's processed. I'm looking forward to finally meeting some of you in person and catching up with others. Take care, -Seth
  18. http://www.mooney.com/service-support/mooney-service-centers-3.html Tim- Here is the list of Mooney Service Centers from Mooney's website. If you note where in Iowa the aircraft is located, you see which MSC is closest. As a warning, not all MSCs are created equal. There are many non MSCs that give better care than certain MSCs. However, many MSCs know the Mooney's well, and some are really top shops all around. It's a holiday weekend - it may take a while to get the response you want. Take care, -Seth
  19. Tim - SB 208 was the one I was worried about when we talked - check the logs to see if it's been addressed. Other MooneySpacers, please give a better descirption of SB 208. It's where they roll cage and I think main spar are checked for corrosion/rust. Basically, the insulation between the airframe and cabin can retain water. If parked outside in locations with rain, the insulation will suck up moisture if it's getting into the airplane and press that moisture up agains tthe roll cage steel, often near the floor. If the airplane is SB 208 compliant, there is a much lower chance of major corrosion in the tubes, which are expensive to replace. The tubes also sit over the main wing spar. Again, other MooneySpacers, please elaborate. -Seth
  20. Why not - the more the merrier. Yes - please post this on Beechtalk - we have six confirmed aircraft right now and I need to make a few more calls to see about getting some other local pilots to come out. -Seth
  21. TIm is located in the Washington DC area and from our talks it sounds as though he's been in touch with at least one MSC. Glad to see he has been bitten by the Mooney Bug! -Seth
  22. I see you're located in in the Washington, DC area. Where are you based? Are you talking about the guys at Freeway? Webber? I understand your point - you don't use the K to it's capacity, do not have your IFR ticket, and rarely go high. You're not flying long distnaces, and burning more fuel than necessary during your hamburger runs. Then again, you have a great plane, one you can grow in, that you know and hopefully doesn't give you too much trouble. The suggestion earlier stated to contact the guy on this board who wishes he never went back to his J after a turbo - you two may indeed have a swap already preset. Last, have to self promote - come to the GED fly in on July 13th. We've got 5 or 6 Mooney pilots from this board attending the lunch fly in at 11:00 - we'd love to look over your airplane and "sell" it or at least give you free advice in person. Hope to see you there, and good luck with your future aviation decision. -Seth
  23. I still remember Jay Leno freaking out with Clinton retiring because they wouldn't have any material. Then they were thrilled Bush was elected as they had material lined up for the next term - no problem at all. I love the SNL skits - "Stratgery" FOUND IT!! -Seth
  24. Tim- Why don't you catch a ride with me over to the Mooney fly in on July 13 or fly in your 172? You'll mee some other Mooney Pilots and can check out their aircraft as well. Anyone else coming? We've got at least 4 yes and a few maybes. -Seth
  25. Of course here's the evaluation for Parker's plane http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/M20K252_evaluation_report.htm and he turned his into the 220 HP Encore with a gross weight increase. Whoever buys that is going to get a wonderful airplane. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8835-for-sale-252-encore-conversion-in-annual-at-maxwell/page-2 http://www.controlle...TSE/1276039.htm -Seth
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