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Everything posted by Seth

  1. I would have been there but I'm on my trip around the country! Thanks for the invite
  2. Yeah, the amount of aircraft and traffic at SMO make me wonder if they'll actually close. That is one busy airport with a good mix of light aircraft and business jets.
  3. How is it already Froday?!?! Wine country was great last weekend and the guys at Rabbit Aviaiton at SQL know how to really wash, wax, and degrease a plane - all for the price of landing at SFO. I landed there and took a rental car for Sonoma and drop off my girlfriend at SFO for the ride back to DC. I flew up Tuesday to Portland Oregon to visit and old friend and then continued to Boeing Field in Seattle. While here I saw the Boeinf Factory in Everett, Paul Allen's Collection, the Space Needle of course, a Sci Fi/Horror/Fantasy/Music Museum, and last and amazing, the Museum of Flight. I'm heading to Minnesota today by way of Wyoming. I'm going to avoid the weather if possible over Montana and North Dakota. Can't believe the trip will be over at the end of the weekend. -Seth
  4. Thank you! When leaving from MYF this late morning, I met another new Mooney 231 owner who was passing through as well. I told him about Mooney Space and hopefully he'll be in here soon. Flight from San Diego to Los Angeles was easy. I ended up at SMO even though the city doesn't want the airport there anymore. I know landing fees were just voted doubled so without get googling it, I'm curious as to when that will take effect. I also wonder if this is the last time I'll ever land at SMO as the airport is in danger of closing due to developers wanting the land and paying off to city councel (unsubstantiated, just my opinion). I leave tomorrow for wine country. Will leave the plane and SQL for a wash and wax and will rent a car to drive to wine country. -Seth
  5. I've flown in this plane. It's as advertised and now priced as an even better deal. That's a lot of plane for $27.5 -Seth
  6. Made it to San Diego. The stop in 5T6, New Mexico just past El Paso, TX was well worth it. The War Eagles museum has some great aircraft and nice layout. Great cars too. I flew at 16,000 feet to get above the bumps today and understand why people love their turbos. The Missile did fine, but I understand the Rocket. I used my supplemental air both yesterday and today, and oxygen really does keep you refreshed. You are way less fatigued after a flight. Erik - I'm taking commercial to Dever for work - otherwise I'd catch up with you. No more personal flights until Friday. And I'm at Crown air at MYF.
  7. Correction, $7.83 at KDAL - well worth the fuel stop
  8. Made it to Dallas today later than expected after a great lunch in Pell City, Alabama. In Sherman, TX I filled up 75 gallons at $4.50 per gallon vs $7.10 at DAL - that's some savings.
  9. Day one complete. Getting out of DC was neat, as I requested and received the Dulles East Side Transition to avoid weather in the northwest area of the SFRA. Topped off in Statesville (SVH) where you get a discount to top off. I took 68 gallons (5.15ppg). It was great to return to PDK where I finished off my training in 2004. Tomorrow is a stop in Alabama and then Texas for the night.
  10. I'm looking at some of the cross country fuel prices and I've seen AirBoss for years and am thinking about signing up. It costs $39 for the year, and whenever you fly somewhere that AirBoss has a deal, you get a fuel discount. Is it worth it? Depends on your XC habits, but I'm thinking it may be worth it. Thoughts? -Seth
  11. Good point! I also have supplemental O2 now so on the way back I'm going to climb up and get some tailwinds. I will make sure to get pics of the groundspeed in the "sweet spot" of 8,000 to 12,000 feet. I plan to cruise on the way back in the 12,000 to 17,999 range depending on winds and weather. -Seth -Seth
  12. Dave- Thank you so much for this suggestion. ROW was a big maybe, and FT6 looks like its a great field, with better fuel prices, a better direct line, and a nice avaition museum. I'll make that change in my trip itenerary. The musueam has 22 of the aircraft in airworth condition. I'm curious which of them are not flying. Thanks again. -Seth
  13. I'll call ahead - thanks for the offer of watching over the plane - also, good to know Crownair is an MSC and thus familiar with Mooneys. -Seth
  14. That makes a ton of sense. Thank's Scott. Landmark at DAL wiaves your parking and ramp fee with a 7 gallon purchase. I can nearly top off my tanks (98 gallon capacity at $4.50 per gallon) at SWI and then head to DAL. With a time zone change, time planning shouldn't be a factor either. Thanks, -Seth
  15. I'm sorry to hear about your plane. Good luck with the hopeful repair, and if not repairable, then with your search for a new to you Mooney (or other aircraft). -Seth
  16. Crown Air or Gibbs at MYF?
  17. Or Seth's Coast to Coast and back flight V2.0! In 2010 I flew my former 1967 M20F model from Maryland out to California and back. Now it's time for the second United States crossing, this time in my 1983 Mooney M20J Missle 300. For the "Mooney's Above America" - if you are going to be anywhere near my route at the dates indicated, let me know. The locations I plan to stop at this point are probable - the beauty of having your own decision making process to change a destination as you'd like. If you see or note any suggestions, please give them to me, as I may very well make the change. This is a basic schedule with flexible times/dates to an extent. I'm prone to get-there-itis and have learned some lessons along the way. If the go/no-go decision is a no, or a diversion is needed, so be it. Therefore, this is schedule is more like "guidlines." Thursday, May 16th -Depart home base, Gaitherburg, MD (GAI) around 10:00 AM -Lunch with colleague - Statesville, NC (SVH) -Overnight in Atlanta - Peachtree/Dekalb (PDK) - This is where I soloed and finished my flight training. Staying with a buddy from college. Friday, May 17th -Quick hop to RYY to meet up with colleage at 9:30, potential quick flight. He soloed but never finished his license and this may get another pilot back into aviation. -Lunch in Pell City, AL - St .Clair (PLR). Another colleage who is a pilot but hasn't flown in a few years. -Overnight in Dallas - (DAL with Landmark as the FBO - they waive ramp and parking with fuel purchase - whcih I'll need but it's expensive fuel - I'll tank what I can in - my friend lives very close to KDAL and I'm staying the night) Saturday, May 18th - Long Flyng Day (depdning on headwinds, the longest flying day of the trip - 3 hour and 4 hour leg flights) -Depart Dallas early for Roswell, NM (ROW) to visit the aliens (never been unelss someone else has a better idea) -After lunch/visiting Roswell, head to San Diego (MYF). Stay with my little bro. Mooney stays at MYF Sunday, May 19th - Spend time in San Diego with brother Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st - Commerical fligth from SAN to DEN and back for work. I will be availalbe potentially on Tuesday afternoon/evening. Wednesday, May 22nd - Thurday, May 23rd - Conference in San Diego Friday, May 24th - Fly from MYF to probably Santa Monica (SMO). I've been there once before, and I've always wanted to go to Van Nuys. I was not happy abou the landing fee, and I know it's been increased, but I also know the airport may be gone as soon as 2015. It's also closer to where I'm staying. I'm visiting my sister and her fiance, and my girlfriend is flying out the previous day from DC to visit her friend in Los Angles. We'll enjoy LA that evening. Saturday, May 25th - Fly my sister, her finance, and my girlfriend potentially (depending on many factors) to Catalina (AVX). I was there with my sister in 2010, but the others have not been to airport in the sky. This is stil up in the air (no pun intended) on if we're going to make the trip to Catalina. -Drop my sister and finance off, and head to wine country - Sonoma. Saturday, May 25th - Tuesday, May 28th - Sonoma with the girlfriend. Not quite sure which airport we'll be based at yet. I've got a few to chose from in the earlier thread I posted (O69, 0Q9, or 0Q3) . I'm also thinking about flying into SQL - San Carlos, just south of SFO on Saturday and renting a car for Sonoma. I have to drive my girlfriend back to SFO (because landing there is rediculous - not spending over $100 just to drop her off for less than an hour) and the SQL guys evidnetly do a great detail job (wash/wax) and I could have them do that over the few days I'd be in wine country. Otherwise, I'm driving down from Sonoma to drop her at SFO or Flying to SQL and putting her in a cab. Tuesday, May 28th -Drop the lady at SFO (by ground) -Fly to PDX (maybe) to see a friend or direct to Seattle - Paine (PAE). Tuesday, May 28th, Wednesday, May 29th, Thursday, May 30th, Friday, May 31st - Spend time in Seattle with family and friends. See Paul Allen's collection as well as Boeing Factory Tour. Friday, May 31st - 2nd longest flying day -Depart Seattle for Minnesota - long day of flying plus losing two hours to time zones. - Need to pick a fuel stop. Stopped at Boseman, MT, last time and also at Rapid City Falls to see Mt. Rushmore. Not stopping at Mt. Rushmore this time. -Arrive Minnesota/St. Paul Lake Elmo (21D) or South St. Paul / Flemming - visit with colleague for dinner Saturday, June 1st - visit with buddy and client in Minneapolis (he's closer to FCM, but I'll rent a car and drive). -Head to Chicago (MDW or Excecutive) and stay the night OR - fly home. Sunday, June 2nd - Pick up my older brother in Chicago and give him a free ride back to Maryland or simply fly home to GAI Saturday late afternoon/evenning. That's the trip! Suggestions: -RYY - Which FBO? I haven't reserached yet -ROW - is Roswell as good stop? Does anyone want to meet there on Saturday for lunch? -MYF - Which FBO? -Wine country - Which airport or leave the plane at SQL and rent a car, let plane get detailed, and drive into wine country -Fuel stop from Seatlle to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Let me know if any of these times/stops make sense for any meet ups. Last time I racked up around 40-44 hours of flight time. I expect to do this trip in under 29-33. I have O2 for a tailwind push on the way back and am in a faster plane with extended tanks and an autopilot. Last time I hand flew the whole thing. Recap: TH May 16 - GAI - SVH - PDK F May 17 - PDK - RYY - PLR - DAL S May 18 - DAL - ROW - MYF F May 24 - MYF - SMO/VNY S May 25 - SMO/VNY - AVX - SMO/VNY - Wine Country (O69/0Q9/0Q3 OR SQL and drive) T May 28 - Wine Country (O69/0Q9/0Q3 OR SQL) - PDX (mabye) - PAE F May 31 - PAE - REFUEL - 21D/SGS S June 1 - 21D/SGS - MDW/PWK (or right to GAI) S June 2 - MDW/PWK - GAI (unless I fly home the night before) On the flight back from Minnesota I can also plan to stop somewhere enroute for a bit or rest and meet up with anyone. I'll update this thread as part of the Mad Missile Dash. -Seth
  18. As part or the pre flight I lift the bottom of the tail. I have never had any play in any Mooney I have flown. This play could indicate worn bolts/bushings. Get it checked out by a Mooney knowledgable A&P and fixed or deemed safe prior to flight. -Seth
  19. Simple Question: How to do you get the front heat sheild/reflector into the cockpit windsheild behind the roll cage bar on a M20J/201/231 model? I didn't want to break it trying to get the new one in. Here's the deal, I had a set of removable heat shields for my Mooney M20F. I also had a full cover for the cockpit area (it used to be tied down outside before I got a hanger). When leaving it on a tranisent trip on the ramp, if it didn't look like it was going to rain, I would use sun reflectors on the inside. For the Mooney Missile, I finally purchased a set of sunshade/reflectors for the inside (I got a 10% discount from Bruce's custom covers for the interior set of 5 and with my trip and summer coming up, I wanted basic heat protection. Nothing works better than full cover (except a hanger) but the reflectors are a good inbetween as it's hangered at home. The side windows fit just fine (square vs rounded as my airframe is 1983). However, I can't seem to easily get the windsheild reflector in place. The F model was a two piece windshild. Thus, it was a right and left side that went up. The J windsheild is one piece, but the roll cage is in the middle with equipment hanging and the reflector is HUGE. I just don't know if I'm supposed to crumple it to get it in and around or if some on this board have two piece covers for the J windscreen reflector. Tell me what you use, and what you have, if it's one piece two piece, or if I just have to wrestle it into place. I'm calling Bruce's custome covers to ask how to get it in place as soon as they open. Take care, and as always, thanks for the collective wisdom. -Seth
  20. I last visited in 2009. I flew into an airport nearby and some friends picked me up enroute to an airstream parked on the campgrounds. That did make it an easy way to go. I can't go this year, but in 2014 I may have to fly out and camp under the horizontal stabilizer. -Seth
  21. Updates? Details? Today is May 4th - did this project/idea get off the ground? Where is the fleet heading next? -Seth
  22. As part of my cross country trip across the United States during the second half of May, I'll spend a few days in Sonoma, CA. There are six airports in that region. I'd love some PIREPs on each and suggestions as to where to plan to overnight for the those two or three days in Sonoma. Options I'm aware of: 0Q9 Sonoma Skypark 0Q3 Sonoma Valley O69 Petaluma KSTS Charles M Schultz Sonoma Co KAPC - Napa Co DVO - Gnoss I have no issue with short runways as I operate out of W00 often but do want a location where if needed I can shoot an approach (but that is subject as I can always have a primary and backup plan, and there are multiple approaches when you consider all of these airports). Yes, I do have WAAS. Reviews on airnav say wonderful thinks about both STS and Pentaluma. Skypark is the closest to my destination. Thanks in advance for your suggestions, -Seth
  23. Jim- i keep my cowl plug connection on the outside of the prop blade as well for the same reason. I had no flags on my former aircraft plugs, but the Missile plugs have flags. -Seth
  24. Nice point Erik!
  25. I have never forgotten to remove a cover by the time the engine starts, but I have forgotten to remove a cover prior to engine start. I try to always (though I admit haven't always done so - usually I do) take a good final extra 360 walk around the airplane after the pre-flight checklist is complete just to make sure my eyeball didn't miss anything. I'm not really looking for anything specific during this check (besides counting antennas, checking for COVER REMOVALS, pulling chocks) but I have spotted a pitot cover tube with the cover still on during this check as well as chocks in place. I also recently spotted something hanging out of my cowl near the nose gear door and upon pulling it out, it was clamp to something in the exhaust system. Plane grounded until we figured out what it was and replaced the cracked clamp. I did see a Grumman Tiger start up on a transient ramp during a $100 hamburger run with the cowl plugs still in. I flagged him down, had him cut the engine, and then he removed the cowl plugs. -Seth
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