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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. You are right. Those are the ones I find as well. I guess if I want most of the pictures available to view, I will have to dig them out and repost them. Thanks for the response.
  2. I used to have a bunch of photos in several albums/categories. Now I can't find them. Any idea where they went, or how to get to them?
  3. I haven't seen any evidence of that. Did I miss something.
  4. Thanks for the report. I'm sure someone will benefit from it.
  5. Not that I know of. My hangar (claims to) require insurance, but they never have asked to see a policy.
  6. Yes, but I am self insured.
  7. I actually did pretty well until about 83. Now that I am 86, it is impossible.
  8. My Oxygen does not have a light
  9. Yesterday about midmorning, when I logged onto Mooneyspace, I would hit the browse button, but no windows dropped down below it. I tried two other laptops with the same result. I could go to the various forums, but no new posts appeared. I tried using the bugs and suggestion forum, and it would allow me to "create a new topic", but would then not open the space for me to type in the information. I texted a couple of guys I know who use MS. (This is a bit of a problem, as the only way I know to contact 99% of you is through MS) They both said they had no issues. Sometime in the evening, everything appeared OK, but only about 2 or 3 new posts appeared in most forums. On a typical day you know there are dozens in most forums. Anyone else having these problems? I can't see how it could be my laptops, and I have difficulty seeing how a network could have this problem.
  10. Sounds like the typical multi-tasking vs no multi-tasking question. I have had CFIs chide me for writing down a clearance while taxiing. And I do admit that it does take a little thought and eye movement to re-set the flaps to the take-off position (assuming you landed with full flaps) while rolling exactly on the center line. Yes, there are potential risks with any distraction, but yes, in real life we sometimes have to deal with distractions, so perhaps we ought to practice distractions.
  11. I don't think I had ever thought of this. You are right. I think it also may have to do where the fuse/CB is placed. I think ideally, one would size the C/B very near the origin for the smallest (least current carrying) wire in the circuit, to make sure the wires don't over-heat. Then just in front of the appliance, put a fuse sized for that appliance. (Remember when, on very old houses, before C/Bs were invented, they used fuses for everything)
  12. George, I am certain it is very clear to you that there are many folks on this forum who fully support you and your products. It is equally clear that there are many who are respectfully cautious about G100UL. And there are some who are downright nasty, and question your integrity and motives. I suspect that this diversity among members/posters is probably typical of most forums. I would sincerely hope that you do not let the few who attack you, taint your view of the majority of us, and you will continue to participate in the exchange of ideas and information.
  13. My guess is most likely one of the fuses. Mine has two. Very different fuses. Located near the ammeter. Little short stubby ceramic cylinders. If you are diligent, you can find replacements at quite reasonable prices.
  14. I don't think I understand that. Am I just slow?
  15. My experience with Rochester indicates it would not be possible.
  16. Thanks guys. I have now found that if I am on the map, I can double tap on the airport. Then when the airport info comes up, I can tap on "common". Then the choices come up which include AFD. I appreciate the responses.
  17. The only thing I know is that when I update my data, one of the options they list is AFD.
  18. I tried following your procedure. I type in my airport, and hit select, but I don't find a tab for AFD. Any idea what I'm doing wrong.
  19. Can someone who uses FlyQ's EFB tell me how to open the Airport Facilities Directory? I know it is in there, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get into it. When I update the data, I have the button pushed that says the AFD should be updated as well.
  20. My K model is from 1982 and it has never had a reseal. I had one small spot on the top (in the wing walk; very easily repaired), but no leaks otherwise. Mine may start leaking tomorrow, but sometimes they last a LONG time. If I was buying a K model that was not still under warranty from a reseal, I would probably figure in about 1/2 the price of a reseal discount, on the assumption that it is about 50% likely to need one sometime soon. Probably most sellers have theirs priced on this basis already.
  21. No, but I have tools I got in 1955
  22. I still do. Tells you something about me.
  23. How do you put it on an remove it.
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