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Gee Bee Aeroproducts

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Everything posted by Gee Bee Aeroproducts

  1. Just finished a rear door seal for a Harpoon shown with the TBM I will continue to support all airframes as we have a unlimited tooling budget. GB Since 1991
  2. N77gb@msn.com
  3. Ams3301 silicone with clear two part cement same spec on all P210 Mu2 Beech Piper Cessna B58P M20R , last week was ams3207 Columbia
  4. The new silicone revised will Completed next week Right version 1 , was copy of original in silicone LH side revised -2 thinner wall , easier closure GB
  5. May I have the old ? I would mfg in titanium per sample i have done a few versions
  6. Door was not designed with a channel for the foot of the seal , it will increase wear on the hinges . ask Jim Klug at DBM who repairs door hinges from installing a door seal not designed for a spec cabin door . Doors with inflatable door has a third latch and a foot for the seal to deflate when in static. Shown is the rain seal on the airframe to channel water out of the seal area when static / parked . I would not want the liability of selling a product that was not designed originally for a specific airframe.
  7. Drop is from center of the duct down , these were designed for a military contractor open bid , thousands of feet of duct GB just say yes and your life will change as the opportunities grow.
  8. I won’t touch the Mooney market as low volume, when I do a group buy on the beech market it’s a huge order . Failure to buy new parts and there will be none made , lack of stocking dealers and service providers.
  9. Off topic For the Beech models pre 1963 I sell a complete, I will be doing complete backplate wheel caliper in the 8 version with tso later this year since 1982 , supporting the fleet GB
  10. N77gb@msn.com After 56 weeks I have completed a rear hatch seal mold and product we can mfg sceet with molded elbos 3”0r 6” drop made in USA , not china non tso venair
  11. Brown or blue intergral is same hose if there is chafe in the brown to the hose, it can’t be retested from a rsl for recertification slip on can be removed, psi test and resleeve Slip on colors orange , black, blue all as1072 all other hose shops on orange per there tso I rather do Pratt PT6 hoses than piston assys 4250. to 9750.00 each Different market, different customer
  12. Great parts support parts are expensive You fly a straight 700 tbm or short body mu2 in cost of them . GB
  13. I will mfg the market needs I might copy the oem Tailpipes with sound diffusers in Titanium for the Bonanza market. My TBM series in titanium are works of art GB
  14. Thanx sent them some seal and no payment to me since august?
  15. Tso Teflon assys Hose information on each assy Heatshrink over band clamps to protect and seal The firesleeve is skin tight as it’s installed before last fitting . Clear Shrink on manifold psi assy to reduce chafe and keep clean. I suggest blue or white adel clamps only 201-mse shown The lay line information helps the owner and the mechanic in the routing of the hose assy. no other vendors do this customization I stock all Pt6 hose assys GB
  16. Are they closed no answer on phone
  17. No answer from parts dept ? Dan was always a good source
  18. I stock both ducts 2.5 x 13 2.5 x 24 black sceet clamps and 8mm driver included GB
  19. I have a grey silicone version with clear silicone cement
  20. We sell toluene, 20.00 per qt same as 3m adhesive remover gloves well ventilation or mask brass brush perfect with brass brush to remove 1300 or barge cement. GB
  21. That is correct , no Psa 3m red heavy duty Velcro on the corners
  22. We die cut Ensolite foam for Columbia / Cessna it’s faa / tso with or without psa backing i suggest 3m high temp Velcro on the smooth side for aircraft inspections. Foammart Burbank is the distributor it takes 1/16 of a second to die cut to perfection. GB
  23. High psi Teflon 3000 psi has a better bend radius than med psi Teflon you will see this spec on all commercial aircraft gear hyd brake assys . The 777 is Kevlar braid with titanium fittings. GB
  24. I suggest some vinyl hose from ace hardware for routing and proper length This is how I do mock-ups brass slip on fittings and tubing
  25. Use adel clamps to secure hoses in a specific location teflon is 25% smaller o.d. I swage one fitting, install firesleeve and then swage other fitting. all others per there tso most build hose assembly, and then slide on sleeve. This method makes a bulky hose assy GB
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