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Gee Bee Aeroproducts

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Everything posted by Gee Bee Aeroproducts

  1. Fitting the Mooney style on a perfect LM2 Great Bulb Great Compression Just another cross over design. GB
  2. Storage Tube I designed these after my paint work was completed. no more fuel nozzle damage or hose on the my deice boot . We stock ams3325 Flurosilicone, we die cut to your specifications. We can cut 1k seals per hour with our atom clicker presses. There various fuel tank and tip tank mfg that want the best material. 25.00 to 45.00 per seal .032 or .062 thickness is stock , material is 50 inches wide . sold with material certs.
  3. Flurosilicone liner is fuel and oil resistant, we also mfg fuel intake pipes , such as fender to the tank. VW and Porsche air cooled as shown non flurosilicone liner is not , Great for air , vacuum,coolant We have molds / mandrels for many assys . We’re tooling for coolant hoses for the new stark Varg I duplicated and modded the boost hoses on my Turbo S , added 20% more flow volume with new hybrid turbos with new boost ducts also . We don’t charge for tooling as we have unlimited funding for projects. My favorite is doing canopy seals for private owners of military aircraft or the sl300 Gullwing Mercedes
  4. Original / oem foam crap First article Same as B727 nose gear door seal Final design/. Larger bulb thinner wall
  5. Not true , we mfg Flurosilicone hoses for the Vw / Porsche market Molded per original I also mfg molded silicone coolant hoses for various automotive platforms. I started doing TRD division of Toyota back in 1999 Were the only mfg that can do the fabric European finish.
  6. I die cut silicone .125 fuel resistant rinse off and roll back into plastic storage tube with caps . We do custom die cutting in just a few days . I have sold hundreds and we include them with our exterior chafe seals for the Beech single I have them listed on eBay I have made for Kingaire models and the Tbm FYI I designed all chafe seals for all panels and inspection panels for the Beechcraft models . There are various thickness of material used . .025 .032 .050 This eliminates streaking when flying through rain and metal on metal. i offer chafe material for the mooneys , but less than 1% of the owners will install quality silicone chafe seal . 1” x .032 1-1/2 x .032
  7. The mfg is aeroquip marman There are two part numbers Tcm and Marman There is a setup cost , then cost per unit. I used to buy 201 plus and sell at the 51 each price to Dealers that had money to invest in inventory.
  8. Mooney did not design the Door with a foot groove channel for the seal to deflate into . All inflatable doors have a third latch and the door is made very strong to support the Assy as stress is now put on the hinges . The second to last picture is the rain seal , all new model aircraft that are pressurized have a rain seal . The purpose of the rain seal is to channel the water around the door as the seal is not inflated in the static mode. Without a rain seal , water can seep into the Cabin. next time you board a jet , look at the rain seal above the cabin doors. last picture is the oem seal to the left with collapsed foam . I fitted two different versions of a softer silicone seal for a perfect fitment based on the design of the door as I purchased a cabin and baggage door. The direction of the seal is important based on what door . P seal bulb This new seal fits both cabin and baggage, want seal made in your design or color, just ask . Questions? Just ask
  9. Thanx we stock many different variations of the beech single and twin engine breathers , There 304 with a lifetime warranty vs alloy tubing .
  10. On a side note , can I borrow your old exhaust? GB
  11. If it was my production per sample ams silicone 18 years shelf or service life
  12. This is why I mfg to sample , order the original drawing and only use CP2 titanium. After selling hundreds of sets of tailpipes, the pma mufflers I have seen are the wrong length, which effects the length of the tailpipe fitment and tailpipe being to long leaded to reduced airspeed. The only oem/ TSO mfg that I have faith in for over forty years is Nicrocraft on stacks or mufflers . All my engine breather tubing in 304 starts with a cross check jig . This method is used after the Cnc Eaton tube bender is completed. Find another vendor/ mfg
  13. Fuel psi , oem shadin 1984 on up Baron and Bonanza models
  14. Original with foam that doesn’t hold it shape Next was P shape with thicker and smaller P section. Final design Larger P with thinner wall and softer duro / Closure. Grey milspec silicone.
  15. Lycon in visalia California Powermasters OK Crazy money for a piston engine, i wonder what is material cost vs all product liability
  16. I have three versions of dies for the 201 Baffle Seal 1977 only Ram Air 1978 thru 1989 1990 mse on up
  17. Paper design Thickness spec Group buy to pay for tooling Material cost is inexpensive GB off topic , Iam designing a flat offset transducer mount. 2.0 x 3.5
  18. Or cut a piece of Ensolite foam Foammart Burbank is our supplier We die cut Ensolite foam for interior insulation, it takes 1/16 of a second with a steel rule die .
  19. I have supplied various installations for prototypes. stc and product liability is the hidden cost that will keep anything new from going forward. My list of projects Adams aircraft Kestrel aircraft lancair Columbia / Cessna Toyota I would like to see a new larger Rotax
  20. I can only suggest iridium from Tempest. GB
  21. The gasket goes bad after exposure over time . You should have a adel clamp around the duct and and intake tube so you don’t wear a hole in the duct. I see all kinds of cheap China duct work. There are some Mooney shops that don’t install in this manner. If you continue to use the same gasket material, your problem will continue.
  22. Baffle seals 275.00 Sceet Ducts , price depends on model Teflon hoses black or blue firesleeve/ tso let me know if you need something made .
  23. Only as strong as what is attached to or hardware used . GB My cnc tie downs are 6061 CP2 Titanium no problem, but the market won’t bare .
  24. Paper patterns mark up or down bend I have many original patterns
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