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Echo last won the day on September 20 2023

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  1. Glad to hear this. I use Phillips X/C and have been pleasantly surprised by the lack of oil usage, remaining "new" looking oil for many hours and cool temps in climb and cruise with my E/J clone. I climb at 120MPH and with cowl flaps barely open I do NOT see oil temps over 200 ever and cylinder temps ALL below 350. Maybe just benefit of a low time well built and set up engine?
  2. Really sweet, but NOT as sweet as the darling in front of the nose gear.
  3. Were you whistling the tune from Always like Richard Dreyfus? Lol. Glad you and plane are unscathed. Pretty sweet airmanship sir.
  4. I would of been angry to if someone ran a perfectly good airplane out of fuel...
  5. I am going to disagree Hank. Pilot did a wonderful job, but if you watch the video there was a HUGE bounce. This was NOT under control. Had he been gear up the slide on belly would of started the reduction in speed with drag. With gear up he would of had less drag out while in the air. Once my engine craps out I am going gear up. I have watched this over and over. the initial bounce is substantial on this one. NOT second guessing pilots decision, but for me it's GEAR UP all the way in this scenario.
  6. I concur. I bought my Mooney a year ago last Augst on a Barnstormers ad. Plane was owned by the owner of a Mooney service center who had sold to his crop duster A&P. A year later...Me happy.
  7. Wow! Great video. I thought there would be more roll out! That hydrant and pole did their job of dissipating energy before tree.
  8. That is a "pinball wizard" event. Hope there is a security camera somewhere that captured. Super rapid deceleration with, I am sure a lot of G-forces). Glad all survived.
  9. Trains to the right of me. Buildings to the left. Here I am stuck in the middle with you (tree). (Steelers Wheel)
  10. The pilot sidewall is intact. Wow. Literally inches. Just a wonderful job by pilot not to stall as stated by Skates. I can't imagine the urge to stretch when you have the ground obstacles that pilot encountered staring you in the face. Fate is the Hunter.
  11. This is amusing? I think not.
  12. See Andy's comment above. Your question has already been answered.
  13. Nice to see one of my "former life" threads alive and providing value.
  14. I have two of these sevos in good condition. My plane has servos from old auto pilot (inop and removed) in the tailcone. Existing wing leveler is fully functional. Interested in above components if you have them. Scott
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