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Echo last won the day on September 20 2023

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  1. UL94. I am in. Ditch the lead. Same infrastructure. No STC. Lower fuel costs. DO THIS!
  2. Bad day, but not a horrible day.
  3. Didn't you buy that refurbed actuator that was recently listed on Mooneyspace? You should be good to go, right?
  4. Duly noted. Has a offer as well so negotiable. I prefer to not flip a switch. A great solution for those that remove suction after G5's etc to save weight. Mine is working fine. No skin in game. Nice commercial on his thread to sell rhough
  5. That is a fair price. Saw it on Ebay.
  6. Turbo guys will chime in. Does your prop have any RPM limitations? Mine does for over 2400mp so down lower (I rarely fly below 6500') I can not fly at full throttle. An engine monitor or fuel flow is a really important instrument of your plane is lacking this I would invest in one. Enjoy your new plane and ALWAYS point at gear handle and light on short final and verbally say gear down and locked.
  7. Or some can have functioning older radios. Functioning oem fuel senders and indicators. I had a plane with no vacuum pump. Felt the same. Traffic displayed on an Aera and Ipad mini are great. A directional course analog autopilot installd for 1amu that works great. Engine monitor with all analog back-up box checked. Up to date does not have to cost a lot.
  8. Some fancy themselves as influencers on this site. To the point that Ioften wonder if they are receiving some sort of payment or kickback from mfers. It is loud and it is a consistent drmbeat sirening to install latest and greatest. No thanks. I am good.
  9. Putting the old adage "It's never too late" to the test here.
  10. Everyone is shoplifting. I might as well too and at least get some money back from inflation... Sheesh. Yes, in large part the system is broken. BECAUSE society and morality are broken. Rationalizing a commandment is easy for many.
  11. Just because someone does not believe something to be true does not make it so.
  12. You can still do(and should) do “your flow” of pointing at gear handle, light and verbalizing gear down… you can say thunk to make it really realistic.
  13. I did some touch and goes the other week. I just left gear down. Plane climbs great. Exposure eliminated
  14. Nevermind. It sold.
  15. Not true. Controllerhas a nice low time Missile. I could do 170 knots on 13.5gpm. The reduced flying time with the extra speed significantly offset the additional fuel burn cost.
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