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Echo last won the day on September 20 2023

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  1. I had planned on flying North for some bird hunting this morning. Turned into a double face palm kinda morning. First I drover to airport loaded up dog/fuel. (from cans) and closed up hanger. Realized I forgot my birdbag that had E collars/beeper that is essential. Re-opened hanger. Unloaded dog. Got vehicle out closed hanger. Drove 15 minutes home and 15 back for round two. Back in plane and ready to prime. Realized that after putting plane in hanger and going back into plane after last flight to check fuel quantity I left the master on. Good grief. Do all items and PLUG in Charger. I hope tomorrow morning goes more smoothly. Doh!
  2. Buy THIS! Checks ALL the boxes. Low time engine. Nice interior and paint. J bar. STec 30 altitude hold. 430W. EDM730. Aspen. Likely get it for 85k. 67 was a great year. Beautiful leather. I would of bought this if available a year ago.
  3. Ya know, sometimes if you don't give a crap about a thread it is better to not say anything at all if you can't say something nice. Have a nice day.
  4. That was a beautiful E. Glad they made it. Hope it is able to fly again, but looks like a "new" wing is going to be needed. That is realy surprising to me that he had that much atitude after losing engine at 700'. Staying "with it" when the plan goes wrong would be tough. he did a nice job of flying the airplane and living to fight another day.
  5. This horse looks like Benito M hanging by his heels in front of an angry crowd.
  6. You are always right. I get it now. What a fool am I to actually submit information, as I did above? Zero point because youur mind will never change and I can and did change mine. Your strong support has won my over defender. God bless for all you do for fellow nameless aviators.
  7. Wow. I get it now. I totally agree with everything you say. I apologise for having a different opinion. How dare I? Face palm. Loser am I. You sir are the defender of all aviators. It's a secret club. Like the cabin and the mancave. What happens in the plane stays in the plane. Lets stop taping transmissions and for God sakes shooting video and photos. Shhhh. We have egos here. Very fragile egos. Please forgive my transgressions. You are the defender. All hIl the defender. Hail! Hail! Hail!
  8. An accident is an unplanned unwanted event that may or may not result in personal injury and or property damage. Ten percent of accidents result from physical defect. 80% are the result of human error. Nine percent the environment. One percent act of God. The domino theory of accident causation is well known and accepted. Do pilots botch go arounds and crash aircraft or is that NOT a "thing"? Do gear ups occur? Like a go around pilots are supposed to know how to lower their gear. Errors that result in death DO result from being "overly cautious". Someone botches a go-around that they should know how to do as a result of someone stopping on the active runway. One event starts a chain of events. Knowledge and practice help prevent human error, the leading cause of accidents.
  9. This topic should of been under safety section.
  10. Nope. His lack of knowledge resulted in a disturbance of the flow. That domino could of resulted in a botched go around that resulted in an accident. That it didn't is NOT the issue. Just because his ignorance to a very basic procedure didn't result in an accident is a non-factor. Bottom line: His lack of knowledge on procedure could of resulted in a tragedy. Had HE NOT been ignorant the accident chain would not have begun. No pass for "erring on caution" given. Do better next time. I DO understand what you are saying. I just flat out disagree. I have made many errors of ommission and lack of knowledge. It is how we learn as pilotsand humans. You have a history of "feeling" that we are throwing other pilots under the bus. We are not. We all learn from reading and discussing others errors whether of ommission or commission. We are ALL fallable.
  11. Fun flight today back from Up North. Praire Du Chien, WI from 6500 feet.
  12. FYI what mine looks like. I have left right in yoke and cut off now on panel.
  13. lol. You asked a question. I answered it in agreement...
  14. I can see why that’s expensive. It seems super over engineered for what it is doing. My ram mount was inexpensive and does exactly what I wanted to do without fuss. Enjoy.
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