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Everything posted by rickseeman

  1. I learn as much reading the maintenance manual as the POHsmm-wiring.pdf
  2. This POH might be closer to your serial number poh.pdf
  3. Do whatever you want. But if I was to try to do it I wouldn't think that I knew something better than Mike Busch.
  4. I hate living in Arkansas. But the $75 per month hangar fee is nice. And no waiting list.
  5. M20J's have had a walk-on-water reputation for over 40 years. There is a reason. They are great planes.
  6. I think the MT prop is totally sexy on the nose heavy Ovation.
  7. I have found them on ebay before.
  8. Sounds possible..
  9. Which app should I get for this? Thanks
  10. No. From Mooneys mouth itself. I spent a week on that last year. It can be done, but if you want it to be legal/proper, it takes a long time + chasing parts + DER etc. I'm the kinda wacko that would chase a project like that, but it overwhelmed even me. Bottom line is now, once you get it full you can slowly get another 5 gallons per side in it. Call it 99 gallons. Or (I didn't say this) you can drill the top of the filler neck (to replicate the Mooney factory optional fuel) and have 102. I decided I was too old to go anywhere anyway, so I did nothing.
  11. The last time I needed 530 maintenance Garmin said they wouldn't work on it unless they converted it to WAAS. $5,000. Which was fine with me because I love 530's. And WAAS. I'm still stoked every time I watch the 530 shoot the LPV approach. It's magical. My first airplane had a coffee grinder.
  12. The people on this wonderful website have given you nice reasonable, caution/logical based advise from their experience and knowledge. But I'm like you, I want my own airplane and I don't like paying rent. I don't worry about the little stuff like insurance. Yes, I knew when I was flying with no insurance I was exposed, and I didn't like it. But that's life. I'm guessing I had 4 hours total time when I bought my helicopter. And I never had insurance on my Learjet, but I figured if I crashed it I would die anyway. Don't be afraid to do it your way. I wouldn't have had a lot of fun if I listened to sensible people. The only thing I liked about renting is that you could experience/learn about different airplanes.
  13. So easy, so simple, so Mooneylike. Would be fine with me if they left them that way.
  14. We had a little thread drift here. The last 4 pages turned into N/A vs turbo. But that's ok. The guy will probably never buy an airplane anyway after reading the first page. One guy told him to budget $5,000 for a prop when the ad says 1 SPOH, another said to budget $139,000 for an engine and avionics (1104 SFRM & King GPS/autopilot) and then the old, it hasn't been flown much talk, so the engine is probably junk. He'll probably never look at an airplane again if they're that expensive to maintain. I know an old guy that has 6 old Mopars. He said he wanted to get them running. So 2 friends and I went over there. The first one was a 1970 6 pak Challenger. I asked how long has it been since it was started? He said 1998. Whoa. I can't believe in a couple of hours we got that thing going. The next week we did his wife's 340 Challenger that hadn't been started since 98. So I said to him, if we get all these cars running, which one would you drive? He said the pewter color 69 Road Runner. But I'm worried about that one, he said. I asked, why are you worried about it? He said, well we put a rebuilt carburetor on it in 78 and it ran fine but I haven't driven it since. 45 years. It's coming up. I guess I'm not concerned that the engine in this 231 is 1104 SFRM 31 years ago.
  15. $9.50 but it was a stall microswitch
  16. Needed a similar switch for my Ovation last week. Called Lasar. They were out of stock, but she said Mooney had one so they shipped it to me. Thanks Lasar.
  17. Engines in general. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, helicopter, tractors, wells, power units, generators, bulldozer, excavator. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,10 and 12 cylinder. Jeez, no wonder I've been busy.
  18. I checked mine again last week. I was up to nine. I don't put 9 in there. I try to run 7. So I wiped it off and tried again. Then it said 8. I've had over 100 engines and only 1 wicked up on the stick. That was an O-540 Lycoming. It did it all the time. What I think I need is a Wheel-of-Fortune spinning thing under the oil door. Then when I want to check the oil I can just open the door and spin it and go with that.
  19. That sounds good but so far nobody has figured out whats going on with some Ovations oil level. Mine looked 2 qts low so I added oil. Next time I checked it said 9. I didn't fill it to 9. It wasn't 2 qts low to begin with. It will drive you crazy and make you run to Mooneyspace for help.
  20. The nicest thing I can say about King is they are scum. Go Garmin GFC-500.
  21. A new fuel pump is really $5,000? WOW There are rebuilders for these I would imagine. Different engine but I think I used a company called Aero Acccessories. But I think there are several companies out there with that name. Let us know how it works out.
  22. It's summer and you're crossing the desert in the day time. Be prepared to go high to get out of the bumps.
  23. My number is it doesn't cost anything to fly it one hour per month. Things will go wrong if you don't.
  24. I can't say that. My right buttock is sitting about $3,500 lower.
  25. Mine is always forward.
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