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    M20K 231
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  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pirate-bay-carl-lundstrom-dead-plane-crash-b2714284.html According to this, him and his Piper Mooney Ovation crashed. Lundstrom, who was also a member of the far-right Alternative for Sweden party, was travelling from the Croatian capital of Zagreb to Zurich in Switzerland when his plane crashed. The 64-year-old businessman was flying his Piper Mooney Ovation M20R, the party said, confirming reports of his death in a Facebook post on Tuesday. Lundstrom was alone in the plane, they added. The propeller plane split into two after crashing into a wooden cabin in the Velika Planina mountain in the north of Slovenia on Monday. Bad weather prevented rescue teams from discovering the body and parts of the plane inside the cabin until Tuesday, AFP reported. ... The plane likely crashed due to spatial disorientation in bad weather, local media website 24.ur reported. It added that the aircraft started spiralling downward from the altitude of 2.5km.
  2. Not mine. A friend loaned me a space in MN and he had carpets over gravel for now. that’s a pain to use the manual towbar on. I’d have to rock it to get some momentum to move it.
  3. It definitely goes to a fuse. And yes it's safe.
  4. We have two X5s and they’re too big for our 231. Even fitting one is just too big and bulky. Definitely not going through the baggage door.
  5. Out of curiosity what's a fur sewing machine? (as in, what make/model..) I'm actually ordering a machine today (I hope) for something not fur, but just wondering what the differences are.
  6. What do those look like? I don't remember being quizzed on those or finding them on the sectional. Any example?
  7. My iPad overheats so often on takeoff and landing in the AZ summer that I just count on my avionics and a scratch pad, and having an iPad would be nice. It's mounted to the yoke, with a PIVOT case. The case probably exacerbates the situation a bit, and it's always sitting right in the sun. So, essentially the same as @N201MKTurbo
  8. Yep. I've had to do 3 and 4 already. I don't know what 2 is, but 1 scares the s*** out of me. I've heard to get a new actuator, in lieu of gears, it's like $10k?
  9. I guess that makes sense. I don’t need any of the training if I just file IFR?
  10. I've got the audible alarm if gear is up and power is below 18", but this is pretty neat too... Unfortunately, I've ran out of circuit breakers. lol.
  11. Minor correction - prop strike on aborted takeoff. Not near as bad as gear up.
  12. Mine was posted on here and had a super meaningful discussion but for some reason @1980Mooney deleted it, I think. Frustrating since the reason I responded with such detail was so others could learn from the misfortune.
  13. Ignore everyone else. Painting things red makes them faster. Even @201er all but admitted it!!
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