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  1. Last year I had the same issue along with a non serviceable Blade. The options were to spend $5K to get it through one more overhaul using a used Blade and serviceable Hub only to be facing the same issue 5 Years down the road or spend the additional for a New Top Prop. I opted for the Top Prop Conversion and I have to say that It was well worth the investment. I get better Climb and higher speed with less noise all on a timed out engine. This year I did an engine and complete makeover and this prop really performs. I also dynamic balanced the prop which really made things smooth! Worth the investment if you plan on keeping the plane. The 3 Blade conversion looks really cool but I'm told it's slower than the Top Prop and I believe it's more expensive. I think Overhauls are also more expensive.
  2. Looking for someone with an S-Tec 30 ALT installed in their early model Mooney. Particularly ST745-30 ALT. Doesn't matter the Serial Number of the STC. I just need it for reference in my Field Pre Approval. If anyone has an aircraft with this system installed it would be greatly appreciated if you could share some images of the STC and POH Supplements. Sincerely, Carl
  3. The process has been challenging to say the least. S-Tec has been less than helpful with my particular case and unfortunately a Field Approval is my only option since no AP manufacturer will be doing an STC for my particular Serial Number. It's a M20A with an E wing. I have a complete system now and have done a dry fit for the components all of which meet the prints so physical installation is exactly a "Like Installation" I'm doing the paperwork for a Field Pre Approval and I'm missing some of the documentation that would make the review go more smoothly and could be the difference between approval and denial. A copy of a 337 form and STC from an early M20E serial number will include the limitations and continued airworthiness information I need but I will need the POH supplement information as well to support my application. I'm sure someone has the information I'm looking for to use as reference but I just haven't connected with them yet. I am working with an IA that has accomplished a number of Field Approvals and he's reviewing my documentation. The FAA representative that I have been consulting with has been very encouraging and feels it should be a relatively easy review under a "Like Installation" since basically I'm identical to an Early model C or E physically. Also obtaining a copy of the installation instructions for a S-Tec 30 installation in an early model C or E would be helpful. It's just difficult to find this data outside their Dealer Network. Old Chub on MS has been a great contact that I have made and has provided a lot of help in my quest. Wish me luck. I'm committed now ($$$$) to making this happen. Carl
  4. Your model is already covered by most of the AP manufacturers so it's not as much of a challenge. My Mooney is a M20A with a M20E wing and M20J tail. The wing is actually a one off STC. Basically my aircraft is identical to an early C or E model but the AP Manufacturers can only identify the A by TC and Serial Number. I've consulted with the FAA and they encouraged me to continue with my project based on the configuration of my aircraft. The real issue is S-Tec will not provide any assistance or information even under a field approval. The community here has been very helpful in providing information and assistance. I'm just in need of a couple of pieces of information that are likely to be requested before I submit my package for a Field Pre Approval review.
  5. I'm in need of a copy of a STC and POH Supplements for a Short Body Mooney M20C or M20E. I also need a copy of the Installation instructions for the Short Body Mooney M20 Series as well if anyone has a copy. This is for supporting documentation to be submitted for a Field Pre Approval for my M20A with a M20E Wing. I have already purchased a complete S-Tec 30 system and I'm well on my way to applying for the field approval. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Carl
  6. Mooney Space is awesome!! great network of like minded Mooney lovers and a huge help with Franken Mooney's like mine. Obviously come of us are in it for the long haul. Once I finish the Auto Pilot I will have my perfect airplane. Thank you for the kudos! I am planning on documenting my project to share with others should they take on such a task with similar obstacles. One way to give back!
  7. John: Thank you for the suggestions and this is pretty much the direction I'm going based on my conversation with the DER I have been communicating with. I worked with LASAR and Mooney and identified the exact serial number aircraft my wing originated and it is an early model E and is the same structure used through later models as well. so that pretty much covers the Roll Servo requirements under the STC for the original installation of the system I purchased. The Pitch Servo configuration is also identical with the Short Body E models so it really is a "Like Installation" Since all the documentation is current for the rest of the mods I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the DER agrees that the application is consistent since there are no modifications to the STCd model installation required. With the help of others on the site here, I was able to obtain the S-Tec original prints for installation and the Autopilot I purchased from an early model E has complete paperwork including the installation, STC and Prints so writing up the 337 should be pretty straight forward since I can produce prints for the intended application along with some photos from approved installations to support my claims. I've invested enough now to be committed so we will see how the process pans out. Keeping my fingers crossed. Sincerely, Carl
  8. Old Chub Really went above and beyond on this one. I Received a full set of prints and schematics today and he has provided a lot of feedback to assist me with this project. Thank you everyone for the assistance! I'm looking forward to paying it forward in the future.
  9. For what it's worth I did an overhaul early this year. The engine shop sent Phillips 66 XC 20W50 back with the engine so that's what I started using. In the past it was AeroShell 100W+. I'm please with the Phillips product and will continue to use it. My engine has about 130 Hours on it now and the oil changes also reflect much cleaner oil drains. Filter has been clean and the Oil Temps are within the normal range. Eric J. Comment about less blow by with the fresh engine is absolutely accurate. I wouldn't worry about the oil being too clean, overall it will prolong the life of the engine and it sounds like you did a good break in with the low oil consumption. Sincerely, Carl
  10. I did discuss that with the DER as well. It is possible to take the aircraft into the Experimental Category for market research and later bring it back into the Normal category but I will have the same issue with the AP Manufacturers. If I want access to Approved parts I have to fit their STC criteria. If I want to leave it in the Experimental category I can make make use of any hardware I can find but it would not be able to be brought back into the Normal category without approved parts. I'm not sure what my insurance would do if I brought it into the Experimental Category.
  11. You can't use / copy an existing STC verbatim for a field approval however you can take portions of an STC or multiple STCs and use them in creating your documentation for a field approval per my conversation with the DER at the FAA. The FAA used to publish the STCs where anyone could access them but the manufacturers complained and forced them to stop the practice because the information was being used by competitors and infringed on their protection of intellectual properties. I did try to get a letter of permission from S-Tec to go for a field approval using a unit purchased from them directly for a B, C or E model but they said they would not. As mentioned earlier they aren't real interested in helping customers who would like to use their products beyond their current portfolio. Understandably I'm just one customer with an old Mooney. How much time and trouble am I worth?
  12. Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately Stec doesn't offer an STC for an A model. Not that it would do any good if they did because the only remaining A model components of my aircraft is the Fuselage. You are absolutely correct that Stec doesn't what their units recycled across other aircraft and I can understand that they are in the business of selling product directly however I also feel they should support after sale products as well. In my case they don't offer a solution. I've talked with Mooney and aligned them with Stec for my particular case but haven't heard back. If I can purchase a complete unit from an aircraft being parted out and work on getting a field approval that really is my only option. The DER at the FAA gave me some encouraging advise based on my particular case but it will involve utilizing excerpts from an existing STC for the S-Tec documentation along with my own documentation showing the application utilizing PMA'd components and like model installation techniques. I proposed this the S-Tec and they had no interest in helping me. In fact in an effort to basically get me to go away they offered to let me pay for the creation of a new STC for my model at the cost of $75K + as well as the cost of the Autopilot. Not exactly customer centric if you ask me. If I had the opportunity to purchase an approved Autopilot I would more than likely NOT use S-Tec based on their service after the sale or flexibility to assist with a realistic solution. At this point my only hope is to try for a field approval but it's going to take a lot of documentation to back it up.
  13. After reviewing information provided on my earlier post about adding an Auto Pilot to my M20A with M20E Wing and M20J Tail along with information provided by a FAA Engineer it might be fairly easy to add an auto pilot out of a similar model Mooney utilizing excerpts from a STC along with my own documentation for a Field Approval. S-Tec will not provide any information since they do not have a STC for a M20A. If anyone has any photos of a S-Tec System 30 or 50 installed in a M20B, C, D, or E it would be helpful. I have found a system out of an early M20E but there is no documentation. The brackets, servos and harnesses are included but I would like to see where and how the system is installed if possible. Specifically the Roll Servo mounting and connections and the Pitch Servo Mounting and connections and location. If any one can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Carl
  14. Do you happen to have Treks contact information?
  15. Great advice and background info. I will give a Trent a call next week and see what he thinks is a good approach. Thanks again to everyone.
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