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Everything posted by haymak3r

  1. Exactly. I did pull a little more after the gear was locked, just to see what it felt like. You will definitely know that you've pulled enough. And it was an easy pull to just see what the stop feels like.
  2. I just did this a couple days ago as 66H is in annual. Here is the procedure we used. This will be for emergency extension first, so with plane on the jacks, and gear up.. 1. Pulled both gear breakers. Gear ACT, and Gear Cont. 2. Put gear lever down. 3. Release emergency handle lever. Pull cable. Mine took exactly 19 full pulls. My arm was not ready for that LOL. 4. Checked that gear indicator was correct on the floor. We did inspections, all looked good. I then pushed the 2 circuit breakers in. Put gear handle up, and pushed and held the red button until the gear retracted all the way. We extended and retracted them a few different times, but you have to use the red button to retract them as others said, so that you bypass the safety switches. -Chris
  3. As somebody whom just passed their checkride, I fully endorse the term student. I felt like I was in college again, and it was great! Stressful, overwhelming, but so satisfying. To not be called a student during that time to me undermines the importance. as a newly minted private pilot, I also take the learner stance now more than a student. I will continue to learn about aviation, and grow my skills forever.
  4. Is this when you are browsing from home? Or on the go. If at home, you could setup an ad blocker.. I've never seen any of these ads you're talking about.
  5. Oh and might I just say.. 17 minutes. 17 minutes is all it took for an answer and a solution. I am not sure that I will ever find a better forum than this. You guys all rock!
  6. My mechanic just called me with that very thing. WHEW! We thought that there was no approved way to repair these. Thank goodness. 600+shipping there and back, and 2-3 days for the repair it sounds like. I am super interested in the repair process.. I wonder how they can tig it without subjecting the surrounding area with a bunch of heat messing with the strength. Anywho. He is packaging it up now, and will get it sent out asap. Thanks for the quick response! Crisis, hopefully obverted hehe.
  7. Hey everybody.. Yesterday, my plane went in and we started the annual. First one and my mechanic was nice enough to let me help do things. Well we were looking at the prop, and inspecting for any signs of damage, and found a crack on the spinner. Unfortunately, I have a McCauley 3 blade prop. I found the STC for this from back in 95 with my other paperwork, and found that the model of the spinner is D6504. I've been searching around, and this does seem like it is still being used on more current stc kits. I was curious if anybody had one or knew where I could find a used/new one? I've been searching all morning on here, and then thought about looking at my docs to then find the model number of it. I searched for that, and found 1 thread from 2019... I figured I should start my own so I am. Adding the MSers that were mentioned for any assistance Thanks!! @Alan Fox @Jerry Pressley @SheryLoewen I've also messaged @Cody Stallings
  8. yep. I've literally told my instructor, that I am both happy, and scared haha. Happy to be at the end of this part, but scared because now the real work begins
  9. Thanks everybody! Can't wait to start branching out slowly, and continuing to learn.
  10. No doubt. It is a fun plane to fly! I am taking a couple weeks off, as the plane is now in for annual lol.. But then it is on to instrument training.
  11. Welp, I had my checkride on Friday, and passed with just a couple squawks. Overall I apparently did pretty well, though I felt like the sky was coming down around me haha. I am 32 hours in on my mooney, and did my checkride in it.
  12. exactly. also just normal discharge while in the cold is a small issue. The more weight, items you have on can influence that wh/mi. $180 for 4k is pretty good right? We try not to go to superchargers unless we have to. But having solar also helps keep the cost down for us.
  13. how fast were you driving?
  14. The way I understand the current logic, for our long range model 3, as long as I get 250wh/mi, then my range is accurate. if I have 300 miles of range, I am getting that amount of range. More wh/mi, and I will not get that range. This has held true for a few years now. 200 is hard to get in the winter for us. but during the spring/summer/fall I can cruise down the highway at around 180wh/mi.
  15. 4680 cells are nothing like previous cells? There are key differences that provide HUGE benefits to EV's. I don't think they are good for an EV airplane, but the tech is good. Tesla is not like legacy auto. We must adopt EV airplanes IMO. Right now though? No way. Energy density needs to somehow be doubled, and costs much be reduced in half. Maybe someday... What NEEDS to happen is the continued transition to a sustainable EV industry, so that we have more avgas for our mooney's.
  16. Doing it right now, though I transitioned from a 172 about 45 hours in. I have close to 20 hours now, and getting ready for my checkride.. I think getting the fundamentals down first in a trainer would do you pretty good. I know I wanted a mooney after being in one, lots of research, and for my mission. It fell in my lap, and I could*n't pass up the offer I got for mine. Good luck!
  17. ugh. It just blows my mind. I get it that they have to try and recuperate their costs because somehow they are at fault.. It just sucks to see things so outrageous.
  18. Holy crap. The prices of these things just blow my mind. They are just v-band clamps! Hell, I picked up some 3" ones for my turbo project rig years ago from a local truck stop of all places for like 20 bucks a piece! They routinely were subjected to very high heat and sometimes were "possibly" red with the turbine housing, downpipe... Never once did I ever think about needing to replace it, nor did they ever leak. Sometimes, I swear these companies just charge whatever the hell they want because AVIATION... Are they made from some exotic material? I know I am not providing anything here(and apologzie for that), but dang, those links just made my blood boil. Is it just because of how fast they can potentially get cooled down?
  19. DANG! That is a great video! Question though.. At around 26 minutes. The valve guide slop... Pretty normal and he can see that after 200hours?!?!?! I've torn down auto engines with 200k miles, and have never seen valves that loose in their guides. Are the materials that outdated on these engines?? As engines are overhauled, are newer materials being used to prevent this? That's a bit scary to see lol.
  20. No worries! I wasn't sure yet, if I could swap the fuel gauges out in my cluster or not yet. I need to just have the right fuel gauge cleaned/overhauled, and hold out until I get an EIS.. Have a great day!
  21. I'd like to see that video if possible Thanks.
  22. Thanks! I will check that out too.
  23. I've had it maybe a month now.. It's brand new still. It has maybe 5 hours of total on time? I usually don't leave it on while out in the practice areas unless there are others around. So just on takeoff/landing And I suppose I could try.
  24. Ya, I really wish I would have gotten that one Not sure what to do with the plus if I were to get the pro. Dumb noob move on my part lol.
  25. Mine has just the one light up in the nose. So with the g3, there would be a noticeable difference over the plus? Also, it is the par46 light.
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