When I set power to 65% ROP (with FF=11.3 GPH according to the POH) and then lean, my EGTs peak at around 9.4 GPH. So, if enrich to 10.4 GPH, would'nt I be running ROP? Unless my fuel flow sensor is not accurate. Thus the question: How do I know it is accurate? I have garmin EIS with the g3x. I do not know if the sensor comes calibrated from the factory or if it is done by the installer on the field.
Anyway, I tried running LOP based on the indications of the EIS.
I set power to 65% ROP as per the POH then leaned until the last cylinder (#6) went 10 deg LOP. The first EGT peaked at 9.4 GPH and the last one at 8.9 GPH. In order to get 10 deg LOP, the FF was down to 8.6 GPH. The engine run smoothly with low cylinder tempertures and 1575 deg TIT but I lost about 10 knots of speed. However, the power computed by garmin had dropped to 60% although I did not adjust the MAP. So the second question is how accurate is the power computation? and if it is accurate, then should I increase MAP to return to 65% once LOP? In that case how would it affect the whole process of leaning etc.