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Everything posted by Ulysse

  1. recurring questions also contribute in keeping the site alive. Otherwise mooneyspace would soon become mooneyWiki ! Just out of curiosity, do you have anything to do with madagascar (the real country, not the movie)?
  2. I cannot do that on my g3x + gtn750xi setup. I can only transfer fplan from foreflight to g3x if it is set on internal nav. I soon as I switch to external the flight plan on the g3x is wiped out. However a flight plan entered on the GTN will immediately appear on the g3x. I see the following error message on the gtn: "GDU disconnected. external flightplan crossfill inoperative". Any idea? a physical connection missing or an incorrect setting on the gtn or g3x?
  3. I was thinking tha since the g5 is the compulsory back up for the g3x, then we should be able to set the sqwak code from the g5 in case the g3x fails, but this is unfortunately not the case.
  4. in an installation with g3x, g5 and remote ads-b gtx 345R, would it possible to communicate with the transponder with a failed g3x screen?
  5. thank you very much for the detailed explanation @Will.iam and @jlunseth. It all makes more sense now. I'll try this tomorrow
  6. thank you ! I saw that in the manual after posting
  7. Oh, that is what the third pin is for ! Looking at the schematic, it seems that attaching the third pin to + would energize the relay. Is this what people are doing ?
  8. anyone? I am also wondering if they have different algorithms when running ROP or LOP?
  9. When I set power to 65% ROP (with FF=11.3 GPH according to the POH) and then lean, my EGTs peak at around 9.4 GPH. So, if enrich to 10.4 GPH, would'nt I be running ROP? Unless my fuel flow sensor is not accurate. Thus the question: How do I know it is accurate? I have garmin EIS with the g3x. I do not know if the sensor comes calibrated from the factory or if it is done by the installer on the field. Anyway, I tried running LOP based on the indications of the EIS. I set power to 65% ROP as per the POH then leaned until the last cylinder (#6) went 10 deg LOP. The first EGT peaked at 9.4 GPH and the last one at 8.9 GPH. In order to get 10 deg LOP, the FF was down to 8.6 GPH. The engine run smoothly with low cylinder tempertures and 1575 deg TIT but I lost about 10 knots of speed. However, the power computed by garmin had dropped to 60% although I did not adjust the MAP. So the second question is how accurate is the power computation? and if it is accurate, then should I increase MAP to return to 65% once LOP? In that case how would it affect the whole process of leaning etc.
  10. I plugged a 30A 24V battery charger to the external receptacle to play with the avionics but it doesn't seem to work as the battery voltage went down quickly. Can anyone provide a schematic of the external plug/battery system? (M20K)
  11. I have lemo plugs in my plane, so does the A20. However, I tried the 2 plug adapter but I only get sound on one ear. Probably a mono/stereo thing. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
  12. @terbang have you used Troyes service? I hear different comments about them
  13. Thank you. I could speak with him
  14. reviving an old thread any suggestion for Mooney maintenance (FAA) in Italy or south of france ?
  15. I am wondering, how does Garmin Eis compute %power ?
  16. Thank you!
  17. my wing fuel gauges have some condensation in them which makes it difficult to read them from the cockpit. Is there a way to remove this water ? Is it possible to buy new gauges ?
  18. So, what is the proper procedure for restarting the turbo engine at, say 15000, in case it stops from starvation? Both throttle and mixture off before switching to the other thank or just throttle or mixture? (Not that I want to do that, but it is good to know)
  19. Thank you very much @Warren and @PT20J. Both my questions have been answered! Where do you get all the documentation that you seem to have? I think @enciclopedia is a better alias than PT20J
  20. My Hobbs meter has stopped working since I upgraded to a glass panel. I suppose the signal which drove the meter is no longer available after the upgrade. The installer told me that my meter is of an unusual type with 3 wires instead of the 2 wires meters he has always seen in Mooneys. Any idea on how to get it back to a working condition? I now use the g3x flight log to record times. However it starts counting as soon as the engine starts. I cannot find any setting to make it start counting when the engine passes a certain threshold (for example 2400 RPM ). Is this possible?
  21. Vacation is going to last a few days or weeks but the plane can be enjoyed everyday. And who says that he prefers vacation rather than flying his plane?
  22. I think I found the answer in the POH (I should have read it all before posting. Apologies). In downwind, I was running the engine at low power and the low boost pump might have induced an overrich condition as mentioned in the emergency procedures section of the POH. I think this caution notice should have been included in the normal operations procedures as well since it says to use the boost pump in that section. Not switching tanks during downwind is new to me. It has been part of my training for PPL and I have done that for many years: we have an equivalent of the american GUMPS which includes switching tank. I guess I will do like many have suggested: switch at top of descent.
  23. That is excellent news. Thank you! Is this document available publicly or only to installers? I am curious to see what the modification involves
  24. You can display round gauges on the g3x if you prefer
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