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Everything posted by Ulysse

  1. Strangely, it happened repeatedly on a 4h flight on Thursday. On subsequent flights on Friday and today, respectively 2h and 4h long, it never appeared. Could it be the influence of the content of the baggage area?
  2. Happens only in the air, and it seems to be random. It can happen in uniform level flight. The magnetometer is located in the back, where the oxygen tank lives.
  3. I have this message in my g3x. Is this caused by something integrated in the g3x itself or a separate part of the system?
  4. The POH gives a checklist to follow in case of suspected or diagnosed turbocharger failure. How do you know? How do you differentiate from a power loss (total or partial) due to other issues ?
  5. Garmin EIS I have read articles here and there but it would be nice to have a well structured course
  6. Is there a way to get training on this? Online classes? Videos? Seminars?
  7. Do you get new fuel gauges or recalibrate them ?
  8. Follow up on this topic: I got a quick answer from Garmin. For an unknown reason the type of equipment on my garmin account had changed to a g3x NON touch model! I wonder how this could have happened. Garmin support reset it to g3x touch and I could update the database.
  9. Thank you. I'll call on monday Yes, I emailed them. Their answer is that since my plane is certified, i have ro talk to a Garmin dealer. I'll also try emailing them. Thank you
  10. Thank you for your suggestions. I have tried new sd cards, reformat, various sizes etc. Also, I could not find any way of forcing the update in config mode. It is as if the g3x system does not recognize the update. A logical conclusion would be a system ID mismatch, but this is not the case. I wrote to Garmin but they refuse to assist me arguing that my plane being certified I have to talk to a dealer. The local dealer does not have a technician currently (they fired the previous one) and nobody knows when they get a new one. I have been begging Garmin for help, without success. On what number do you call Garmin support in the US?
  11. I have a g3x and a gtn750xi. While I have no problem at all updating the gtn750xi database, the g3x doesn't seem to recognize the presence of the update in the SD card. ( It updated fine until last May). I tried various SD sizes (from 2 to 32 gb) on both Mac and windows without success. I could update the software to 9.01 though, which means that the g3x does read the card (it actually also writes the flight logs). My installer asked me to check that the system ID on the panel matched the one on my fly.garmin account, and it does. Any idea on what could be wrong?
  12. Did you have Nav mode enabled on the gfc500? If on hdg mode, vnav will not arm
  13. In my aircraft, MP is 39" at takeoff. During 2 hot days (around 42 degC), MP was limited to 38". It went back to 39" on cooler days.
  14. Can OAT affect maximum MAP during takeoff on a turbo engine?
  15. I did that, but it does not work. I do not see the option you mentioned in config mode although I can transfer to the card all the logs. It is as if the update were not present in the card. For the gtn not sending gps data to the G3X, the reason is because I am stupid. The CDI mode on the gtn was set to loc...
  16. It writes the flight logs on the card though. Possible, but then the configuration changed by itself? It worked perfectly the day before. I don't see this option either. I prepared the cards in a Mac with Garmin database updater. I am going to try on a PC today just to make sure it is not OS related.
  17. I have g3x touch with software V9 I am trying to update the database. I have tried different SD cards with Garmin update software which all go well but it is like the g3x doesn't "see" the update on the card The database update on the gtn750xi went fine. Any idea? PS: Would the fact that the g3x database is expired explain the fact that the grn750xi is not sending its data to the g3x? I have to select internal gps to be able to drive the gfc500 autopilot (in VFR mode only)
  18. I am almost embarrassed to report that I fixed the problem but just increasing the hight of my seat. As suggested in this thread it probably restored the sight I was used to. Thanks for all the comments and advice.
  19. I replaced my prop with a new MT 3 blade propeller which is 15lbs lighter than the previous one. I am now experiencing bumping in almost all my landings and I just cannot seem to find the right parameters. I have never bounced on landing in years of flying and something which was just natural to me has now become a "cerebral" task leading to even more bumps ☹️ I appreciate your advice/comments on this
  20. because I need to fly it to the shop! many thanks for all the answers. So it seems that the second alternator is not required but I agree with @carusoam that this has to be properly investigated and fixed.
  21. Thank you! the TC says: "In addition to the pertinent required basic equipment specified in CAR 3, the following items of equipment must be installed: ......301(b) ......" 301(b) : 70 amp, TCM, 646719 (24V) it does not say there has to be two of these, so does this mean that the second alternator is just for redundancy ?
  22. I cannot find in my POH a required equipment list. Yet, I am wondering if both my alternators are required to be operational?
  23. I do not know what the k factor is, I suppose some calibration parameter. Is there such a user settable parameter for the Garmin EIS ? Maybe @PT20J knows? If the formula is wright then FF could indeed be underestimated, or maybe the formula (13.7 factor) is incorrect? Another question is that when approach peak and go LOP, I clearly feel that the engine has sometimes a "hesitation" that I suppose is a misfire. Is this a normal behavior that I shouldn't worry about ?
  24. a little feedback on this topic: After months of waiting for my plane to be available again, I had the opportunity to fly long enough flights to try LOP settings. It actually was much simpler than I thought and I soon could see 8.7 gph @ 165kt TAS at 14000 feet, all the CHTs below 370° at about 35° LOP! This was amazing for me. However, the numbers do not match the discussions above. I have a 220HP engine. If I apply the formula given in this thread, I should need 10.4gph for 65% power. My g3x/EIS display gives me 65% @8.7gph., 28.2" MAP and 2480 RPM. Is the algorithm for computing power incorrect? or some settings on my system which generates this error? As per the formula 13.7*FF/HP, 8.7gph should give me just 54% power, but if this were true then I don't think I could get 165kt TAS. Actually from the graph in the POH, 65%ROP should give about 165kt of TAS. Since 65% is 65% LOP or ROP, then the speed I am getting LOP (165kt) seems to indicate that the power is indeed 65%. Then why 8.7gph only ? Thank you for your comments.
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