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  1. I didn’t think the G5s could control the Bendix autopilots, at least not anything with attitude? The 275s can. Either way, you should be able to remove the vacuum as long as nothing else relies on the system.
  2. It’s the self test beeps and the solid tone when you disable the autopilot, however there is a volume adjustment that can be changed. I have been too busy with work travels to mess with it.
  3. I recently updated my audio panel and with the update, my kfc-150 aural alert is significantly louder than before. From what I can see on the internet, there is an adustment screw for volume, but I don’t know where the box physically is in the bravo. Has anyone messed with this? I would rather not pull the glareshield if I dont have to but I am guessing it’s behind that. Thoughts?
  4. I am planning to be there. Flying from Wisconsin to a customer in Massachusetts Thursday am, then up to Burlington, Thursday late afternoon. Was originally planning on Owensboro but had an AOG issue that I had to clean up. Sunday, I’ll be off to Maine for work then home later next week. Looking forward to it!
  5. So I will note this. The yellow line that is shown in the photos was covered with black seal coat by the time I arrived about noon yesterday. I had taken the photo on Tuesday at 5 pm. I even commented to a friend asking if he knew what happened. The yellow line is great when you have no other aircraft parked in weird spots. Maybe the pilot was simply following the taxi lines and oblivious to his actions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Im based at ATW and outside of the grass area where the plane was taxing, its all cirrus lined up with the mains in the grass and the nose on asphalt. I was at my hangar most of the day yesterday and heard nothing about it.
  7. John Paul said this is not for the TIO-540 (bravo). It’s for the turbos that they already have done work with and can add the clamps to their parts lists. The TIO-540 clamps would be about a year out or so.
  8. I talked with GAMI. For our Bravos, they are saying about a year out due to them needing to get on the AML and doing testing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I’ll be there later this morning. I will update when I am able to get over there and talk to them Ryan
  10. If you are planning to be at Oshkosh this year, there are typically deals on databases. I’m not sure what they are or on which packages they work with but it’s something to consider.
  11. I can only speak for Appleton as I’m based there. Regardless of what you are flying, at a minimum your mains will be in the grass. Many times they have cirrus/retractables parked with nose wheels on pavement. In my opinion, Appleton is pretty organized with parking and the ground is pretty packed down. You are parking near the other T hangars on the field which have really good drainage.
  12. Commercially there’s Appleton or GreenBay. Both have direct flights from Atlanta via Delta. Both usually have a shuttle available to the airventure grounds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It was my understanding that this popping noise is new to both the Bose A30 and the Lightspeed Delta Zulu as these are both new generation noise reducing headsets using digital noise reduction vs analog. The Bose A20 and Lightspeed Zulu 3 don't experience this since they are analog.
  14. While I am not 6’7”, I am 6’4” and fit just fine in a Bravo. I guess it depends on where your height is at. I am near Oshkosh and we can figure out a time where I could swing by or meet at say Battle Creek if it works for you. Shoot me a PM if you want to discuss further.
  15. @LANCECASPER I have had a few people reach out but they have been scammers. They were clearly scammers as I ask them to voice verify and it all falls apart. Trust but verify indeed.
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