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Everything posted by FJC

  1. I too need to send out...has anyone identified any other repair stations that can do the work? Thanks Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: http://toointeresting.com/?cat=2
  2. This is really nice and thought out! Thank you for sharing this. This will go along way toward 450 dollar oil changes... Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  3. I've basically forgotten about it...it is one of those things I do not track much. Just to clarify...What I cited above was ALWAYS in GPS mode....I would not expect superimposed visual guidance for anything but in GPS mode. At the time, most of what I used had GPS approaches... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  4. +1 for battery life...I never was too impressed with Mini 6 on this. Not sure they increase size or efficiency on Mini 7? ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  5. Hi Everyone, I finally got around to purchasing a High Boost Switch as my "plastic" came back with broken tabs after a service (still works but its very clunky). Anyway, wanted to ask if people found these easy to switch out or whether they were knuckle busters and better left to the shop to do. Did some searches and turned up nothing so I thought I'd ask. Thoughts? Thank you Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  6. I'm probably going to go ahead and upgrade...my 6 is a bit short on storage! Thank for the legwork Skip! ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  7. Do you guys know for a fact that the 7 will fit in the 6 Yoke mount? It took forever to get my mount for the 6... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  8. Still not clear as file posted above has expired...Anyone know where the board is that supports Low Boost for M20R? I've learned to live w/o it but still do not like broken things and my annual is coming up fast! Freddy ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  9. All I can say is WOW! What I could do with an extra 250 lbs...:) ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  10. I am wondering what the typical useful loads are of the M20S? I'm sitting at 958 and have air conditioning and O2.... ——————————————— Airplane: 1997 Ovation, 280HP, Garmin GTN750, GI275, factory air Aviation Reviews: https://www.toointeresting.com/wordpress/?page_id=174
  11. Hey Guys, Trying to troubleshoot a master switch issue (switch wont turn off load). I'm looking for 800304 R7. The switch does actuate relays because I can hear it do so but prefer not to spend hours when a schematic can save alot of time. I have a downloaded service manual but mostly see annunciator fuel sensing and a few other (no main ship power distribution/control). Thank you. Freddy
  12. I used to feel that way until I went through one battery very quickly (wow, it did not last long considering its only a few months old!). Peace of mind is almost priceless in my mind!
  13. Wow...that is a tiny alternator! Seems like adding a backup would work! Thank you! Freddy
  14. Hey Everyone, Was wondering if this combination was possible? I think I am finally past my alternator issue but it caused me lots of grey hair and would like a backup solution. I understand the alternator is installed on the accessory pad but I also have an air conditioning compressor there. Those of you that know, please comment! Freddy
  15. I dont have engine parameters other than fuel flow (no temps but no issues at cruise). Yes, I do have air conditioning but almost never need it above 8,000.
  16. I'm going on about 2 years post installation. It was daunting to get them setup and dialed in but now, I really really like them. I have vertical tracking capability with autopilot flying ILS and RNAV approaches which to me is the bomb. I'm still working on optimization of a few items (redundancy of mag for both 275's as an example which will give me heading if I have an electrical loss).
  17. Hi Everyone, Alternator was returned/exchanged under warranty. New one was installed. Ground run up was good (not lights) and so off I went. There is more to it than this but suffice it to say that upon first issue encountered, I should have ordered a load test which would have saved alot of time. Because I did not, I probably needlessly spent money on sending out/checking voltage regulator that didnt really have any problems. regards Freddy
  18. Hi Everyone, This thread is old but requesting update as promised but it looks like user above is MIA (if anyone has details on controller board, please jump in). For me, Low Boost pump is suddenly INOP (High Boost is fine). Having to hot start w/o Low Boost pump is a big challenge and a battery killer! I've found various posts but insufficient details. Where is controller board located? Who can repair? Is there a source for replacement? I'm having all sorts of fun times lately with M20R....this issue is the next problem to tackle after alternator problems are resolved (will report more when I'm done with that). Regards Freddy
  19. LOP, 2500 RPM. Almost never run ROP.
  20. For me about 183 TAS at 14.1 at 9500.
  21. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to provide an update since this is still not resolved. I continued to fly given that we were still charging, but a Friday or so ago, I had a complete charging failure while up in the air for what seemed like an eternity but probably was only 10 mins. Charging eventually resumed after several field resets and I was able to get home. Still thinking that I had an alternator issue, it was pulled out and sent for a load test. Here is what I received as a preliminary: per shop: Field failure; possible: bad rotor, brush seating issue, or unpolished slip ring. Causing inconsistent field connection. Stator diode issue; found one phase failure on oscilloscope. Requires Overhaul, possible new rotor In other words, what wasnt wrong with this unit? In retrospect, I probably should have ordered a load test as soon as I discovered the annunciations from day 1. I just did not think an alternator would get out of the door w/o a proper QA check given what was spent on it. My thinking was that I'd bite the bullet and have shop "fix" the alternator but they recommended I get waranty replacement (it was that bad). I think/hope this is it with this issue but we shall see! Freddy
  22. More info: I spoke with Kenneth. He shared with me the fact that "way back when..." they set the voltage threshold too high (he mentioned 27.5) and they no longer do that. He also indicates there is a potentiometer behind the display which should be adjusted downward. Since we are able to maintain >27 volts, the system according to Kenneth is operating as expected. I am unable to explain why my voltage before with old alternator didnt trigger this annunciation. Next steps are to recalibrate/set annunciator voltage threshold.
  23. Thank you everyone for responding so quickly! Thanks for the guides. Trying to capture and respond to comments and questions posed above: Yes, there is a vbelt that drives the compressor...also, there are big condenser and blower fan(s) that require lots of power to operate. In the past, I've used this system as an operational check for the charging system as it draws a considerable load as viewed on AMP gauge (has consistently done this for years). Drive couple was checked twice and passed torque test both time with consistent output measure. I initially thought it was slipping but spoke with alternator ship and they indicated that this clutch is pretty much a firm hold or a complete slip if the alternator has seized or bearings are causing issues (makes sense). This is very much a quasi undervoltage condition. What I do not know is voltage versus current output from the alternator. As I understand this setup, a 100amp alt SHOULD be able to keep up with my setup. From what I've observed, when the voltage is < 27.4 or close, we get a dim flash. When it is much lower, we get a brighter flash of the ALT VOLT annunciator light. So, I've observed two flashing conditions: slightly low voltage, and low voltage. I do have a call into International hoping to discover detectable conditions by annunciator. Anyway, I do have a video but its not compatible with this site. Perhaps I'll post a link to it when I get more time. It is possible the ac system is drawing excess current. Next steps seem to be to check load output of alt, and then functioning of ac, and then see if I have response from International. Freddy
  24. Hello, For the past few weeks I have had charging system issues on my ’97 Ovation. The situation presented itself in the air as a bight flashing VOLT AMP indication on annunciator. I am not stranger to this condition as I notice this light any time engine is slowly idling. I’ve never observed this light above ~1000 rpm ever till now. I reduced electrical load and quickly landed and determined that that system was running completely off of the battery. When I plugged into battery minder batter was quit discharged. It appeared that the alternator was not keeping up with any load even low ones because there was not much when I turned off unnecessary items . I followed guidance from POH and nothing changed. Upon recommendation by local shop, I sourced a 100amp alternator from Quality Aircraft Accessories which they installed. Upon startup, it appeared that the situation had been remedied or so off I went. On the next flight I checked the system for positive charging and all seemed well. It was a particularly hot day so I had air conditioner running and when I got up in the air, I noticed a “DIM” VOLT AMP indication on annunciator and once again, I shed load and landed. After speaking with Consolidated Aircraft and detailing my experiences and actions, it was decided to send in the Voltage regulator for a check and if necessary, a rebuild. Turnaround time was 2 days not including shipping (some bad solder joints were corrected but no components were found defective). Regulator was reinstalled. The situation as before still persists…under heavy load (ac on low/high), a dim VOLT AMP indication is shown on annunciator. I'm not seeing the bright VOLT AMP indication. This condition of dim VOLT AMP only takes place with the air conditioner on. It seems to me like the alternator cannot keep up with the demands of this heavy load. It displays positive current on AMP gauge however but value cannot be quantified. The shop is stumped and so am I. The alternator came from a reputable rebuilder. They claim that everything is checked prior to shipment. Now the regulator has been gone through. I no longer see the bright VOLT AMP light (only the dim one). I've asked a few wise sages in MS. I've even consulted with MSC in Chandler. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be logical next steps? Aircraft seems flyable providing I do not use AC but I live in an area where I use it for every flight from around May to October. It is not an option to not use it and so I’d like help and thoughts on how to proceed. There seems to be thresholds for the circuit to annunciate and in the case, two: bright VOLT AMP for lower voltage, and dim VOLT AMP for voltage around 27.4 or so. Thank you. Freddy
  25. Please PM me if you have one or will soon have one! Thank you. Freddy
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