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Everything posted by FJC

  1. Ovation Batteries: around 850 each. Plan ahead...they are hard to find!
  2. I also appreciate the LHS. I orginally bought it because I thought it would help me aid in resolution of site picture of long/wide versus narrow/short runways and it did that. My experience level isnt high and wanted to be able to land at new airports consistently. I typically will also cheat using computed glide path of gtn750 if nothing more than to assist landing on the R or L runway. Goal achieved. The "check landing gear" compels a look down to ensure gear is locked. I like that. I'm considering upgrade to gear position checking but I think the habit of a look down every time for locked gear is good habit and not sure I want to not be asked each time. Freddy
  3. Yes! VPLCP...sorry about that.
  4. My route has been PXN AVE PMD VPLC HDF to F70. Its less busy, plus I dont have to deal with potential vectors and restrictions near KONT! Now only that, lower terrain through Cajon Pass is appreciated. You can do this at 9500 no problem. Once you get into KONT area, there is lots of traffic regardless. Continuing on, one easy way to get to KSEE from there is to go direct from HDF to RNM, underfly the Bravo 100/48 turning east 20 degrees or so, then turn to VPSLJ, then into KSEE. I too have used LHS and DARTS higher at 11,500, but coastal marine layer at the time was a concern so my Bay Area to SD area is going to be as shown on the first line. Plus those will put you into high traffic. Just more thoughts for you!
  5. Any information here would be appreciated as this is my upgrade path as well and with A/C.
  6. Another tip is the contacts on the card need to be exercised by ejecting and reinstalling multiple times. I thought I had a bad card but finally work through the issue.
  7. Will plan on this as well.
  8. I certainly stop there as it is easy to get in and out!
  9. Thank for your write up. I do have multiple SD cards but never really had a use case till last trip which saved me stress! I really like the 510 as I always trip plan away from the airplane and have very detailed plans which quickly transfer (do not wish to tap these into the gtn750). I also wirelessly update gi275's and gtn750. I've not transferred any cards since I installed the 510 close to a year ago. Anyway, I was hoping someone also saw the "blue" continue button could chime in on their root cause. For me, I think its a data corruption issue. I've since reformatted the card and hoping this took care of the bad sectors, etc. Things do go bad over time and the operating system is supposed to be able to cure these types of issues but who knows what Garmin did. It would be interesting to know which OS they modeled after or if they started from scratch. Freddy
  10. And you have seen similar behavior that I did? Please describe more. Thank you.
  11. Hi Everyone, Had a situation yesterday while returning home...Flightstream 510 card was causing gtn750 to freeze after the 2nd "continue" (could not get beyond this screen with the 510). I was not presented with option to connect or update db's. At this point, the continue button turned blue and gtn750 became completely unresponsive. The DB's were up to date but I happen to notice that the last two (terrrain and charts?) were claimed to be missing all together. I should have grabbed video but was pressed for time and the sun was lowering along with increasing haze. First startup of the day did the same thing but a reboot allowed me past. This time, I rebooted 4-6 times to no avail. Normally one taps "continue" twice, but not yesterday. I was at run up area and had to return back, shutdown and fish for an older card which luckily I had. Has anyone ran into this with the flightstream 510? I'd say I have a corrupt disk but I do not want to go through this again so I really need to solve this. I suppose at this point, the lesson is that always have multiple cards on you with up to date DB's which sorta defeats my purpose of having 510 to do the updates and read in flight plans from Garmin Pilot. Technically I could have gotten home but not without operating out my norm and sweating along the way! Thoughts/Experiences? Thank you. Freddy
  12. I'll have to look for the next one...unfortunately, I am unable to take more time off at this time. Freddy
  13. I would like to participate weather permitting and time permitting. What are the potential dates?
  14. @ilovecornfields good to know! Looks like a few things...check probe location, check baffles, if indeed cht 5 this pixie it, etc. Thank everyone for looking at the graphs!
  15. This is all super helpful information. Given me ideas on how to proceed. Hopefully @kortopates can weigh in. Engine:280HP, FF: 26 (was set lower previously which presented bigger challenges) Not aware of any baffle changes. Cowl has been on and off multiple times and problem has persisted each time. I suppose the probes could be reversed which would say alot. I probably need to ID each to ensure they are installed correctly. Probably should also consider upgrading subscription to Saavy... Freddy
  16. I was hoping to open up a discussion rather than jump to a conclusion! What is your thought process? Is #4 the usual suspect for overheating? Did you review the data? Etc...
  17. Hi Everyone, This is the most hot time of the year in many places and so I am once again focused on a high CHT upon climb out. Anyone want to take a gander as to what the issue is? I'm including a couple of example graphs. Issue: Never overheat during pattern work. Overheat mainly occurs when it is hot out. I allow speed to increase any time I see the high CHT but it is a challenge to keep things cool in #4 when it is 85+. Getting >400 degrees on #4 is pretty easy to experience...even when it is down in the 80's. Other than the cylinder head temp, Continental runs strong and smooth for all phases of flight. Here are the graphs: https://apps.savvyaviation.com/flights/5651424/f1ceac98-412c-49a0-893f-c30c504d3733 https://apps.savvyaviation.com/flights/5651416/c636ea4c-9b99-42a6-9b47-65f54343e88a Any ideas? What else might be needed? Thank you. Freddy
  18. Does anyone have any resolutions on this hanging issue for the GI275 updates?
  19. Yup...avionics guy wants to install mine in the NACA duct on right side. Makes sense to place under wing away from heat sources. My 830 probe (I think) is in the NACA duct left side.
  20. I have 275’s that get stuck on 100% with concierge. My 750 updates fine. Workaround is to Install the db’s individually which is a pain. I have found no patterns from a couple of months updating in this manner. As an aside I have to periodically re-input Wi-Fi password to 275 around every third time I coonect from iPad and the password has not been recently changed. Ugh. so consistent with David. Freddy
  21. Ditto. I had to do them individually on my gi275’s. I too was stuck at 100%.
  22. Method above is what I use and works well (IO-550 on '97 Ovation).
  23. Hi @Jim Peace, What you describe would be GREAT if it worked that way for me but it does not. There is something going on...just cannot pinpoint what it is. I submitted further feedback to Garmin. Let's see what they come back with. Freddy
  24. More data: Today I flew patterns at KLVK (all within 2NM)...the 1st one, visual approach worked flawlessly which is pretty typical of first try of the day. The 2nd did not (i repeatedly loaded and activated the 7L visual approach to no avail). I reset the GTN750 by pulling the circuit and rebooting which resulted in the 3rd approach working flawlessly (after inputing the visual approach). Why would the approach not work on the 2nd try but on the 3rd when GTN750 was rebooted? Thoughts? Theories? I think I need to capture video of the GTN 750 and and GI275/HSI for more clues. Thank you. Freddy
  25. Clarification: I always have had a valid terrain DB installed on GTN750. Garmin asked that I install same onto GI275's.
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