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Everything posted by FJC

  1. Which 2005 are you looking at?
  2. @donkaye I've added that to my list of things to look for. How do we know/ID Plessey Gear Motor?
  3. I too am scoping out Bravos and there are a number of seemingly good ones. Trying to find something that needs little in the avionics department. My biggest concerns are exhaust related and general attention to items that were deferred in the last few years. I made an offer but backed out because I suspected this. I have a inspection scope list that I started to compile: Crank AD? Other AD’s Airworthiness? Tank Seals Turbo status (compressor wheel, smooth rotation, end play, borescope up tailpipe to view turbines wheel, inspection housing for cracks, clamps) Suspension donuts Exhaust system Speed brakes overhaul Battery replacement x 2 (every 4-5 years) Certain gauges need work/overhaul Electric boost pump rebuild Prop governor Prop overhaul Strobe light replacement Alternator replace Starter replace O2 tank replace (15 year life, 5 year hydrostatic inspections) O2 regulator rebuild I've been collecting items on here for some time. Thank to numerous people that have written and provided insight. Thank you. Freddy
  4. Yes. Approaching it from a 2 step approach. Thinking of having someone recommended on MS to carefully review the log as the next step. At that point if things continue to check out well, would likely send an expert to do the final look and testing prior to executing final purchase. I'm reading profusely about what are issues with various years, etc. I was looking mainly at ovations but bravos provide more capabilities that I will probably want later like the ability to fly over the Sierra Nevadas or over the Rockies. Its been a challenge to find opportunities to go look at given the constraints created with this pandemic. We've made the conscious decision to be very conservative and limit our contact. We have selected Mooney. There are several models that meet our need. The key requirement is >915 lbs useful load which gives us flexibility to fly for 2-2.5 hours with 620 lbs of cargo. The other requirement is round windows (we want a modern look) but due to budget and cost but we are softening up and will eventually consider older J models if we cannot execute on 1990+. Ideally we'd like a platform with Waas and redundant HI already installed (no time to do any upgrades at the moment). Thank you everyone for suggestions and contacts. I'm very new to this site and the welcome feels very warm! Freddy
  5. Appreciate the rapid response. I'm looking at a bravo. The scope of review would be anything that could prove costly in the short term. Beyond the basic issues common to Mooney, I am looking for someone that can advise on the systems the bravo has and assess condition. Not so interested in cosmetic as unfortunately, hanger waits measure in the half dozen year or so increments so we'd almost certainly park outside. Thanks so much!
  6. Does anyone know of a Mooney expert in the Phoenix area? First time purchase and am needing someone to help me avoid making purchase mistake that will be costly. Thank you. Freddy
  7. Hi J-D, Which of the three options you started with are you leaning toward? Thank you. F
  8. Considering an Ovation with these: #1 72/80 #2 50/80 #3 71/80 #4 70//80 #5 71/80 #6 70/80 Any concerns? Thank you. Freddy
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