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Everything posted by Missile=Awesome

  1. Shame. Shame. SHAME!
  2. That’s just horsemanure. I could not ask that of anyone. Stealing...I will fly without before paying that...
  3. Beautiful biplane at D25 ALL summer providing rides to public. Pilot to rear with dual open cocpit up front. Awesome radial sounds...
  4. My wife went from a combined fear of getting sick (wore relief band) and death (basically comatose and unable to have a coherent conversation) to being a great flyer . Took: 1. Time to gain confidence in me as a pilot 2. Time to learn about what turbulence feels like and that little bumps won’t break plane or cause us to fall out of sky. 3. Seeing and experiencing time value of flight 4. Being involved in weather decisions and knowing I have last say. If we must be home we don’t go. 5. Learning about wind and gps and radios. Learning about speed and flap ranges and boost bump and fuel management. She is now a valued resource and I welcome her in right seat. She took pinch hitter course. She is now an advocate vs opponent of GA. Life is Good is her motto. She loves the Missile
  5. 48 hours without electricity...and we’re outta there...Dodged a cell and saw ground speeds of 170-180 knots burning 12.2 at 7500. Microwave popcorn tasted especially good. Lol
  6. Yes, derecho is what media is calling it. House is damaged (roof/siding/trim) but we are insured and MANY have it much worse with downed mature trees on houses and some IN house Farms crops still being assessed, but millions of acres impacted. Many farm and coop bins impacted that will have long term storage ramifications...
  7. Possibly. We are getting out for awhile as fridge/freezer are empty and city has no power. Can’t work here. Need internet
  8. No, sorry I should of clarified. Co owner flew in after storm. Told might be week(s) before power is restored...sigh...
  9. CID/ Cedar Rapids Iowa was devastated with straight line sustained winds gusting over 80mph yesterday. Tremendous property damage. No power to 95% of city including airport. Could not secure plane in hanger due to no power. 2020 is a tough year...
  10. Thanks Bill. Very helpful. Hoping someone that flies a J with the Monroy tanks can also lend some input to “Their” experience as your tank totals are different than my J. Of course agree there will be some minor variance depending on the install/airframe. Anybody have the 32 Main plus 17 AUX set up that cares to comment? I will FILL the mains now that we have the tanks resealed and observe the level next day AND when the gauges start to move in future. Just trying to be knowledgeable as I can...Hoping others have cracked “the code” like you have.
  11. 940 UL...Umkay...So after Fuel and TKS fluid that sounds super to “fill up” and utilize that futuristic longbody stretch... Sweet.
  12. It’s a “new” movie about going BACK to the Futur 2008 style. Grab the Popcorn Marty. Move over to the chair. Biff wants the couch...
  13. So a Rocket Engineering thread morphed into a potential sale of an Ovation.... O.K. Got it. Perhaps the title can be re-named?
  14. Our M20J/Missile 300 has 32 Gallons each side and a 17 Aux Bay tank option installed. Anybody (paging Jose) know at WHAT AMOUNT of fuel in main does crossover into AUX tank begin? I have heard 10,15,25,tabs. What is the EXACT amount? Anybody KNOW? Please no guessing as I already have a LOT of that. The wing gauges show what is in main with further panel reading on quantity. Thanks for knowledgeable replies and experience. This is NOT a cue for Cies senders (thank you for NOT going there)
  15. I had a sordid ordeal with loss of battery. Flying into Lansing Mi and lost comms. (My Generator had failed). I could NOT reach Lansing on handheld, but another plane relayed my issue and had uneventful landing. I pulled battery and trickle charged it. On return I communicated and then turned everything off after departure. Turned everything on at arrival. I replaced analog volt/amp gauges with digital that had discharge light after the incident. Going to look into the AA ICon battery pack. Go Mooneyspace!
  16. I can and it’s investing $175k vs that.
  17. Paid $85k for our Missile. Has a run out bottom end, but top has only 400. Exhaust was entirely refurbed <300. Beautiful $14k paint and interior leather and ALL plastics and yokes by the master in Texas. <$10k for a dual G5 upgrade and another $7k for a 530w upgrade and 330 ADSB compliant transponder and we are just above $100k...Tank reseal and we have a beautiful Missile for <$110k....Deals are out there and when you spread the “upgrades” by three owners you have a relatively pain free “magic carpet”. Life is good. Missile=Awesome...
  18. Thanks Tom. Just another reason why we need to hand sanitize and do an “in person” hand shake lol....
  19. Stagger Wings I get. This? There is beauty there, but it is a “different” kind of beauty. I would think Gee Bee would totally get this. Antique for lathering me was the beautiful “Howard Hughs” polished monoplane that met a sad end on way home from Oshkosh. I must of taken 50 photos and walked around her twenty times. Shiny/Sleek/Radial/What’s not to love? Your girl is like Marauder’s...I am 100% certain she has a quirky, but TOTALLY engaging personality that will thrill and excite with every flight. I get it Bayern. She’s a beaut’. I am thankful there are caretakers that “keep ‘em flyin’ “. Be safe in your transition. (Everybody told me that on my Missile)
  20. I will take my IO550 burning 12gph at 10500 All day Art.
  21. Bullhockey. I am shopping for women’s swimwear. Riiiiiigt. Face palm
  22. Not sure I agree with this. If you want Ovation and or Acclaim power and have a J or K that is at TBO, but well equipped you like the Mid-Body/Avionics Paint/history of your airframe then perhaps $100k is “worth it”? The competition in the Missile arena is Newish Ovations and Eagle. Can you get into these for $200k used with 300HP? Make that $100k if you have a run out J or K you want to convert... As Mo said previously in this thread...With New unobtanium and Used prices HIGHER than $100k or $200k (to obtain sonar airframe if not owned) there may be a market?
  23. Art, I don’t think there was any paint damage from chemical as the tanks are sealed when strip is completed. When you remove the individual panels you can get some small paint spot removal as the plane is painted with the access panels in place. On underside (white) very difficult to notice and easy touch-up. Top red, darker, more noticeable? Regardless this is “minor” paint touch-up. Paul provides a bottle of white and red so we will be able to do minor chip fixes on cowl and other areas which is nice.
  24. There are Rocket Engineering Conversions for sale (Both Rocket and Missile), why not just buy an existing conversion vs. paying huge $ to “convert yours”? The engine would be the biggest “ticket” item in the conversion I would think, right?
  25. Couple photos of Paul Beck’s completed three step tank re-sealing process looks like at completion. Also a photo of wing after re-assembly of panels and re-finish of wingwalk. Match painted screws are re-used and red and white touch up completed as necessary. Just outstanding work... Plane down <2weeks. Truly amazing. I don’t think Paul would mind my sharing that his youngest son is going to pursue his A&P after graduating High School, following his oldest son and Paul into the Certified ranks. Gives me hope for the future of Aviation and our country when young are pursuing careers and achieving success. Go Mooney! Go Aviation! Go USA!
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