Hello all,
I am working through my PPL and (I believe) I am a few weeks away from qualifying for my check ride. So far all my training has been completed in a variety of C-172s but I am very interested in purchasing a Mooney after getting my certificate.
My question for everyone is what avionics you would want to see in a Mooney to get your interested. Being new I have only been exposed to what the planes I have flown in have, I have not used auto-pilots, storm scopes, radars or lots of the other higher end avionics. The most technologically advanced item I have exposure to is a GTX-430
Things that I know I would like are
Altitude/heading hold autopilot.
WAAS gtx-430 or better.
A transponder with ADS-B.
VOR reciever (Or Dual even better) and DME.
+Minimum equipment list
And not technically avionics but I think speed brakes are high on my list as well.
I understand that you can install new GPS, Autopilot, Speedbrakes etc after the purchase but it sounds like its generally a better idea to buy a plane with the setup you already want. If you have a strong opinion about that I would be interested to hear it as well!
Thanks much!