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Everything posted by GeeBee

  1. I circled the louvre vent. It connects (but not directly) to an inside vent.
  2. If it whistles or lets water in, seal it up, if it don't let air flow and keep and condensate to a minimum. Never looked closely at other models but I actually have louvered vents coming out of my baggage area.
  3. A liquid cooled automobile engine and an air cooled engine are two different things especially when it comes to ring end gap and other tolerances. That said, to the OP, why do you need your mechanic to get an oil sample? Buy a suction pump from Blackstone and pull the sample yourself and send it in yourself. Not hard to do. You are being badly served by your present shop.
  4. I bought a couple marine halon bottles off of Ebay once. I paid, they were never shipped. Ebay was helpful in identifying the guy, but not in recovering my money. It made me mad so I non-revved down to FLL. I swore out a complaint with the police. Then I went to his address and stood outside. I called the police. They showed up. He could not pay restitution so he went off to jail. He got a few months in county.....and a record.
  5. Certainly there is, but 1 quart every 10-12 hours is not it.
  6. I am at a quart every 11 hours, I don't think it can run better than that.
  7. Wow, I am running with scissors! I am using Camguard with Aeroshell 15W-50. 1000 hours and starter adapter is still good.
  8. I've use Camguard for over a thousand hours on an IO-550 and no issues. Mike Busch has done some studies on it, comparing oil analysis iron levels with and without Camguard and says it works.
  9. Oh he has the money. They just have to locate it.
  10. I discovered a new one the other day. You might be a redneck if you are pushing a shopping cart at Buc-ee's
  11. https://pilot-protection-services.aopa.org/news/2022/march/01/what-could-go-wrong-part-2
  12. There is nothing to say you can't put the hose in the bottom. A little touch to do on an Ovation or Acclaim though.
  13. Because sucking is never as efficient as blowing... Seriously by recirculation you reduce the delta on the incoming air resulting in faster and hotter heating.
  14. A more likely and common scenario is a bad headset or worse, a bad headset jack. Then a speaker is priceless.
  15. It works, because there is a lot of hot air going in. It pressurizes the cowl. When I use mine and I just have a Duece I can feel the hot air coming out the exhaust stacks.
  16. When it was 4 degrees and two years earlier 9 degrees it was crystal clear. Cloud cover is generally warmer than polar vortex weather here.
  17. Yes, I lost the fuel pump on my diesel truck that morning due to fuel gelling. The Mooney nicely warm fired right up and completed her mission for a passenger pickup at KMKL. Really I would just put a Honda generator and an AeroTherm Alien Turbo in the trunk. By the time you finish preflight you would be warmed up. I like forced air heat better and the arrangement is very safe.
  18. December 24, 2022.KGVL, 50 miles north of ATL, 0700 temp was 4 degrees F. My Aerothem Deuce was the bomb.
  19. Get an Aerotherm Alien Tube heater and a Honda Ex generator. Boom, heated in 30 minutes.
  20. Because you put in bananas, mangos and blueberries into the smoothie machine when you commented about Richard Collins destroying his P210 then talked in the same breath about homebuilts. Can't complain when people don't want to pick out the blue berries after you throw the switch.
  21. I had great service with this guy. https://www.aircraftmagnetoservice.net/500-hour-inspection Personally, I just buy new mags now every 500 hours. I keep one overhauled one on the shelf as a spare. I have had to rely upon O/H it during Covid and the overhauled ones from aircraft magneto service seem to be very good.
  22. In the interest of commodity which has been lacking of late, and damaged this site, we'll let it go at that.
  23. Do you know the difference between smart and wisdom?
  24. Possibly slipping or bad internals. You need a diagnostician.
  25. Simply put, there are no really deep pockets in the experimental game. As to Richard Collins, there is smart, then there is wisdom.
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