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About docjeffry

  • Birthday 03/20/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norman, Oklahoma
  • Interests
    Flying, fishing, camping.
  • Reg #
  • Model
    Grumman AA1-A
  • Base
    David J Perry Airport (1K4)

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  1. I need to replace my upper (thank God) in cylinder #3 of a Lycoming o-235-C2C. In reviewing the FAA's maintenance manual, vol. 1, CH 5, I noted an absence of and type of adhesive such as locktite, etc. Any comments on that? Note: All of my owner assist MX is performed with a certified A&P/AI. I'll let you know how I do.
  2. Have you considered maybe taking it somewhere else completely? Locally here in central Oklahoma, David J Perry (1k4) has covered hangar space for 85/month (blow thru). Three sided for 95/month. Something to consider. It is particularly dry here during the winter and we do not get heaps of snow, Have it ferried out. J
  3. Who is your metal building supplier? I work for Alliance Steel Inc. We do PEMP just as you have shown. Thank you.
  4. Anyone notice this Mooney just sitting on the ramp at Williston Airport? I saw this airplane sitting dead center on the west side of the ramp when I was there last month. I called the FBO, the guy was nice enough to tell me the N Number so I could find this image on the net. He said he has been working at X60 for 7 years and it has never flown (some run ups). The locals tell me corrosion isn't too bad in northcentral Florida. Is this aircraft salvageable? I'm sure the engine is toast. I was wondering about the airframe. Thoughts?
  5. I will definitely be giving these guys a call next time I visit friends in Lake City. I just made my first breakfast flight in Florida last month. 15FL to X60. Cannon Creek Airpark to Williston. Williston has a nice restaurant. Greasy spoon goodies, cheap, good service.
  6. Yes I did. Thank you. I'm finding out there is a lot to consider when looking at a panel upgrade. This plane, I think all I want is a fun flyer so I am not going to go too extravagant. ~J~
  7. Lancecasper and hammdo, I have an old Loran II Morrow in my panel. Since the GX series is no longer an option, are you saying that a GPS 175, or a GNX375 would fin without much work on wiring? I would like to go direct from Loran to GPS 175 if possible. Looking for ideas. Thanks!
  8. Tossed in myself. Thank you. ~J~
  9. I haven't gone back to look at the log books to see if it even flew at all. Somehow I doubt it has. I can call Glen and ask but since i'm not going to make an offer, it doesn't matter.
  10. Price drop! 29,500... Looks like this guy is getting tired of 300/mo hangar space.... :-D ~J~
  11. Thank you everyone for your input. All things considered, does it seem like now is not the time to buy? Is everything about 10K too high in asking price? I can barely find a Cessna 152 for less than 25k advertised in all the listings available. What are your thoughts?
  12. I did open the box but did not notice one. I guess I'll look again. Thanks.
  13. Where did you get the placard? Did you just make one? I'm about to install the Uavionix TailBeacon on the Grumman. Thanks in advance.
  14. When I find the right one, that's exactly what I'll do! ;-)
  15. I'm pretty sure a Mooney M20C will fit my needs fo a long time to come. It's just me and my wife. Thanks
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