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Rusty Pilot

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About Rusty Pilot

  • Birthday June 21

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    Fredericksburg, VA
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  • Model
    Money 20C

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  1. My wife is a very low hour student pilot and has participated in owner assists annual inspections. She also serves as my auto pilot on cross county flights. Would she still benefit from the Right Seat Ready program?
  2. I can hear my alarm, but it is not particularly loud and I can see how it could be missed. A gear up is my biggest fear.
  3. My wife and I bought our Mooney about 6 years ago and were both a overweight at the time and still fit in the plane pretty well. We have both lost a significant amount of weight and it makes it feel like our cabin got bigger and we have more useful load. I am currently 6' and 190 and my wife is 5'4 and 125 which make the Mooney climb great even with density altitude. Our decision to lose weight was based on health reasons only and worked since we both dieted together.
  4. I bought 2 new piper latches which worked well. Slightly smaller, but works.
  5. Is the updated price $40K?
  6. Griggs installed mine a couple of months ago. I also had to wait quite a while for them to come in, but they actually installed them ahead of schedule. With the new fuel senders and my new engine monitor I am getting excellent fuel readouts. I am 100% satisfied. Good luck!
  7. Certainly, consider the weight of pilot and front seat passenger which may impact cg and require a slight trim adjustment. Sounds like you may have a little forward cg, but I am by no means an expert.
  8. Congratulations! Beautiful plane enjoy!
  9. You may be able to get a hangar quickly at Shanno KEZF. KEZF has an experienced Mooney mechanic on the field and a couple of good Mooney instructors and a few Mooney owners are based out of there. I know the distance and traffic are tough, but it will have you outside of the SFRA as well.
  10. Was that Goldfinger appearing briefly?
  11. I did the same. I am now at late January to early February. It will go back around on me soon.
  12. Me too! I had the same question. So, this will effectively be an E with speed mods once someone brings her back to life.
  13. Don, I thought the original engines were produced by Volvo. My Dad had one back in the day and my brother still has one.
  14. It certainly seems like a fair price for a well-maintained Mooney. Good luck with the sale.
  15. I am also at KEZF Shannon. Try Dave Cramer. He works on several Mooney's on our field including my C model, a J and an F model. He just started working full time at Shannon. He is very knowledgeable and does great work. Additionally, Jet Drive (Byron) works on Mooney's up in Gaithersburg and owns a very nice 201.
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