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Everything posted by alextstone

  1. Take the price of both units and then double that and you will be in the ballpark
  2. May I ask, why did you sell the Acclaim?
  3. I own a maintenance shop near New Orleans. We had two aircraft, a2005 Ovation and a 1995 Bravo in our shop recently both of which had previously undiscovered causes for extremely stiff trim, one elevation and one rudder. We were able to determine the cause and repair. If you're willing to come as far a KPIB in South MS, I weeks like to have my guys attempt to settle your issue for you. Two other options, of course, are too either take it to Maxwell or to the service center at the Mooney factory. Alex Alex Touchstone Divided Sky Aviation Cell: 601-470-7092
  4. OP, you should do some honest self assessment. How comfortable are you with the Archer you currently fly? Do you feel like you're "behind the plane" a lot or so you feel like you're waiting until the right time to make the next input? Are you a fast learner? A Mooney M2C is not a HUGE step up if you're already secure in your foundation. Also, congrats on jumping into this wonderful life expanding skill as a "middle aged" guy (coming from a 56yo who's feeling his age) Alex
  5. Questions: did you also change plugs and wiring harnesses and if so, how long has the old ones been in service?
  6. I called John Paul at GAMI just now. They are a long way off in that they are developing the smaller diameter of the two clamps they will offer (ours will be the larger one) first. They will have a prototype of ours soon. Then they must clear FAA approval, THEN they will start working on the AML one aircraft at a time. He said EOY at the earliest but I would not hold my breath.
  7. Do you know of anyone I could "collude" with?
  8. Just for grins, anyone hear an update on the ETA of these clamps?
  9. Milwaukee makes a great one
  10. I keep my TIT at 1550 or below.
  11. Only 4 weeks???? That's 4 hrs in aviation time. Alex
  12. The unicorn of the maintenance world.
  13. Why? How is one forced into such a decision? Alex
  14. Sorry, I meant of the three that were listed
  15. I can buy from all three so I just checked pricing and Aircraft Spruce has the best price by a very small margin Alex
  16. HI Fritz. I am curious about this statement : "My A&P cautions, TIO-540 AF1B prone to sticky valves with multi weight oil". I wonder what prompted him to say that. Did he have experience with another Bravo aircraft / engine? More than one? Did he hear it somewhere? Did he leap to that conclusion? Alex
  17. 600 hrs so far...@donkaye , what do you run in your engine? Alex
  18. I had the same result when I switched from AS W100 to XC 20/50. To reassure you, Lycoming lists 20/50 as an acceptable option, see photos. I add CamGuard to mine. They also mention in the manual service instruction 1014 which can be found here: https://www.lycoming.com/service-instruction-no-1014n Your mechanic should be eager to follow these pieces of "wisdom".
  19. The rep at GAMI said "it could be a matter of weeks or a matter of months, the FAA is in control of that"
  20. Good Morning All, I have an update that is mildly encouraging. I spoke with John Paul at GAMI and he confirmed that GAMI is working with a machine shop and the FAA to manufacture v-band clamps under an STC. He seemed to think that it could be as little as two months before production starts, provided the process continues to flow without issues. That probably means more like 6 months but, hey, it's somewhat encouraging.
  21. It's the same harness as the standard mag on my Bravo....
  22. Over the past two days, I researched for hours and I made 22 phone calls to distributors, salvage businesses, Mooney Service Centers, and I even reached Eaton, the manufacturer of the couplings....the news is bleak (as in it could be 12-18 months before the production backlog is cleared and they will not tell me where in line these particular clamps reside). BTW, just to "grind your gears" a bit, the reason for the backlog is that Eaton moved their manufacturing plant from Georgia to Tijuana, MX. So, If you are holding one of these clamps (serviceable or new) and you: a) would love to do a huge favor for a fellow Mooniac -or- b) would like to make a handsome profit off of your purchase -or- c) both PLEASE inbox me with your price and preferred payment method. Thanks in advance. Alex
  23. I don't have one on hand at the moment however the threads on the T-bolt stripped / corroded and one of the clamping sections was somewhat loose (lateral play by 1/4 " at one end)
  24. My Thanks, mine is riveted but not serviceable...looking everywhere, including here...
  25. Thank you! I have searched extensively and I have one on order at Textron but no lead time offered. I've even offered to pay the AOG fee. I appreciate you checking.
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