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Niko182 last won the day on April 11 2020

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    18V Platte Valley
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  • Model
    Mooney M20S Screaming Eagle

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  1. KHYI
  2. did you bring it to brian kendrick?
  3. maybe high compression cylinders that aren't logged?
  4. Not getting them weighed since the pre 2000s usually does the trick.
  5. If you want useful load you want a 252 or an eagle. Both of those come with some serious gross weight increases that really allow the useful load to shine. When I got my eagle it had 970 pounds of useful load. over the years, I have documented anything that will lower the weight. That means lighter alternator, LED instead of regular lights since you get to lose the power supplies, light weight autopilot, getting a G3X so i can ditch the entire 6 pack, backup cdi, and jpi 900 all for one light weight touchscreen, newer radios, the acclaim type S prop or the MT prop, and for the eagle, the screaming eagle conversion. Doing all of this resulted in about a 245 pound difference between the higher gross weight and the lower empty weight. Right now, I'm at 1216lbs, and will probably gain some weight with the electronic ignition installation, but might hop over to an acclaim prop, and lose another 8 pounds. It takes time, but if you anal about making weight changes and logging them, it's fairly easy.
  6. I was a little bored today so I figured I’d see what I could get. I was still getting around 300 to 350 fpm at 100 IAS climb approaching 23.
  7. It's sad what that airport has become. When I started renting out an outdoor tie down in 2018, it was 140 bucks and owned by the county. 2021 the tie downs got sold and the price went from 140 to the mid 400. I don't know what it is now, but I'm guessing its a lot more, and i'ts frustrating to see that you get a lot less for the significantly increased price one pays.
  8. This was my eagle at 16500. If I knew I was living in Colorado, I would’ve probably considered an acclaim, but this will have to do. I’d agree flying them over 12 doesn’t really get you anything except not hitting a mountain.
  9. I believe its 14.9 for the non-turbos, and 13.7 for the turbos. As an FYI, this is very ROP. Peak at 59% power is right around 12.2 GPH and 56% is 11.6GPH. You'd get some performance back running it a decent amount leaner and save some gas. If you want to keep running ROP, somewhere in between 12 and 13.5GPH would probably keep the engine a bit cleaner.
  10. I doubt it’s accurate and it’s never getting weighed
  11. can you start building the hangar now, and the house when you get there?
  12. I should add it also helps, to raise the flaps as the mains touch down. If you get comfy with the site picture, you can even raise them a half foot over the ground. It'll just plant the plane down, and you can apply significantly more breaking action at the higher speeds without worrying about wearing down the tires.
  13. Depends on your minimums. I know @MooneyMitch used to operate his ovation out of a 2300ft strip. I have taken my slovation into a 1400ft strip. Multiple people in Europe operate their ovations and acclaims out of sub 2000ft strips. The plane will easily handle getting into and out of a 2400ft strip at gross weight. It depends what you're comfortable with. It helps with 310hp too, but will still easily handle it with 280hp.
  14. Would you recommend switching it? Have you heard anything about this @Gee Bee Aeroproducts?
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