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  1. This went from "this is cool" to I love my dysfunctional family in two post. So I'm jumping in on the dysfunctional family Side IFD440, GNS430w, flight stream 210, Dynon HDX1100, GTX345, GMA340. Unfortunately the Garmin side of the house doesn't want to talk to the other family members. So I had to install another ADSB-in with the SV472. Replaced a JPI 830 with the Dynon EMS. Its an interesting home: but fun! I flew in the Army for 30 years and the Army was always behind on upgrades. Seems to be improving some
  2. You all are great thanks for the feedback it’s a done deal
  3. Thanks! It is the last of my vacuum operated equipment
  4. My vacuum step servo is torn and I’m thinking of replacing it with an electro mechanical one. The vendor is flightenhancement llc out of CT. Has anybody used them and is the step worth it if you have? Thanks Toolman
  5. Absolutely the most enjoyable thread I’ve ever followed on MS! Best parts: when you sat in the cockpit and had to turn off the camera “what have I done I bought a Piece of $h!+. Better part when she fired and the joy and elation flowed through the video!!! I’ve had those moments with mine as well! Truly a difficult process to take on! The Time and logistics of finding mechanics, getting them on site, I’m sure getting parts is a nightmare etc. I enjoyed you slaying the nay sayers from the beginning of the thread. Reminds me of a scene from an American Classic: Kelly’s Heroes “what’s with all the negativity Moriarty?” Shows what determination great German mechanics and faith in a Mooney can accomplish! I can’t wait to follow your future endeavors!
  6. Mr. Davis: Spend $100.00 on Xpanel 5000 soft ware. It will let you Build the panel you like on your computer, show you what the cost of the avionics is going for approximately and show you what it will look like and if it fits. It's for experimental but it has the Mooney panels. I built a cool panel for my "C" and got a very close estimate on the price of the new toys plus the old toys that are staying in; less installation.
  7. Congrats Dominikos on pursuing your instrument endorsement! I don't post much just read here a lot. After this post I will probably never post again from the backlash. I have a M20C with nearly same set up as you. my 430 is WAAS but big deal a LPV and LNAV are both non-precision approaches one just gets you to a lower MDA; that can hurt early on if your not trained well! So youll probably do LNAV and ILSs. My recommendation is to add the FS210 and get your endorsement first. Reasoning is this will reduce your workload programing the GPS and it has a AHRS as a backup. I fly with my 430 and a iPAD for situational awareness. I still fly my steam gauges out of necessity (cost) til I upgrade. I fly a lot of SPIFR also and do just fine. Its taxing but doable. Your biggest investment is you: your proficiency and comfort level! I've landed with my gyro spinning because it failed in flight and hardly noticed. I rarely use it I crosscheck crosscheck crosscheck Altitude heading airspeed trim track. All the electronics do the same thing for you; display that information but they add stuff that makes it easier. Depends on what you like on displays and how much you can afford to spend so I'm waiting to upgrade but still enjoying my Mooney. All cars do the same thing: get you where you need to go. Learn to drive then pick out your color model and options My point is don't spend a butt ton of money and find out that you hate flying in the clouds (instruments) then have the best VFR cockpit money can buy. Go try it determine your "wants" then decide; you have what you need already. Also I wouldn't worry to much about your AutoPilot functioning now if your CFII is any good you won't get to use it
  8. So I'm not alone! Put in a JPI 830 and experience the same issue. Probe has been switched to no avail, the baffling is in good shape, timing checked and rechecked #2 RUNS TOO HOT! I back down when it reaches 400f although the owners manual says 500f is max. Run it full rich in the climb to let the gas cool it down oil psi is around 87 cowl flaps full open. Still not a fan of having MP higher than RPM. #2 runs hotter in cruse also. I wonder if it is an air burble behind prop on down side rotation?
  9. Just got off the phone with Corey at Tru trac; (479) 751-0250 Expect June or July time frame. cost is: 5,000 for everything's except install and you have to pay EAA for the STC since they pushed it through. That is only 100.00 System is 100% self contained. Has GPSS and a track mode, also altitude hold. No other instruments except a GPS to to provide inputs. In track mode you are able to fly a vector "Victor" Sales guy said about 20 hours for install. It will follow the magenta line and do the approach, similar to a flight director and for around $7,000 installed.
  10. I put the JPI 830 in a year ago. Left the old stuff in though, I like to look at steam gauges as well, kinda makes me feel like a real pilot not a systems manager. I do love the data though! You'll enjoy the EDM one of the better investments for a healthy engine
  11. I'll take the: Complete brittain PC system with turn coordinator, 4 servos, and valve. $800 RCA G502-A DG recently overhauled. (Will drive accuflite or Cessna 300A/400A autopilots). It includes the wiring harness needed to go from the DG to the Accuflite DG gain box. plug and play $500
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