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Everything posted by ilovecornfields

  1. Interesting. I once had an engine run rough and declared an emergency and made a precautionary landing. I sent the info to Savvy using my iPad and visited a mechanic on the field who thought it was a clogged injector that had cleared. He pulled the injector, found nothing, put it back together and I flew home. Never heard from anyone else again. I didn’t have my logbooks with me so there was no logbook entry when I flew home. Was this a violation of the FARs? How do you prove the issue is “resolved” if you don’t find anything? If I hadn’t declared an emergency would that change the legality of the situation? I appreciate your thoughtful responses and your expertise.
  2. Could you explain this? How did he make a “logbook entry” and what legal relevance does this have? If you post something on Mooneyspace then that makes your plane unairworthy and requires an A&P to sign off on it?
  3. I had a similar problem after annual with the fuel flow and it was just a loose cannon plug. I’m sure you already did it, but probably worth taking the cowling off and seeing if there’s any obvious loose connections. That’s certainly frustrating when your plane leaves the shop with issues it didn’t arrive with.
  4. George was my primary instructor in the early 90’s. When my son wanted his first lesson I tried to see if he was still available but he wasn’t taking new students so we flew with one of his instructors instead. I did get to catch up with him and he mentioned that he was trying to get rid of the Mooney because it was much more maintenance-intensive than the Cessnas. I guess he finally did.
  5. This is what the Salinas Valley often looks like in the morning. The weather forecasts usually get it right. I don’t know how people fly around here without instrument ratings.
  6. Pinnacle used to have a J. Not sure if they still do.
  7. You’re closer to @kortopatesthan I am, but that’s who I do my recurrent training with. Definitely worth the flight. Kurt at Expert Aircraft in French Valley (F70) might be able to help you with the prebuy.
  8. Yeah, but look how we turned out! Maybe they were right.
  9. I can assure you that my son’s classmates are NOT watching those channels.
  10. This guy? Director of Maintenance: Larry "Smudge" Vidal Email: larry@genaviationco.com 714-526-6611
  11. Is it always the same levers or do you like to mix it up for variety?
  12. Self-publishing content can definitely have its drawbacks. Whenever I think of the number of kids today who get home from school and stare at YouTube (and TikTok and all the other related sites) it makes me sad about the future.
  13. Any recommendations for getting my prop balanced? The gentlemen I used to go to had his balancing machine fried so now I’m looking for a new shop.
  14. Mike also has a great reputation as a mechanic. So great, in fact, that he was too busy to take me as a client! Definitely looks like a great plane for someone interested in a short body Mooney.
  15. Try Kurt at Expert Aircraft at French Valley (F70). Edit: If they’ll let you fly it to Stockton Top Gun would be a great option as well.
  16. What does it do if there’s no airport within gliding distance?
  17. It’s about 15 min faster
  18. Good luck with the sale! I met Harry a few years ago at the wash rack. He seemed like a really nice guy who had a great sense of humor. Sorry to hear about the family’s loss.
  19. In light of this information I’d recommend as your route of flight: KFBL->KSEE (pick up Paul)->KAVX. One of my fiends flew his Bonanza over when they had a celebration after the runway was repaved. He said a beautiful Baron came in too fast and damaged the gear on a hard landing, bending both props and damaging the wing. CFI ballast would have probably prevented that.
  20. You mean hypothetically speaking, of course. ;-) The MSC in Troutdale caught a loose TKS stall strip during an annual a few years ago. Gluing it was probably the best bang for my buck I’ll ever get in general aviation.
  21. Is it airworthy if you tape over the stall strip?
  22. I haven’t been there in years. A long time ago when I was a teenager my dad gave me the keys to the plane and told me I could fly anywhere except Catalina so that’s obviously where I went. Some thoughts: Single engine over water, likely out of gliding distance from land. Runway is on a mesa so if you land short/long that can get you into trouble. Hump in the middle tends to bother people because you might not be able to see the end of the runway. Landing fee. Bison burgers were really good. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. Edit: Here’s a good video from AOPA https://youtu.be/SKxe3C5-15A
  23. I almost never fly out of LAX but I’ve dropped off and picked people up before. HHO is close and they’ll often just give you the crew car to drop someone off and bring it back. Torrance would work too.
  24. Still a good place to go when dropping someone off at LAX and HHO often waives the ramp fee. My wife hates it because it always looks like we’re going to land on the roof of Target on short final.
  25. I’ll take any of the primary instruments you don’t sell for my paperweight collection, although I’ve been surprised at how light some of the instruments actually are.
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