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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. ....and send some Dijon to Paul
  2. I'm grounded with CIES going in and JPI unable to give me an ETA on shipping the EDM 900
  3. WOW Yetti, you have TONS of space; I think I now have clearance envy. I called Don Maxwell and he said to look at bushings and shims on the "baby shoe" (attache point for the forked rod that has the castle nut in question on it). Roger on the grease interference tripwire indicator / corrosion proofing. It may have something to do with why your bushings are apparently in great shape.
  4. Thanks Chupa! So both of mine are touching you have a few paper sheets worth of positive clearance. I'm gong to put my plane up on jacks this weekend to carefully shake the gear to check for looseness. Curious if anyone else has run into this issue or has the issue on their aircraft.....
  5. Hi Guys, I wonder for those of you who have an "F" model if I could get a picture of the clearance (on your aircraft) between the castle nut pictured and the tube where you can see paint flaked off on mine. Both left and right landing gear on my 1969 aircraft seem like the parts (bolt /castle nut and the tube structure) are touching. Now I'm wondering if this is: 1) Normal ( don't think so but Google imaging Mooney M20F > Images produces pretty much useless comparison cases 2) A typical wear patter that needs can occur over time due to wear/landing stress In addition to getting some photos for comparison (a few different angles would be greatly appreciated!!) my thoughts are if I have the issue (and if it needs priority maintenance correction) I might tip others off to look out for this. Kind regards and appreciated as always Stephen Rogers, AR
  6. It would be interesting to know if any of that aluminum found its way into our mooney's
  7. Thanks for the tip on the EAA museum and Aviator bar in Montgomery; I'll have to put those on the trip list (if my plane every makes it out of post purchase squawk/upgrade maintenance)!
  8. Thanks guys I really appreciate the tips!
  9. Hi guys, wonder if you have ever seen this. My LM LG on the Mooney I just purchased is showing chipping on the paint where a castellated nut is chipped paint off the tube as illustrated in the picture. I have not had any hard landings *yet* or landings with x-wind drift sideloads in the 14 landings I have done so I do t have an "event" to tie it to. Im obviously going to get it fixed but comparing the structure side to side the gear structure tubes look similar and just want some advise on *what* may need adjustment vs replacement. Right Main seems fine. Anyone know if this is an adjustment issue or what part may be tweaked and need replacement?
  10. I need to get down there for some refinement lessons.
  11. Thanks Mike; I'll see if I can get the pinout information and give that a whirl! Also got the inertia shoulder belts ordered.
  12. LOL, well as it pertains to the EDM, here is what I am thinking
  13. Thanks for the Tips Marauder, yep it is coupled to the 530W and will fly an approach. It does have an increasing oscillation on the ALT hold so that is a no go, but it will do heading and approach tracking just fine.
  14. Wow, glad I shared ; WindyTV is like a 1000 x better. Installed the app. Love the link to local forecast as well. Thanks Neil & Tony
  15. Beauty!
  16. I'm sure most of you have seen this but for those that haven't : http://hint.fm/wind/index.html
  17. I'll check that; thanks Hank!
  18. Hi Yetti, it has an STEC 60-2 which, I understand takes cues off the turn coordinator (another squawk; it shows left of center per photo in stabilized flight/straight taxi/ shut down on level ramp) sorry the mooney forum forum attachment uploader function always flips my photos sideways
  19. Hi Scott, I just PM'd you. I need to look at getting a new fuel tank sending unit for my F.
  20. Thanks Joh, good note on that one. It seems to still be there with a straight nose wheel; I'm just going to have Maxwell do it right. My local shops don't have the boards.
  21. Allen at corporate Jets in Birmingham did it. He caught the control configuration suggesting out of rig. I had the seller fix one item but some left roll still remained on flight test. Basically it was take to or walk away time and being 2K++ in on PPI, and Maxwell estimates max of 4.5 hours to rig it, just decided to access that and a few other squawks rather than starting another hellacious looking & buying cycle.
  22. Hi Hank, thankfully I ended up making it home; the flight instructor and I filled and pushed up through 7K worth of clouds. Pretty VFR on top but one HECK of a headwind!!
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