As with most things like this there are a variety of opinions, but I can give my take on it. FAR 43.9 requires "maintenance" to be recorded in the aircraft records, and the definition of "maintenance" in FAR 1 includes inspections. So a 43.9 maintenance record entry for an "inspection" may just include a statement of items that were inspected on that date, and nothing more than that. How much disassembly was performed is not really a required detail, and many people lean toward making maintenance entries as short and terse as possible. If the "inspection" isn't a 100-hour or annual inspection done by an IA, or some other inspection required under Part 91, then there's no requirement for a discrepancy list or statement of airworthiness.
Generally, 43.11 is only taken to apply records of 100-hour or annual inspections or other required inspections, although the wording says "any inspection performed in accordance with Part 91". Pedants may take that to mean more than it is generally taken to mean, which is why some people advise that a pre-buy not be described as an inspection. Maybe it's an "investigation" or a "look" or something, but "inspection" is fairly broadly defined elsewhere, so this is one of those areas that can become a conversational minefield. In 43.11(a)4 where it says "insert type", the options for "type" are generally "100-hour" or "annual". For the most part many pre-buy inspections are done without considering them maintenance or inspections and the only record is whatever report is given to whoever is paying for it. YMMV, consult carefully with whoever is doing the work as well as whoever is managing the records for the aircraft. The owner of the aircraft is responsible for maintaining the records, so their input in this area is important as well.
Even when an inspection is an official 100-hour or annual inspection with a list of discrepancies, there is no requirement that that list is or becomes part of the aircraft records. The only requirement, per 43.11, is that the inspector "must give the owner or lessee a signed and dated list of those discrepancies." The list can be, and often is, completely separate from the usual aircraft records. It is then the owner's responsibility to manage compliance, per the discrepancy list, to have the aircraft returned to service. Many IAs cover their own liability interests by keeping a copy of the list, and some insist on entering the list in the aircraft record with the 43.11 inspection statement. If an owner has a preference on how the list is handled, that should be sorted out with the IA ahead of time.
Individual mechanics and IAs will have their own opinions and practices in these areas, so it's always good to ask questions first to manage expectations.