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Everything posted by BradB

  1. I only did what was shown. I did a right 270 coming out of Orlando and a left 270 coming into Page field as part of the normal course of the flight. None of them were at a 30 degree bank. I completely skipped the crossing a point N-S and E-W. The total flight was just under an hour. Brad.
  2. Uh oh. About the only time I fly VFR is to sneak out for maintenance at another field. My friend owns the FBO where I am based. I try to sneak out to the nearby MSC without getting caught. Oh well. He always finds out anyway.
  3. I finished up all the requirements for my ADSB rebate today. I was planning on doing the validation flight tomorrow morning, but decided to request a report on my last flight just to see if it would work. I passed! I guess the big circles out of Orlando counted for 30 minutes of maneuvering. I'm just glad that I didn't get sent to Modena first.
  4. Marco, i agree with @M20F and @Jeff_S, if you are flying in the Fl100-140 reange, an ovation make make sense. The turbo shines when flying higher. It is true that it can be run efficiently, but I typically fly ROP. FL180 27/2400 202TAS (I have TKS) at 18.5gph. I think LOP the fuel burn drops to the 14s. I saw on another thread recently here that an Acclaim engine is in the $75,000 to $85,000 range. Good luck!
  5. Yesterday we were able to take a fun trip from Ft Myers (KFMY) to Orlando (KORL) to visit some great friends. I had my Fiancé playing first officer and my daughter in the back. Flying IFR around this airspace keeps you on your toes. It seemed much busier than what I usually get in my Boston trips. I was flying with my new ADSB upgrade on my G1000. It was amazing to see all the traffic depicted around me in the Orlando area. It was almost too much, as it covered up the airports and navigation info unless it was magnified significantly. Yes, I know I can turn off the traffic display, but my crew likes trying to spot the traffic.
  6. I guess I have a thing for redheads.
  7. Today was fun! Erie, PA to Ft Myers and then a great greeting on arrival! It was fun to meet up with David and @Deb and my favorite tower controller at KFMY! The power of mooneyspace. And David and @Deb are too modest. Their ovation is a great looking bird. Try living with a white belly, you'll understand why I have to wash and wax it constantly. Brad.
  8. I've seen other pictures of that Acclaim. That's a beautiful plane. The owner is on here and is a great guy, too. Nice work @mike_elliott
  9. What was your fuel burn at that speed?
  10. Can't help jumping in. Straight and level. FL190. And was 200+ knots GS during the climb On this day at the same altitude, looks like I am a couple knots short of @peevee on the TAS. But, in my defense, he is running higher MP and fuel flow.
  11. Good pirep . Another +1 for base ops. And for the page controllers, they are great (Becky is always helpful). I am heading down there next Friday. brad.
  12. I signed up for it, but thankfully have not had to use it yet. Run by SAVVY, so it should be OK - I hope. brad
  13. I have the sidewinder also. It's been less than a year and I only I use it when I travel to airports that I'll have to move things around by myself, but it seems to work well.
  14. @gitmo234 where will home for the new plane be?
  15. @Hyett6420 - Beautiful Plane! Glad you are getting to enjoy it!
  16. At the united club lounge in Boston today, waiting for a flight to Cleveland. Then a drive to Erie. 8PJ is in for annual and ADS-B upgrade. Could have been home by now...
  17. .60 discount at home. I did also sign up for the air boss card from airnav which does get discounts at some fields, as long as they are not your home field.
  18. As far as I can tell, their only purpose is to collect ice.
  19. From all the bad backs around here, I am gathering that Mooney needs to go back to the drawing board on this whole rubber-puck-landing-gear thing. Or you guys just need to learn to land softer.
  20. Did two of those today.
  21. I always tell my patients that i would much rather have then say "I wish that I did this sooner" rather than "I wish I didn't do this." You are ready when you are ready. Most of the time it is ok to wait unit it is the right time for you. Sorry it was such an ordeal to get you fixed up. Good job seeking out the right doc for you. I'll have more about that for @peevee offline. My favorite t-shirt: "It's not Rocket Surgery" Today was all spine surgery. Tomorrow is lumber fusion surgery and then a brain tumor. I love that everyday is different. @Hyett6420 - really not all that impressive - when I'm at home, I am still the trash boy (have to remember to take it our Thursday night ). And it doesn't get me any priority with ATC. Sounds like you are in a much better situation than some of the others. Spinal stenosis can certainly be a bad problem, but the fixes are a little easier. Physical Therapy, Injections by pain management. If that doesn't work, the surgery for that is usually about 1 hour or so and maybe home same day or one night in the hospital. Probably flying in under one month. Feel free to PM with questions. Yes, the spondy often progresses to needing surgery. I absolutely recommend looking around for the correct surgeon for you. The internet is a good starting point, but don't rely solely on the bad or good that you see there. I usually treat spine fractures (I am assuming here, I couldn't find it rereading the accident thread) for about 12 weeks in the brace. Depends a little on the type of injury, but that is a good general rule. If you are complaining about the brace, that is awesome! Given what you could have been complaining about - I'll take it. I hope all else is healing well! Bone spurs in the neck are usually fairly easy to deal with. If you are talking about a cervical discectomy and fusion, you could be back in flying shape in 2-4 weeks. If it is just a pinched nerve, put it off as long as you can deal with it (pinched spinal cords are a different issue). Happy to answer questions if you want. A second opinion is always a good thing when considering anything like spine surgery. No one should discourage it if you mention seeking one. Don't feel bad about it.
  22. Thanks! Here is a better but still sideways picture. It is the horizontal blade coming off of the vertical stabilizer. brad
  23. We all complain about the cost of airplane parts. The list price for each of the titanium screws is probably in the neighborhood of $800. And that doesn't include the rods or locking caps. Smart hospitals don't actually pay list price. But it is still crazy expensive. Brad
  24. I've flown as far as India to a surgery for someone before. 'I'm starting another surgery shortly, I'll take a look at the message and get back this evening. brad
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