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Everything posted by Pictreed

  1. Can't wait to see the changes. What year are the yokes. I might be interested. Tim
  2. Thanks Brian. I agree, it's sat too long. 500 hours since 1981. I just got word back that the CDI issue was in the GNS 430 so instead of a $5k trade in it will be $4.2k. The IFD 440, 340 transponder and Skytrack 100 will be sent out tomorrow. Total cost for the 3 devices and new antennas was $10.5K after the rebate. Part of the cost is that I had to have a new rack for the transponder, and an antennae for the GPS and one for the Skytrack. But now I will have a newer GPS with all it's features, a new transponder with ADS-B OUT, Skytrack with ADS-B IN, WiFi and Bluetooth. Looking forward to getting her back in the air. Tim
  3. I need to search the site and see what others have done. Thanks for the info.
  4. Thanks Greg. Congrats to you as well. It was good to talk to you this evening. I wish we were ready for some island hopping but I need to work out some bugs and get comfortable with her. Then ease into some light IMC. TIM
  5. Good to hear. So it isn't a big deal to remove the windshield?
  6. Greg, Where did you get the panel? Tim
  7. There's something that seems appealing to me when the instruments are separate. I like the idea of having the integration of the 750 though I'm not sure how efficient I'd be swapping pages. I thought I'd give the Avidyne a go. Not totally sure it's the right thing or not. I haven't talked to anyone that's been using it a while.
  8. Do you guys feel this seals up possible water leaks better than the old access panels? Or are there issues with the old panels leaking? My panels have a network of silicone to seal it which I don't trust if flying through heavy rain...with my ram air closed of course
  9. Bob, could you have used a 650 for your Nav/comm 2? Im trying to figure out if I put in the Avidyne 440 now if I would be able to put the 540 above it in the center stack. I will have the transponder and 440 installed soon and I'll fly it like that for the rest of the year since I need to seal the tanks and possibly add the long range tanks which will tank my fun money...lol
  10. I'd like to see this. I've considered it after getting the inside the way I want.
  11. Greg I'd like to see some pictures. Supercop I'm pretty certain I'll get the 440, AXP 340 transponder and Skytrax ADS B in. Later I'll add the AP, Aspen and audio panel. Then maybe IFD 540 and JPI 9xx to clean up all the shotgun fragments...living the dream at that point. It kind of sucks because my center rack is empty. We may have to finish transition training with my portable radio Has anyone put in a 750/650 or 540/440 in a '65 E or similar? One above the other.
  12. Out at the airport cleaning today. Lots of cool things going on.
  13. Hey Supercop, Tuesday was a great day as was Thursday. I would say Thursday was better. New owner, no oil, so we stopped at KMWL at the FBO to get some oil. We were trying out the NAV radios on the ILS. First time to fuel a plane too (T67). We then went to KAFW for some pattern work and engine out practice. Along the way we did stalls and talked about spin recovery. Probably the most relaxing day I've had flying. We also removed the PC wing leveler because depressing it didn't release the ailerons. Once we cleaned it and blew it out it was much easier for the steep banks. You would be amazed at how the plane would roll right in without it. Yep, I was there when he realized your knob was bent. I packed up my 430 today to send to Gulf Coast and sent my King 155 to the shop with yours to get repaired.
  14. The chin on my E is stickier than a kids fingers on November 1. (Halloween). I see almost 3/4" MP when opening the ram air vent.
  15. My buddy Paul flew in the Sea Fury there. I might have to take a trip. Thanks.
  16. It's nice to have a new Mooney owner next door. Just quit upgrading equipment bro, it's hard to keep up lol The nice thing about our airport is everyone's so friendly and helpful. There's all types of Mooney owners there. Lots of professional pilots...could be why there are so many Mooneys....
  17. Does anyone have some suggestions for avionics guys in DFW? I have a guy that's good with general avionics but I have some Mooney specific needs too. Tim
  18. It's in flight too
  19. Here's a video.
  20. IMC is possible. So pull it and take to the shop?
  21. For the first time since I started flying again in September (since a 20 year break) I had fun just flying around with Jerry Johnson. Since the Fall it was always task oriented from either training or going to an inspection for work. I still can't believe this is my plane. Every time I check the oil or inspect I'm still in the mindset that it belongs to someone else. I'm loving it
  22. New problem. A garmin CDI is on the GNS 430 but has failed. It moves to a partial course deviation to the left 4 degrees and but the glide slope needle does not move. The VLOC and GPS lights alternate when the CDI button is toggled. Where should I start diognistics? Thanks in advance for all the help.
  23. Found it! Newbie! I was looking for a rheostat but only saw two bent control knobs on the ceiling.
  24. Looking back I see this should have been in the Avionics forum. Im about to go with the Avidyne 540 and put the 440 in later. Has anyone else done this?
  25. I'm going through the POH about the interior lights...er, I mean the lack of. I found the fuel selector light but it may be blown so I'll look at it better Saturday. I turned it but nothing. It has a smokey look. It's probably not important since I can feel what tank it's in if I remember the big part is the back course. I can figure out how to turn the overhead lights on. I took the covers off and they look good but have not tested yet. I bought a hat bill light that has red and white lights so I'll keep it and some batteries. Tim
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