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Everything posted by Pictreed

  1. I haven't gotten as far as the POH info and verification everything is up to date yet but I'll be posting a lot of newbie questions 'next year'. I'm sure the owner and transition training will provide much of the info I need too. I was in ground effect and kept it from settling and when it did stop flying I pulled back on the yoke just in time at the end. It was a save for sure. I wish she had videoed the other landing. I was quite happy with that one. I did not put all the flaps in on this landing. Anyway, enough on the landing, I'll get plenty of practice during transition training. I want to focus on the experience. I did get to use the did get to use the autopilot a bit. That is a must have upgrade!
  2. They stall horn worked well. If you get into the instrument stuff you learn about stabilized approaches and you really improve your approaches and landings but this was a very gusty day and with all my excitement it was not as good as I'd hoped.
  3. I've been working on purchasing a 1965 20E for sometime now. If everything goes right I'll have it by the first of February. I made friends with a couple Mooney owners and flew my first Mooney Saturday. All I can say is wow. It too is a 1965 E but has all the mods (tips, windshield, wing fillets) and a 3 blade prop. I'll try to post a video which shows that I've never landed with a 3 blade prop. Could be why my buddy kept saying, 'you better get some throttle back in, you better get some throttle back in'. I had just enough stick to keep it from bouncing but lesson learned. The first landing was fine but I just got too slow the second time. We had practiced slow flight and stalls so I was confident in it. When I first got in I was trying to figure out how to sit and rest my arm for the controls but I said just forget about it, and I figured it all out soon enough. I pulled a muscle putting the gear up...lol, but did not bob much. These things climb fast. We worked on descending without back pressure from the prop pushing the engine...lots of good info on that flight. It is definitely different...in a good way. I can't wait. The video isn't that great. My very supportive wife took it as she was working on our hangar. http://youtu.be/OKuBlpYFzLg Tim
  4. I was sad it was over :-)
  5. I think I may have figured it out. There is an input setting and I think it was on the lower powered setting. I'm waiting for an opportunity to try it out. It is a Sony recorder.
  6. Part of the reason for wanting the additional GPS is to get rid of the old Bendix King Nav/Com radio. I didn't want to rely on the iPad since its not legal for navigation. My goal is IFR redundancy. Tim
  7. I'm looking at a plane with a Garmin 430 and was going to upgrade it to WAAS which would also require a new antennae. If I added a 530W or a GTN 750, would I even need to upgrade the 430 and would it work off the same antennae as the bigger unit? Tim
  8. Guys, derail this thread all you want, it's all good info. I spent the last 2 weekends taking apart the E that I'm looking at with a local that is Mooney knowledgeable, and owns the same plane, and has done all the annuals since Don looked at it in 2008 so I am not taking it back to him. I was luck enough to find a beautiful 1965 20E in great shape. As we went over the plane he explained to me about maintenance procedures typical to this aircraft, all the AD's, and I even got to use the Johnson bar while it was jacked up. I got to personally inspect everything with him. An awesome treat which probably saved me tons of hours researching how to take care of it. After seeing all the things to look for I would definitely suggest doing a pre buy. You also have to be careful of the 'my buddy does my annuals' as letting the buddy do the pre buy. Unless you know the parties are not biased, I would get a third party inspection. I also found a hanger today so after the holidays I should be able to start the purchase process. I'll post some pics when everything is done. I guess you know because my avatar will change too. Tim
  9. Good point. I'm working on purchasing a 65 E locally and I'm helping do the annual today. That way I've been all over the plane and looked at everything up close. They've explained to me about the towing hazards, how the h stabs work and what to look at during preflight, maintenance pointers and so on. I also got to cycle the gear while on the jack stands to get a feel for it. I've had the opportunity to ask them all these things that rumble around in newbies heads keeping us up at night about owning their first Mooney. Tim
  10. Thanks Parker. That makes more sense. Wish they would explain that. I asked Falcon and still have not gotten a response which is not too comforting. My hour requirements are lower because I have IFR and complex already. Tim
  11. I'm curious, being new to Mooneys, where you're at in your Mooney training? Which check ride are you finishing up? Im figuring you've found someone already but there is a good group of Mooney guys in North Fort Worth including Jerry Johnson who will be doing my transition training. I'm curious about all this because of the insurance. I got a quote from a company yesterday that will require 5 hours of dual and 5 hours of solo but I'm not sure how to accomplish the solo time if I'm not insured? I believe they also have a few selected transition guys they use too but Jerry is listed on the MAPA site for this area and I think he is acceptable for their requirements. Tim
  12. Sorry to hear about your dad. Glad your ok Keep us informed on the issue.
  13. I'm trying to record in-flight audio using a digital recorder but I'm getting a strong engine sound in the recording. Has anyone tried an attenuator for their recordings? Tim
  14. Welcome to the site. That panel is definitely easier for me than the stock. Looks like all the IFR guys like the suction front and center too. I guess if you have redundant electrical gauges it's not as important.
  15. Thanks Paul. Pics helped. Examiner said FAA doesn't like the video stuff so I didn't record it. They called him on one someone recorded without his knowledge. Not a good idea.
  16. It would be nice in that case if they have a little parachutes so they don't go through somebody's windshield. Is anyone using the Sony action cameras? IFR check ride today, maybe I can video it? Thanks for the responses. Tim
  17. How do you mount your camera on the outside of the fuselage? Sticky mounts or suction cup? Tim
  18. Pictreed

    Icing Video

    I believe this was a NASA video and its in typical government style so be warned. http://youtu.be/j_D8tcnL2uQ
  19. My examiner buddy, who is also a friend of the seller, also told me Don so that's where it will go. The annual recently expired so I may have to do that first. Thanks
  20. Thanks guys tim
  21. Are there any Mooney A&P in Fort Worth that can do a pre-buy?
  22. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  23. How much was the 750 installed? You can pm if you'd like. Tim
  24. I would say mis-perception because the Mooneys sure seem smaller. I think it may because the E has to have the center open whereas in the Cessnas have the seats really close.
  25. T, I think you guys sold me on the GTN750, that thing is awesome. The AccuTrak would be nice too especially when you are going into a Class B to land and after take off from another airport outside the area you get the dreaded, '7741M, advise when you're ready to copy' request just after departure...ugh, STARs! I'm new to IFR but there's times I wish I had autopilot such as setting up an ILS approach when you requested RNAV and such. Where did you guys get that throttle control. I'm a little concerned with grabbing the prop control and start turning it only to realize it's the mixture control because it's backwards from what I'm use to. Because of the way we adjust the prop, I don't think we'd get too far twisting the mixture before we realize the RPMs aren't changing, or maybe we would make the engine cough a bit if we are LOP. It would be embarrassing to pull up somewhere and instead of shutting your engine down you're cycling the prop...ask me how I know, LOL. Ron, the pre 6 pack is the whole reason for the upgrade. I hate messing up a vintage cockpit but I feel it is inadequate for what I feel is safe IFR. I like the styling of your dash too...looks good. I can see some J model influences. Hank, YES, I never could figure out why some Cessnas have the vacuum gauge on the right. In a narrow Mooney it's not too bad but on a Cessna they might as well put it in the mirror on the wing. Dave, what is that square screen on the right? If it's a AI that would be perfect to use till I get the equipment upgraded to what I want. Brian, thanks for the pics. I have an E I'm looking at but I like what you've done to yours with the pics you sent. I'd like to hear more when you get a chance. PM sent. Storm scope. What is it, how good does it work, and how much do you rely on it now that we have stuff like XM weather and such? Thanks to everyone, Tim
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