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About Cardinal767

  • Birthday 11/13/1964

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    Flying, fishing, hunting, sports
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  • Model
    M20K 231

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  1. Be thankful, I was at KBFF last week and had the exact thing happen, but the line guys did absolutely nothing. My 81’ K model and two Citations 525’s were hammered by golf ball size hail and 60 mph winds. I was glad I had it tied down but it may be totaled. Sad, it barely has 2000 hours on the airframe.
  2. With my K model, "Full" is all the way to the rivets above the filler neck flap. When filled to the flap, I'm usually short by 2.5 gallons per wing. I installed a EDM830 and came up with these numbers while calibration testing. Running a tank until the low fuel light came on, then filling it verified it all
  3. Look at your schematic. Find your SHUNT. It is still in the same section(CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL) as the other two fuses. You’ll see a BUS and BATT fuses coming off the SHUNT and are going to your amp meter, that’s your other 2 fuses, amp sizes are shown. My 81’ K has a total of 4 each 5 amp fuses. The INST, powers the glare shield and FLAP/TRIM indicators. The RADIO, powers my radio and instrument back lights and a few post lights. I just put in a new radio and transponder and blew a fuse.
  4. “Low” pump voltage is adjustable with an adjustable resistor on my K, not sure about the R model.
  5. Oh, Sorry for my confusion. I've yet to find any brand that a very comfy. I have new spare cannulas for any one who flies with me and clean mine.
  6. Being my 830 only has about 300 hours on it, I really don't want to spend another $4,000 for a 900 if the installation manual reads "The EDM-700 TIT cable may be connected in parallel (piggyback) at the TIT probe (preferred), or at the ship's TIT gage. Check the TIT readings between the EDM and the ships TIT gage in flight, then do the following calibration procedure. (This may be done in flight or on the ground.)' I didn't design the system, but I'm willing to try and make it work Here's what I plan on doing to test the entire system as it is installed. Top cowling off, TIT probe removed from the exhaust only. The probe lead is about 18 inches long, a industrial heat gun, an exhaust tube I have, and a Type-K thermal coupling probe attached to my capable multi-meter. I'll compare ALL three readings if I can get the temp high enough to get the OEM gauge to read. By adjusting the distance between the heat gun and the tube, I'll be able to regulate the temperature in the tube. Its a start. Being that impedance was brought up. I was told that the 830 has a very low impedance, so it should not affect the high impedance OEM gauge. FYI, there is a factory cannon plug between the TIT probe and the gauge that can affect the impedance. I solved a flaky OAT gauge readings by disconnecting and reconnecting the two cannon plugs, one in the wing and one in the cabin at the wing root.
  7. The regulations limits us to just those two options. Cannulas or masks below FL180 and unpressurized masks below FL250.
  8. Let me rephrase. I've connected both TIT gauges to one TIT probe (like JPI said was possible) to see just how far off the two readings are. Until I've verified which reading is closes to accurate, I'll use the higher (830) as the limiting reading. I can not fly with the OEM disconnected to see what the EDM would read solo, and I'm in no hurry to drill a second hole in the exhaust when the EDM can be calibrated. Again, both readings were very close in the 1300*F range. In the 1400's the differences were around 50*F and continued to increase through the 1500's. The OEM indicator topped out around 1530*F with the EDM at 1630*F. I'll do some more testing.
  9. Byam Propeller in Fort Worth, TX has always done a good job and a fair price for me for decades. I had my prop OVERHAULED with all SB's complied with about two years ago. The prop hadn't been off since 1981. I think the price was around $2k. The prop governor was to the point the cost of repair exceeded buying a new one and they let me know it.
  10. After all the discussion on how far off the OEM TIT indicator is, I connected(piggy back) my 830 to the OEM TIT probe. The part number on the probe installed is 3199516. Before starting the engine I checked that all CHT/EGT and now the 830's TIT temps all read the same as my aircraft OAT and the 830's independent OAT. All (15) temps were within 2*F of each other. The aircraft TIT of course was off scale too low. After takeoff I monitored both the aircraft TIT and the 830's indication as I climbed from 600 to 8,500 msl. At first, both indications were within 25*F(at 1300*F), with the 830 reading higher of the two, but that was short lived. The higher I climbed, the difference between the two increased, ending with about a 100*F split (830 highest) . Here is what concerned me, in cruise (2400rpm, 30.0 MP @ 9.5-9.7gph LOP) the aircraft TIT read around 1525*F and the 830 read 1625*F. I tend to take the word of the one closer to the danger zone (and 37 years younger). I went ahead and continued to lean until the 830's TIT dropped below 1600*f to be safe. Being I'm new to LOP, is pushing the 1650*F max TIT normal? Yes, I know I need to check the calibration of both indicators. Until I do, I just want to be nice to my engine. Thanks for the help Bob
  11. Hi can you let me know where you purchased the no-back spring.  My friend needs one for his 1978 M20J.


    1. Cardinal767


      I ordered the kit from Mooney sadly. Lubbock Aero is my parts guy. It was around $1,000. It came with all the hardware needed except for shims. I also ordered a couple of shims sizes to make sure I had the parts on had. You might check with Lazar about their price. 

  12. I had the same issue. I disconnected the connector at the servo in the wing and slid it on and off several times to make sure it had good continuity. Done, problem solved. When the pitch started doing the same thing a few months later, same fix. Only issue I have now is since I fixed the pitch trim servo. It trims one direction, a few seconds later, it trims the other way. It’s nonstop, not bad, but I worry about burning the servo motor out. Bob at Aerolab keeps replying that he will get back with me about the problem, but it’s been two months now, and counting. Bob
  13. Here is a good read on the components in our engine fuel system. Their purpose and troubleshooting guide. http://www.dgsupply.com/node/2044
  14. Thank you sir, I'll put the 13.7 x FF/ 210 on my performance chart in the POH. Some how the Gami POH Supplement did not make it into my POH, I'll fix that tomorrow. As you can tell, I'm conservative power operator and new to LOP operations, I want my -LB to last a long time.
  15. I setup the EDM HP to the ROP constant for break in and have not changed it. The FF, MAP, and airspeed are pretty close to what is listed in the POF. I've kept the settings because ROP is the dangerous side of an engines life. Also I've noticed I can't run smooth LOP below 2500 rpm if I go above the upper teen flight levels, so I'll fly ROP then. In cruise, I pull back to 70% (125* ROP/12.7gph) then do the big pull to 8.0gph(60+ LOP) below FL180. I'll check peak from the LOP side, then set in 30*-50* LOP(usually around 8.5 gph) knowing I'll drop below 70% HP. Airspeed drop matches the POH for about 60's% HP (155kts-165kts). CHT's are quite nice, OAT:-10, CHT's low 300's(#5 and#6: upper 200's), OAT: +10, CHT's mid 300's. Oil temps 150f-170f, at OAT:-20 I've seen 138f. Is 29.0" MAP, 8.5gph FF a correct power setting for around 65% LOP? I do have to deal with the MP creeping up, then dropping, with only 200 hours on the engine I wouldn't image the turbo is coked up since I do the 5 minute cool down per the POH.
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