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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. I thought it could be swapped out by a Av Shop. Let us know what your shop finally finds. My guess is that they're supposed to backup the config, change the battery and confirm the config is okay and you're done. But then that would be too simple and logical. So do let us know how many hoops and how high you had to jump. Eventually all of us with a GTN will need to go through this, so the process will be nice to know.
  2. Is that a Garmin repair or do you just go into a local Garmin shop?
  3. If you're looking for the dates, @Stetson20 posted these last fall... Lakeland FL Jan 27-29 Henderson NV Apr 14-16 Lexington KY Jun 9-11 Westfield MA Sept 8-10 TBD Oct 13-15
  4. Just to clarify, there is an electronic version available called the AOPA Mags App. Just don't get why there's no discount if you opt out of getting the paper magazine sent to you.
  5. Love Rod and obviously he knows his stuff!!! But is his delivery as slow as some of his other stuff? I had trouble watching some of his other videos because of his slow delivery.
  6. @OSUAV8TER I just checked the Whelen site and didn't see anything on the Lumen output. Any chance you can find out from your contacts what the old 14v bulb and the new 14v LED Lumen outputs are for comparison? (Guessing the 28v crowd would like to know too...)
  7. The paper and printing costs for any magazine is exorbitant. I'm continually surprised they don't actively promote people changing to the App for the electronic version of the magazine.
  8. I found that even though you may be able to climb faster, if you keep the climb in the 500~750ft/min, the Merlyn is quite happy and can keep up. And a factoid I just learned that many of you may also not know.... I was having a turbo discussion with my mechanic recently and he happened to ask if I knew my turbo was glowing BRIGHT RED while in flight! Guess first time he saw it years ago was when he was ferrying a twin at night with a TSIO360 and could see it glowing through the vents in the cowling. Gotta say... That would scare the cr*p out of me if I hadn't been told they all glow red.
  9. You may also want to take a look at another discussion here: Turbocharger cool down time Hopefully it will not muddy the waters with some of the original old wives tales that came from the original 231's fixed wastegate turbos. Bottom line is that GAMI and others did some pretty good research to show that unless you come into the pattern at full power and only taxi a few hundred feet and shut down, there's no issues with the turbo cooldown. It will cool down as you reduce power nearing the airport, in the pattern and especially as you pull power on short final and the roll-out. Your turbo will probably heat back up a bit during the taxi and when you pull up to parking. But the temps will still be down low enough to shut down. If the plane you are looking at does not have a Merlyn Variable Wastegate (really an upper deck controller) then you might seriously want to look at installing one. With the fixed wastegate (a bolt) you're using un-needed boost down low and for takeoff and eventually you start to loose boost around 12K when the turbo could give you more if it had a variable wastegate.
  10. Apparently some of the 28v systems did and others didn't. It was an issue when Whelen started designing the new LED replacements.
  11. If you get more requests after you sell your light, let me know. I'll be pulling out two 14v used/working lights as soon as the LED replacements come out.
  12. 47N probably is (as usual) the least expensive, but Reliant at DXR is also pretty good. There's a discount if you're an AOPA member, but I can't find it anywhere so I don't want to quote the wrong amount. Still pretty good for over on that side of the NY CBA.
  13. I'm out west for a few more day, but back Wednesday. If sometime after that you want to try it again, let me know. I'd be curious to see what the "...the SFO drills from @Buster1 Nate’s excellent book...." are. (You'd have to pick me up at FRG, my K is in for Annual right now.)
  14. Forget how the HDX behaves.... I totally get the flying in TX mentality, but I was taught that where you are means cr*p!!! But the Subject of post "how to avoid / prepare for this happening again" is the real question you should be asking. Icing can happen in any state and it can actually happen above "freezing" when you're talking Pitot Tubes, Induction Icing, etc. So the basic rule your original CFII should have taught you is that if you see clouds in front of you, you turn on the Pitot Heat. Doesn't matter if you're in in TX or AK, you just do it!! As others have said, if you're not just sitting on the ramp, it's pretty hard to burn out the Pitot heating element. ADDED: I said "if you see clouds" above, but what I was really thinking is what @GeeBee said below that it's ANY Visible Moisture.
  15. Anyone know of a source for a set of headrests for a 1980 231?
  16. First, the Garmin is illegal to use for an Approach if the Database is not current. Some older units (like my original IIMorrow) would allow you to check the DB to see if Waypoints were the same as on the plate, but you can't do that any more. So you can do practice approaches, but you can't file IFR. Some people dispute if you can even file and fly in VMC, but most things I've read says the wording is that you can't "legally" file IFR in VMC or IMC without a current DB. On the question of what happens if you send a FP from FF to the 175, in most cases the Wpt will be there, so it will take it On the ones where the 175 has no clue what the Wpt is, then I *think* the 175 will just give you an error that it is not found. But if the Name is there and it has moved for some reason, then the old 175 DB is going to fly you off in the wrong direction an ATC may be asking what's going on. Granted, you may see on your iPad that you're off course, but then you have to decide if you follow the iPad which is not a primary flight display (only reference, not actual navigation) or do you follow your real navigation device. For Enroute you can take the Lat/Long from the Current Chart and enter it in to the 175. But you can't do this for an Approach, just Enroute.
  17. @GeeBee So what is this site you posted the link for????? The tape I heard did not say anything at all like "Shit! Delta 1943 cancel takeoff clearance! Delta 1943 cancel takeoff clearance." as in the link you posted.
  18. I do not believe the G5 can be a replacement for the KI525A to drive the KFC-200. But do check with your Avionics Shop to make sure they have not made any changes to the G5. I believe what you need is the GI275 which is a much more robust device than the G5.
  19. @rbp Yes, in theory they're should not be much heat. But I'm guessing you haven't been around many LEDs as some still put out a lot of heat. Has to do with the way they tie the LEDs together, the diode used and how they are sealed. You'd be surprised how hot some of them get after they've been on for a while. ADDED: Granted newer LEDs are generally much better, but there is still a chance they generate and/or do not dissipate heat very well. Always worth checking.
  20. @OSUAV8TER When you're talking to Whelen, ask them about the heat. I'm *assuming* since it's an LED that we'll be able to keep the Recog. Lights on even on the ground since they *should* be cooler. But depending how they're making them and how many LEDs are actually in the "light" to create enough Lumens, they may still put out enough heat to melt the wingtip lens on the ground (like the old tungsten bulbs).
  21. Anyone have any driving reason to use FltPlan over Avare (or vice versa)?
  22. You want to rethink that one.... The old fixed wastegate bolt would increase the the turbo spin as it WAS NOT FULLY OPEN and therefore forced more pressure/exhaust through the turbo. With a variable wastegate (or Merlyn upper deck equivalent) fully open it would allow the exhaust gasses to bypass the turbo. Therefore it spins less. Your statement is why the old theory that you have to idle when you get to the ramp is TOTALLY WRONG. And again, I'm no expert, but I've done enough research to believe in the data I'm relaying. If you have HARD PROOF that says something different, I'm open to looking at it. But if your just going on old defunct theories, take a look at the real data.... (Just say'n)
  23. And you don't think Pattern or an Approach followed by landing, rollout and then taxiing constitutes a "low power setting" for your engine???? It does not say 5 minute idle on the ramp does it? I think they had issues with the K and the fact that the turbo was really SPUN UP even just taxiing. So that became the belief of all turbos. Not true as proven my your POH and the numbers GAMI showed (and someone I know). It just say low power setting.... Nothing about after the plane has come to a stop on the ramp.
  24. Spin down is also one of things possibly related to the old FIXED wastegate on the 231s. Any of the more modern turbos or the 231s modified with the Merlyn are not "spun up" the way they used to be. All the science shows the cool down time is an old wives tail.
  25. See my comment above. The guy I know had a probe for the oil temp exiting the turbo. His data indicated the same findings as GAMI's more scientific data collection.
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