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INA201 last won the day on June 12 2018

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    1978 M20J

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  1. Maybe a dumb question. Are the typical commercially purchased drones automatically disabled when flying in a TFR for drone activity?
  2. I agree with the notion of buy it equipped if possible with the upgrades already done by reputable shops. I also agree with the notion of start with a basic plane and do all the upgrades and customizations yourself. The later is what I did but I really love the whole process and it does cost more. The enjoyment is worth the cost to me. Doing the later is also a cost of down time and non flying time. There is also down time in waiting for the already complete plane to come to market. There will always be squawks on the complete plane too.
  3. I wanted to post the legs. Pretty cool! Thanks for the post.
  4. No question! Make the trip to Dalton. They are currently resurfacing their runway fyi.
  5. Good afternoon! I have a 78j that has a few nicks here and there on the paint. I used a paint shop to match up paint a few years ago for touch up My question is what you guys do to touch up your paint? Is there a standard white color or the other two colors that can be ordered off the shelf? I want to paint the gear and wheel rims as well. Any ideas techniques or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The plane is white, Maroon, and blue and original. I couldn’t get the picture to load so I’ll try later. Thanks
  6. I agree! I do think things hit a social bottom a year or so ago but are now improving again.
  7. I agree with PT20J. Start with the simple stuff like probes and baffling around the engine. The EGTs seem to indicate similar combustion and fuel flow as the other cylinders. What did savvy say?? Good luck to you. We have all been in similar situations.
  8. 1978J Serial number 24-0578 calculated and not weighed. 990.80 lbs useful. I have a newer glass panel and no vacuum pump etc. we cleaned a lot of wires and old junk out a few years ago. I’m curious to how close folks calculations vs weighed are. 40 gallons of fuel with my wife and I leaves 450 lbs. 40 gallons of fuel is a solid 450 miles with 10 gallons left. Whoops! I’m preaching to the choir.
  9. Great PIREP. I had really good luck with a century 2B being rebuilt by Bevan too. The GPSS with the 2b was a great first step into the 21st century(no pun intended with the use of Century).
  10. I have had it pop open a few times early in my ownership experience. Usually when in turbulence or flying through clouds with obvious pressure differentials. I have not had it pop open since latching it swiftly and firmly in a smooth forward motion. What I was originally doing was a slower latching push on the lever and it must not have been engaging correctly. When the door was popping open the latch also was popping backward. This is not at all scientific but certainly solved the issue for me.
  11. I had similar issues. I bought Stabilant 22 and reestablished connections on everything even the servo in the wing. It is funky interesting stuff but worked for me. If anything it’s a good first step. Search Stabilant and you will find various posts on folks here who have used it.
  12. Here is Garmin’s Grumman Tiger. I borrowed on their set up to do mine. I preferred the GFC500 control panel in the center beneath the 7” display. Overall the Tiger looks great.
  13. Pretty sure it’s the original 1978 but I’m not 100%. It was in very bad shape when I first got the plane.
  14. This is ours. Remote Bluetooth audio. I like the 750 with voice command too. A lot of ways to arrange these panels. I currently have no complaints with our decision.
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