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About N5756v

  • Birthday 09/14/1979

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  1. So I am setting up a Cessna 150 for instrument training and find myself needing a 430 , where would a guy go to buy a used 430 from a reputable source? P.S My mooney is for sale on the All American aircraft with a brand new engine from Mena Aircraft Engines. For some reason I find it a very hard plane to find places to land now that I moved to Alaska .
  2. 30-40 k for an engine is high I think . Hell my bird is almost back togeather with a rebuilt TSIO -360 from Mena aircraft in Arkansas and his bill on the rebuilt engine was only 42k and the base price for the rebuild was 39k...... non of that is R&R just rebuild costs
  3. I found this vid very informing https://www.funplacestofly.com/blog.asp?ID=2071
  4. Full stop . Your willing to foot the bill for flying back and forth to your guy to do a pre buy and he won't let you sorry walk away .
  5. My intercooler lets me drop .5 for every ten degrees of cooling so if my mp is supposed to be 28 and my intercooler is cooling 60 degrees then I can drop 3 down to 25 . I have been told by other pilots , non mooney pilots that a drop of three is a little much . My intercooler usually is cooling right around 60 degrees . Now with all that being said if I am cooling 60 degreesish I usually drop right around 2 . I don't have a merlyn so on that end I am ignorant.
  6. Don't you carry a bottle of whisky?
  7. ^^^^^^^^ sums it up rather well . I buy insurance for a reason . Motor quit = all about walking away . Glad this guy was ok
  8. My speed breaks are the same color as my airplane ........ it's an 84 231k but I think she's been painted
  9. I always tell the line guys about the no towing thing and they always say "yep we get a lot of moonyes thru here so we know". I have been lucky . But if something happens at least I made them aware of it
  10. This is the same seal for percise flight speed brakes I believe Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Yes please can I have the contact info , I have been looking for months for this part
  12. It's a crapshoot I think . So many variables Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. This thread has the ability to go sideways Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Wow , Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Glaciers are fun but we have seen so many in Alaska Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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