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RobertGary1 last won the day on May 20 2021

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  1. They fixed the skytech. I had the original type and had issues but they updated it about 7 years ago and is now flawless
  2. If be careful putting anything on it. Anything making it past (including ice, tape, etc) can go straight to the impact tubes and stop fuel flow.
  3. The sun exposure doesn’t change based on hours. I’m just curious what airframe part you had to replace because a plane sat. Just not seen that so long as it’s getting serviced at annual.
  4. Batteries are disposable. What issues have you had due to lack of airframe lubrication? Are you following the Mooney service manual on airframe lubrication?
  5. Engines somewhat. Airframes don’t care.
  6. I’m just down the road from Placerville. I can’t think of another place I’d trust aside from top gun. Plus if you choose to have some repairs done they’re the right shop to do them
  7. In the aircraft I teach in there is a big note to lean immediately after engine start and after clearing the runway because they’ve had issues with fouling. I used to have fouling when I first bought my Mooney 20 years ago because I wasn’t ground leaning. I’ve never flown any injected fixed wing where we taxi with full rich. Are there fbos that have students do that?
  8. No. I stay lean. I have the quadrant so I can add throttle and enriched with one hand at once. Going full rich for landing means you’ll need to clean your plugs often.
  9. I could never be the drop it off guy. People who aren’t natural mechanics either need unlimited buckets of money or end up selling.
  10. It’s still your option. You can decide to fix it yourself. Over insured has a similar issue. Insurance companies will try to fix a bent up plane that shouldn’t be fixed.
  11. My broker said that in his 20+ years he’s only once seen an aviation insurance co subrogate. Most likely because the net gain is probably not much.
  12. I suspect no two mooneys have the screws in the exact same location. These were hand built planes and they’re all shaped ever slightly different
  13. Backpacks are for kids. I fly all types of airplanes from ww2 tail wheels to jets and helicopters and gliders but nothing comes close to giving the real sensation of flight anywhere close to my ppc trike.
  14. Just add a 103 to your fleet and enjoy both. I literally needed a new nose wheel the other day and just ran over to tractor supply. The 103 world is simpler.
  15. Yes but it’s overly generous. I was well within the spec but started getting gear alarm in the winter. Talked to Don Maxwell who said this.
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