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  1. I have also found remote oil filters plumbed backwards.
  2. I don't see any reason both IA's can't sign the log entry. If you are worried about signing for something the other guy did, keep the inspection checklist with initials for who performed each task.
  3. It's not approved or even recommended but still possible with a relay. I'm not sure what it would really achieve, there is the same chance of having a G5/GAD29 failure as there is a GTN failure. Not to mention the single avionics buss or master switch/relay. I would rather have the GNS separate with the GI-106A in case the G5 goes down. IMHO, these airplanes aren't built with the redundancy of a Part-25 Jet so there isn't any reason to make the avionics more complicated than they need to be.
  4. No worries, Section 2.1 "Installation Limitations." It is interesting that they don't mention this in either the navigator connection or autopilot connection sections. I believe it is a limitation on how much the GAD 29 can handle.
  5. Neat, 25-0083 here. The S-TEC 30 uses the HDG error output from the G5/GAD29 so you cannot enable a second navigator input, not enough DAC's in the box to do it all I guess.
  6. Do you have an autopilot? The hangup with having two navigators connected to a GAD-29 is you can't utilize the autopilot outputs for a non-Garmin autopilot. This is just one area where the GI-275 shines over the G5.
  7. The first thing to check is to make sure the instrument panel is level and not sagging on loose shock mounts. The ball will only be accurate if the panel is level. As others have said, you can't pick up a heavy wing with aileron rigging, many have tried and it always results in a crooked yoke.
  8. § 65.81 General privileges and limitations. (a) A certificated mechanic may perform or supervise the maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration of an aircraft or appliance, or a part thereof, for which he is rated (but excluding major repairs to, and major alterations of, propellers, and any repair to, or alteration of, instruments), and may perform additional duties in accordance with §§ 65.85, 65.87, and 65.95. However, he may not supervise the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration of, or approve and return to service, any aircraft or appliance, or part thereof, for which he is rated unless he has satisfactorily performed the work concerned at an earlier date. If he has not so performed that work at an earlier date, he may show his ability to do it by performing it to the satisfaction of the Administrator or under the direct supervision of a certificated and appropriately rated mechanic, or a certificated repairman, who has had previous experience in the specific operation concerned. b. A certificated mechanic may not exercise the privileges of his certificate and rating unless he understands the current instructions of the manufacturer, and the maintenance manuals, for the specific operation concerned.
  9. The GI-275 Manual requires the CDI key to be disabled. This also disables the autoswitch button on the GTN setup page. Perhaps sometime in the future they will put the autoswitch capability in the GI-275. I really don't see it as that big of a deal, you need to manually switch AP modes anyway.
  10. Yes, but that is not your problem. Check the relay or the gear motor itself.
  11. Service Instruction M20-58 contained instructions to add pressurization to earlier models. My 1979 has a -GB and pressurized Bendix mags.
  12. I think the bigger question here is when will AI replace the passengers?
  13. You most likely have a S6LSC-25P which is pressurized. A Slick 6324 is also eligible for installation, it too is pressurized.
  14. He needs to make sure the GI-275 autopilot settings match the type of HSI that was previously connected to the STEC(NSD 360, KI-525, etc.). I'm still working on the NAV2 issue.
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