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    Carson Valley, Nevada
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  • Model
    Aerostar M20

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  1. Installing a new engine, how do I check engine alignment. Can't find anything in the maintenance manual on engine shimming for alignment, or can't find it?
  2. Check for a sticking valve on 2.
  3. I have a set of Dons visors. Absolutely love them. Even my wife likes them and that is saying something.
  4. Sign of the time we are in. We had 5 aircraft going a couple of months ago, now its just me. Topped off the tanks today $7.59 a gallon, now how much do I want to go by my self. Still looking foreword to Oshkosh.........
  5. Mild soapy water and microfiber towel. works well on bugs and grime also
  6. I have had a Guardian in my last two aircrft. They have a 5 year recertification, as I remember around $300. They work, if the door is open and the wind blows the exhaust in, the detector goes off. Anoys my wife, makes me feel safer.
  7. G3X, I am so impressed with it. Learning more every flight.
  8. All turned on and working.......WOW!
  9. Don

    I would like to get visors for my Mooney.

    What is the pricing and availability?




    1. DonMuncy


      I'm not sure how this got to my profile page. Why don't you contact me by PM here on Mooneyspace or by email muncy-d@hotmail.com or even text or call 214 207-6744

      Availability is a week or so out, as I have another couple of sets in front of you.

      I get $160 plus shipping for a set of anodized ones ($140 for plain aluminum).


  10. Thank you Frank. I can make it work now. Best regards, Arnold
  11. Contact Accurate Aero Minden, Nevada. Great communion, quality work, good knowledge base, young guy, honest, watch him grow.
  12. Need schematic for dimmer control box.
  13. Anybody have contacts at Mooney technical support?
  14. I need schematic for control box part number 800275-501.
  15. 201 spinner rear bulkhead ?
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