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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. One is for the panel lighting. ie glareshield lighting and one is for the Instrument lights ie it goes to the radios that have a separate lead for lighting internal to the unit.
  2. Looks like an ongoing problem. Hole was created. Someone riveted a fiberglass doubler over the hole. muffler chewed through the doubler. Grind out around the hole and use some mat and resin to repair. Don't mix epoxy and polyester resin. Sand smooth and paint to match. Getting at why the hole gets chewed open is pretty important step.
  3. https://forum.cessna170.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10931&sid=b89002e7145822b19c7ee39834c13031&start=15
  4. It used to be that on a commercial flight the plane had flares and a launcher I think they were required. My friend was going through a Bonanza that still had the wiring for the flare launcher.
  5. Correct, unless the Com relay has failed and then it will not open. Again you need to know if your 275 are wired into the Master buss or the Comm Buss.
  6. It will be interesting to see. Let's say the EPA was disbanded under the incoming Administration. What happens to all the rules they generated? At least in Texas there are duplicative rules and an Agency to pick up some of the void. I am entertained by the ability of the Executive Branch Administration to create Government. There is this thing called PAYGO that Biden exempted the Administrative Government from when he came in. PAYGO was congresses way to get control of the spending.
  7. There was a guy in Texas that did the impossible turn in a Mooney last year. Let me see if I can find it. All my landings are set up to be a power off 180. Runway about 25% under the wing on downwind. U turn to land. With power I just go a bit further out. If the engine were to quit and would start the U turn immediately The other thing you really want to have committed to muscle memory is push over on departure if the engine quits. Go up high set up for Take off and then cut the throttle. You want your push over to be immediate then worry about best glide once you got the nose pointed down.
  8. I think you are correct here. So is the only law that congress made is to say the FAA should make flying safe. The rest is just made up rules that could go out the window in light of the Chevron Ruling.
  9. Correct. The Com relay with no power on it is Closed. This way if the Com relay fails it fails so the radios keep working.
  10. I am suggesting he use a welder to tack it and then have a good welder weld it. The funny thing here is it looks like the "professional" welder who did it last time did not get any penetration and that is why it broke. So much for the professionals. Also a good welder would have ground the rod so it fit properly into the angle steel before welding.
  11. It depends. Rules or Laws. TSO is for a manufacture. The TSO has been made law. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-C/part-21/subpart-O The FAA issues Manufactures a TSO saying they can build certified equipment. The Manufacturer issue a certificate that says their equipment complies with the standards. Here is a fun one. The Dynon STC that I paid for says Autopilot on it. The Autopilot software installed in the unit in the plane. (The Auto Pilot Software is also installed in the Backup Dynon D-10A unit) But the FAA has more rules for Autopilots, so I am not allowed to put some servos in the plane and use the Autopilot Software. Now apply the Chevron ruling to the FAA Rules
  12. Well if it is OK to use Auto paint on your airplane.
  13. The Com bus actually comes on (provides a signal} before the Comm relay can turn it off when the master relay comes on. It's momentary. This is probably why we could deduce at least 1 of the 275s are wired to the comm buss. I started with it would help to know how they are wired.
  14. I believe Rochester is the manufacture of those. It's probably the Black inline fuse holder up near the shunt on the passenger side firewall.
  15. When you say we does that mean you and your A&P? Why does your A&P not know how to weld? Or at least braze it.
  16. These are great because you can run them off a regular outlet (or off an Heavy duty extension cord) The two other tools would be a 4" grinder and the cut off tool https://www.harborfreight.com/welding/welders/easy-flux-125-amp-welder-57861.html I put new hinges on my hangar door with that little guy. https://www.harborfreight.com/6-amp-3-in-high-speed-electric-cut-off-tool-59248.html That is a tricky piece to weld. Which is why it broke, they got no penetration on the angle iron. You are going to want to clean it up first, reinstall it and clamp in place, then take it out to tack. Then test fit. If test fit tack does not go well, cut off and redo. Then final weld. or take to muffler shop for final weld. If you try welding around electronics (radios and computers) stray voltage from the welder may pop them. Keep the ground clamp close to the work. In a closed hangar there may be gas fumes from your plane or someone else so you might want to work outside. Clean up the splatter, sand and paint. Some of these might help or also some needle nose vise grips. https://www.harborfreight.com/2-piece-welding-and-sheet-metal-clamp-set-30024.html
  17. So it really depends on how the 275 are wired in. Also it could be the Comm Bus Relay. The Comm bus relay will fail to being closed. Which means when you turn on the master it opens the Comm bus relay and stops power from flowing to the comm bus. You may want to check where the Comm switch was on or off. Sometimes you would want one gauge wired to the master bus and the other wired to the Comm buss. This is more in line with an engine monitor that you want to come on with the master so you can watch the engine start on the EMS. Lastly there is a circuit that turns off the Comm bus when the starter is engaged I would go with you forgot to turn off the comm panel switch. The other thing could be that a battery failed in one of the 275s and it used to stay on via battery when the starter switch was turned on.
  18. Paintless dent repair will pull it out. You can buy a kit several online places
  19. I have been researching the wing between the 1970s model F, the J and the K for the DYNON Autopilot. From what I can tell the wing is the same between the 3 models up to the part numbers for the wing skins. The one thing that was going on during the late 70s is the electric gear actuator was changing models. For the 75 F the gear extend speed is 120mph. I did just read that the flap extend speed is 125mph and the white arc is 125 mph.
  20. concrete blocks weigh how much? Your plane can lift how much? Also a useful question when selecting tie ropes or straps.
  21. In gusty cross winds the I have found that one wheel landings (upwind) work pretty well. My theory is that you are pointing the upwind wing directly at the wind and the wind can't pick it up in a gust. You still have to do the slip a little to make it go straight down the runway. The fuselage cross section is such that it does not pick up much crosswind. Don't try one wheel landings on icy runways you really need the friction of the tire to hold it till you get the other tire planted.
  22. Yes. Most of your oil temp, fuel tank sensors are resistance type gauges. If you take the wire off the sensor and direct to ground, it will peg the gauge. EGT/CHT thermocouple type sensors don't work in the same way.
  23. The best way to see leaks is look at the engine for the big drops. I found that the fitting on the drainback tube at the Cylinder Head was leaking. The nut on the fitting was tight. but the ferrel that is around the aluminum tube was loose just a little with the oil drip showing. So I loosened it and moved the ferrel around and then got the fitting tractor tight. Also the clamps on the hoses on the drain back tubes need to be tightened regularly.
  24. This is true. What I would suggest here is because the ground is not good for the radio, the radio is seeking ground through the p leads inducing the noise in the radio. Fun Fact you can run a RPM gauge using the P leads. Dynon use the P leads to pick up RPM.
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