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manu damaschin

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Everything posted by manu damaschin

  1. Thanks you for answers!
  2. I know about this plan. But who are the actual owners of the Mooney company now? I am based in Europe and I am not very updated with the news...
  3. Sorry if discussed lately? What is the actual Mooney Co ownership structure? Still for sale (also partially)? BR
  4. Hi -a-, thanks for answering...I don’t need a certain part at the moment, just a little concerned about the future (parts prices increase or worst, not be able to find any). But good news that they are back in business anyway...:) emanuel
  5. Hi guys, Will it become more difficult to find parts for our aircrafts now that the factory is closed? Or there are sufficient third parties willing to offer them in the future...? What should we expect? Emanuel
  6. ...looks great indeed! Can you provide a detailed picture and give us some info regarding the way you did it?
  7. Don...congratulations for the aquisition and welcome to the mooney club! After few hours and takeoffs you will see that it is not very complicating to take care of MP during takeoff roll...I had the same concern In th begining
  8. Do you have the data base for europe as well?
  9. I had an email with Plane Plastics and they said that they have M20K imterior as well...but I dont't know nothing about their quality.
  10. I am very interested in this topic too..
  11. Nice...! Is it a new autopilot?
  12. Thank you all for inputs...! Manu
  13. Airfield elevation is 380ft so not a high one... I also operated my 231 from a 2100 ft grass runway with no problem...but here I have only 1400 ft, this is why I am thinking of a 201...
  14. I just finished my country home with my private grass runway...Is the short field performance of a 201 vs 231 so much better (the books are indicated around 500ft difference in takeoff at MTOW and ISA)...? Of course 231 is heavier when empty, has a more forward CG and has a greater MTOW...but it is also more powerfull. I flew my 231 from grass runways but never tried a 201...so every 201 short field experience would help! Thank you guys! Manu
  15. ...good question!! I am also interested...
  16. Like it very much! The rounded windows corners are painted? From where did you bought the ovation style interior? Emanuel
  17. 4 posts in ine as well...
  18. ...you will have to call Straubing (as I guess you are from europe), most likely you will need to overhaul the AP. I am having this problem as well and I think they are very relaible in fixing the KFC200...
  19. Would it be an idea to postpone it for a date when more of us could join?
  20. Sorry to hear! Good luck for recovering...!
  21. I have replaced the alternator clutch recently...this is why I had to remove it. I remember very well that my mechanic remove the alternator from the top... Manu
  22. Don, It is easy...let's say around 15-20 minutes for taking it off... Good luck! Manu
  23. I did my IFR training in my 231...excellent platform!
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