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manu damaschin

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Everything posted by manu damaschin

  1. ...nice for the fresh pilots having so many opinions!! Thank you all!
  2. Thank you all for inputs...I will check and come back! manu
  3. Can anyone help me with a wiring diagram for a 231/1984? Thanks a lot! manu
  4. I have some charging problems: After starting the engine everything is ok until I engage some electric consumers (lights, pitot heat etc)...then the red light "low voltage" is flashing (not steady), even at higher RPM... The mechanic remove the alternator and said that everything seems to be ok, except the output from the alternator which is only 12-13 volts. The same value when measuring after the charging regulator. The output was measured before engaging the consumers...after engaging them, the value decrease and the red low voltage light is flashing. Do you guys have idea if is the alternator or the charging regulator? Thanks a lot!! manu
  5. Nice job...!!! I intend to paint my aircraft soon (231/'84)...are the rounded windows corners paint or you used inserts?
  6. 221kt GS with 3 on board...but descending 300 ft/min.
  7. We are only a few from Europe around...as you probably realized. Welcome! manu
  8. ...as far as I know dual Aspen has to be Evolution 2000 instead of 1500, then you will have the redundancy needed...but if I remember correctly you will have to keep your AI. My opinion is to keep the backup AI on vacuum...
  9. I did a lot of night landings...here what I found to help: - if the runway has HIALS ask the ATC to dim the lights until you will feel confortable. - I am focusing on the center line. - change the aircraft landing lights...usually they are not very good after a long time, you will enjoy the difference manu
  10. It is nothing imposible...depends how serios the guy is. Does he has kids, running a business...? I mean did he exercise his responsability in a way or another? I had about 60 hours TT when I bought my 231 (with my own money). I bought it at the time because it was a very good deal not because I was prepared...and now I am flying IR with it. It was more difficult than building up hours with a Cessna indeed...BUT IT CAN BE DONE manu
  11. Do you guys have the email address of Bill from Airflow Systems? I am in Europe and it is difficult to call him due to different time zone...but I am interested as well.
  12. How is the project with the intercooler going...? How many orders are by now? I do have a 231 but with LB engine (without intercooler), I don't have many issues with the temps...is it such a big difference between an intercooled one vs non-intercooled one? I am considering the posibility to upgrade mine if it's worth...
  13. Do you PPL in the aircraft the school is offering to you...you will be more relaxed when you will exercise the landings. After that if you want an IR...do it in your own Mooney. I did so and it was ok... Good luck!
  14. I am also using the VS calculator when descending from flying levels (I have a 530)...the problem appear when I am in a IFR procedure and I have to descent with a certain rate, I am a little busy with the other settings and there are turbulences (very often in IMC)...because monitoring the VS rate takes some time too. It will be much easier just to set the VS you want and forget about it... A DFC90 maybe... By the way any news on the DFC90 STC for Mooneys...?
  15. I forgot the flaps twice...at the same airport, when an unexperienced ATC was giving me clearance immediately after I was reporting the "go around"...(in IMC). As for take off, I am doing myself the callout and the response "POSITIVE RATE - GEAR UP" with loud voice, even if I am with a passenger... I think a warning system will be ok...
  16. Thanks Ray, I thought only the ALT preselect will be available for KFC200 and G500, but if the system will offer also VS preselect it is a very good news...
  17. Does anyone have some good advice regarding the the vertical speed setting on KFC200? How many feet/min I should have with every input of UP/DOWN button? Is there a better techninque for setting the VS on KFC200...with the CWS for instance? KFC200 is a very good and reliable copilot...except the the missing VS preselect Especially when flying in a bumpy IMC and you need a certain rate of descent/climb... Thanks!
  18. Good news...do you have more details (how the IR rating is going to be achieve now)? I m prepapring myself for the theoretical IR test for this winter (the 7 exams). Do you have a link with this information...? Thanks!
  19. I did it once...not so bad, of course not to be done every day. The take off is much longer of course and the aircraft is drifting a little when rolling before Vrot...need to be very smoth with the rudder. But not every sand plot is good for loading...in some regions the sand is mixed with something else making it much stable (not swampy). It's more challenging to land in the night without a centerline...
  20. ...and the show is going on! Happy to hear!
  21. No aftermarket modifications to my 231...and the temperatures are just fine as long as ASI indicates 110-120...
  22. I was wondering which is the best setting for climbing to altitude (mid tens) for M20K: 1. 40", 110-120 KIAS, aprox 1000 ft/min, 22-23 gal/h 2. 33", 110-120 KIAS, 500 ft/min, 18 gal/h ...does the first option reduce so much the engine life (full power), as it is more economical from the fuel point of view? What is your every day practice? Thanks!
  23. Ussualy the performance are better than the POH figures (for the olders models at least, for the new ones the manufactures include some marketing tricks)...at least I can have better figures on the field with my 231/'84 than the POH. But why do you need anything else than the POH and your experience?
  24. Better to test them on the special device the shops usually have (they can test them under the pressure, same as in the cylinder, and check is they work properly)...I have mine for 200h and they are fine...
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