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Oldguy last won the day on March 7

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About Oldguy

  • Birthday May 14

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    Lakeland, Florida
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    Was N5767Z
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  1. Several have asked about a potential webcast of Andrew's funeral since it is being held in England. Below is the link to access the Wesley website to view the service. Use the pin to go straight to Andrew's page. The service is will be held 10 March at 11:30 London local time. You can log in anytime before to test the link, and it gives you a countdown at the top of the page. Webcast Login PIN 275-5050 https://www.wesleymedia.co.uk/webcast-view
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  2. Andrew Hyett, A.K.A. Hyett6420, died at 4:43 Zulu this morning in London. In October 2023 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and given 6 months to live. He took the 6 he was given and added 9 more of his own to it through his inherent ability to over achieve. With his husband, Andrew Dunning, by his side through all of those 15 months, he lived and enjoyed what time he had. From flying his beloved Mooney, G-OBAL, to a WW II Supermarine Spitfire, he took to the skies as long as he was able. I was privileged to fly on 2 such Mooney flights with him last year and will never forget them. There will be more information coming on his service at a later date, but I wanted to let everyone know we lost a good friend today.
  3. Thank you! Exactly what I was looking to find! I am working off of a phone call from the owner who got a phone call from the avionics guy who spoke with the A/P, so the fact you were able to decipher the request is very much appreciated. Since it is a late year F, they are probably looking for the RBM 70-311221 which probably needs the -5 suffix for 6 lugs. Thanks again. John
  4. Friend just had his F worked on, and it came back from the avionics shop without the ability to drop the electric gear. Emergency extension worked as it was supposed to work, and now it appears the switch to drop the gear is dying (works intermittently). Does anyone have the part number for the switch? The parts manual I have for the F model looks like a copy of a copy of a copy, and some of the characters cannot be read. Any help would be much appreciated. John
  5. Heard from a MSC you can replace a master cylinder on the F model with a Cleveland master - the same one used on a Beech Bonanza (unsure of the model). Has anyone made this switch and been successful, or is this something you should be able to do, but no one has done it yet? Friend has gone through 2 new-to-him master cylinders and each has had its own challenges holding pressure. Would love to hear real life experience with doing this type of swap or reasons why it can't/shouldn't be done. TIA.
  6. And from there, the story got a bit convoluted... I continued to fly it using a some oil from time to time with no real problem. Then, in early 2020, it went into the avionics shop for some upgrades. Between COVID running rampant thru the shop employees, problems with manufacturing delays for the hardware due to COVID, poor workmanship by the contract avionics techs brought in due to COVID, (catch the running theme here?) it was in their shop and down for over a year! It seemed every time it was pronounced finished, it went back within a week. Actually had to get a ferry permit to get it home for the annual the last time. That's when we found the two rusted/pitted cylinders which apparently resulted from sitting in the avionics shop for so long. Ordered two cylinders and in the months while waiting for them had the exhaust rebuilt by Acorn in Canada (HIGHEST recommendation possible for those folks!) and finished the interior refresh. Finished the break-in on the engine by flying it home to Lakeland, FL, where we retired at the end of 2021. Since then, it has found a new home and pilot via Jimmy Garrison and now resides in northern Vermont. So the saga of N5767Z continues with a refreshed top-end for two cylinders. She was running very well with no oil blowby (the oil rings on one of the cylinders replaced had lost tension) and making good power.
  7. Hi John,

    Just saw your post and where you are located. Congrats on your move to the free state of FL. 

    I never saw a post on your completed interior. How did it go, any pics?



    1. Oldguy



      Thanks for the note. The interior upgrade went so well I sold it!

      In reality, my essential tremor is getting worse, and on an approach down close to minimums, I had one which almost caused a LOC event. I love flying, but not enough to put myself or my passengers (usually my wife) in danger. So I had Jimmy Garrison list it, and he sold it in about 1 week to a Navy Commander up in northern Vermont! If you search Flightaware for N5767Z, you will see his recent travels.

      I still go up with a friend in his Commander 114, but I am never the sole pilot. Somewhat bittersweet, but I can still get my flying fix. And another friend, who now has my job at my previpous company, has an F model he lets me drive with him every once in a while.

      Lakeland is a blast! This first year we have traveled a bit spending a couple weeks in central Europe on a Viking river cruise, and I am traveling back and forth to Texas to handly my mother's affairs as she is 96 and lives in her house since she refuses to leave it. Because of her health, she requires help about 14 hours a day, so I stay busy. My wife has been trekking to the beach every other month with a friend she has known since grade school, and they are currently planning a two week trip to France, England, and Germany next month. Her friend still works and has to go to those spots on business, so Laura is accompanying her as her "assistant".

      What adventures have you had lately? Give me a shout if you make it to Sun-n-Fun. Would love to catch up F2F.


  8. Correct, sir. And he has found someone to rebuild/make a set for him. In Longview...
  9. Helping out a friend of mine who has a 1976 F. The baffles are just about falling apart and he is trying to decide on spending the AMUs to repair the existing ones or buy new. Does anyone have a source as to where baffles for a F model could be purchased? Airforms makes them for the J but not for the F. My recommendation would be an MSC or direct to the factory, if they are selling them. Anyone have any sources they know make them? TIA
  10. And learn how these numbers can change with varying weights in the plane. Approach speed near max weight is very different from approach speed lightly loaded. Can get exciting if you don’t adjust for weight!
  11. I have two Jepp Skybound programmers I do not need any more. One was my backup I carried in the plane and has never been opened. The other was the one I used regularly. If someone wants to buy them, I will take their money, or if you want to pay for shipping, I will sell For Free (FF). If you are a true Mooney CB, I will deliver them to KLAL, KBOW, or KGIF at no charge.
  12. My next door hangar neighbor was told last week the Garmin 650xi for his RV would not be delivered until Q2 2022 even though it was ordered on April 8, 2021. It is the last piece of avionics he needs to do the rework of his panel which he, fortunately, has not started yet. But until he gets the GPS delivered, he has ~$40AMU of avionics sitting on the shelf. He is also wondering about how the delay will affect any warranty he has on the already purchased equipment.
  13. Regardless of the answer, if you happen to use the search function on this site (or in Google), anything previously written and out in the public domain about said N-number would be available. Just a thought.
  14. This is the second event I was scheduled to attend this week in October in Florida that has been cancelled. The first was work related with me and 10,000 other computer geeks at Disney, and I wholeheartedly support the decision by both groups in light of the current situation.
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