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Everything posted by cnoe

  1. IMO it's their phones and ipads that need to be more water resistant. My wife's phone was ruined while sitting on a patio having dinner due to condensation from her water glass getting on it. The watch isn't "waterproof" but at IPX7 at least it provides pretty good protection (as noted in specs and reviews*). * "IPX7 means that the Apple Watch will be able to withstand immersion in water up to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes. In real terms, this means a shower, being out in the rain, or washing your hands, but not activities such as swimming or lounging in hot tubs." Cnoe
  2. Gotcha covered! Cnoe
  3. Okay, I hereby relinquish my CB badge. Like Tim Cook said, I've been wanting to talk to my wrist since I was 5. I had the original decoder ring and all that jazz. As a bonus I imagine Foreflight's imaginative programmers will have the thing tapping me on the wrist with alerts such as: "hey dummy, look out for those mountains" - "hey dummy, don't cross that runway" - "hey dummy, look out for that converging traffic" What's the downside, other than the $399.00 I'm out? That's only about 1/2 the cost of OH'ing one round instrument, or about 2 weeks worth of fuel expense. Cnoe
  4. They mostly look the same. Mike's is silver colored and mine was white. I paid $29.49 + $6.50 shipping 'cause the seller had a better rating. It took about 2 weeks to arrive. My exact device can be located by putting the Ebay item number 171668136701 into Google. It's the first thing that pops up. And hats off to kmyfm20s for posting his pics and device description earlier. Cnoe
  5. Add my vote for the Ebay dental camera. I used a razor blade to scrape the four corner-edges down 1/16"-1/8" or so and it fits easily into the plug holes. The bottom holes gave me a better look at the entire valve face as the top hole put the camera a little closer than needed. All I'm looking for is that the valve faces are somewhat even in appearance (like a pizza) without any hot spots or edge discoloration. See an example below. This is a great inexpensive means of heading off valve failure; I plan to have a look at every oil change. The one thing I did see (that's no big deal) is excess lead deposits likely due to being run rich. I'm going to blame the previous owner as I'm usually LOP and I lean aggressively on the ground. I may start keeping it more lean on approaches now too after seeing the deposits. Cnoe
  6. Nothing about this sounds right. Did you install a new engine monitor at the same time as the new ignition system? Does the ignition system display CHTs? Program the unit? What unit; new engine monitor? I don't think the temps are a programmable setting. I’m no expert but if you have CHTs above 400 you've got issues. Seek professional help. Cnoe Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Letters sent, but the only thing that moves slower than the FAA is Congress. Still I'm pleased to see the bills include IFR operations (should be to 18,000' though so that crossing the Rockies is still safe). Next comes the part 23 rewrite so that we can upgrade avionics more cost effectively. Then... if we could just do something about the cost of paint-jobs, interiors, and rebuilds. Cnoe
  8. I just KNEW somebody would comment on my being one dot right of the course-line. You know it's pretty hard to do a 45 entry to downwind keeping the CDI centered. You're right about the display giving you added comfort during IMC approaches or at night. During recent practice approaches I'd glance at the SV but, of course, didn't "focus" on it. Still the red and yellow really stands out when it's in front of your track. I found it especially nice at night when dark hills and unlighted towers could be a concern. Cnoe
  9. Flew into Colorado Thursday running Foreflight's SV on my backup iPad (mini) mounted on the right yoke. It's nice to have when navigating through the peaks. Mine is driven by the Stratus 2 AHRS and is quite accurate. Here's a shot from my VFR approach into Durango (KDRO). The southern approach is easy but I wouldn't want to fly too far north. Cnoe
  10. After encountering a few holes in ADS-B coverage over the past 12 months (particularly at lower altitudes) I added the external antenna to my Stratus 2 last week (sticks inside the windshield with suction cups). It enhanced my reception greatly as I routinely had 3-7 towers in range all the way across NM and TX over the weekend. On a previous trip across NM when I had to fly lower I had ZERO towers for a couple of hours. XM is most certainly better for coverage down low, but the Stratus does pretty darned good, particularly with the external antenna. Cnoe
  11. PenPal, available on Amazon and some Walmarts. Cnoe Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. That's a Sporty's only item (overpriced yet functional). Available in two sizes. Previous owner installed it but I may keep it; helps keep DA/DH more obvious when task loaded. Cnoe
  13. Dead probe on # 1. Have a new JPI-830 scheduled for installation at annual (May). Not worth the $100 to replace in the meantime. Good eye guys! Cnoe
  14. Gotta love tailwinds! Returning to Houston from Colorado yesterday across New Mexico south of Albuquerque. Bumpy day but the tailwinds aloft were bookin'. Already running LOP at 11,500 msl (more like 11,300'-11,700' due to the wavy atmosphere) I had to dial back the power quite a bit as turbulence bordered on "moderate" at times. Groundspeed was generally in the mid-170s spending a fair amount of time in the mid-180s. I only wish it had been smoother so that I could have run at a higher power setting. For a non-turbo four-banger it was quite a ride! Cnoe P.S. Note that even though VSI was at -350 fpm when the shutter clicked my pitch attitude was at 0. ATC asked for altitude confirmation to which I could only reply "11,500' +/- 200'.
  15. FlightAware can tell you if your ADS-B is broadcasting "something", but it won't tell you if you're ADS-B "compliant". The e-mail link referenced is the way to go. I went through this last year making 3 trips to the Avionics shop (who seemed to be learning as they went) before I passed the compliance tests. I read somewhere that a large percentage of installations are NOT complying yet even though they have the equipment installed. My installing shop was a prominent Garmin approved facility but still they didn't know all the necessary steps in mid-2014. Cnoe
  16. The imbalance is no issue. Sometimes the leak will occur until the tank drops to a certain level, then it stops leaking. That was the case in my previous plane (E). After patches by an MSC failed I put 5 gallons usable in the leaky tank (for emergencies), filled up the good side then flew it 900 nm to WetWingologist in Ft. Lauderdale for a reseal. I had to stop for fuel (in the one tank) twice but had an otherwise smooth trip. I'd be reluctant to fly much with a substantial leak, or one that penetrates the cabin, but minor leaks outboard aren't a huge deal. IMO of course. Cnoe
  17. I'm sure it happens all the time now, but here's my close encounter yesterday... Me: "Mooney XXX 6 miles west at 2,100' inbound to FREEP intersection for procedure turn outbound and practice ILS 17 approach." Other plane: Silence... Me: (looking at ADS-B traffic display w/ a bogey inbound to FREEP on ILS course)... "Mooney XXX 4 miles west at 2,100' inbound to FREEP intersection, have traffic on screen approaching FREEP, looking." Other plane: Silence... Me: (after spotting and avoiding the inbound bogey)... "Mooney XXX have inbound traffic in sight and will stay clear of approach course then rejoin for procedure turn inbound and ILS 17 approach, low approach only. Will follow landing traffic as #2." Other plane (Cessna): Silence Me: (inbound on ILS at FAF)... "Mooney XXX 5 miles north at FREEP inbound for ILS 17 low approach only, #2." Cessna (FINALLY): "Cessna ABC, 2 mile final for 17 on ILS practice approach: we'll be going around." REALLY?!! He didn't hear me, see me, or make a single radio call until on 2 mile final. At least he had his transponder on. Cnoe P.S. He ended up doing a touch-and-go instead of the missed approach that he called on the radio.
  18. +1 for "run to the bar". Cnoe
  19. Come on down RA. There's a BBQ joint on the field at Weiser. I'll buy you lunch then maybe we can take the C around the pattern for a spin. No formation landings there though as the runway's only 40' wide. Cnoe
  20. I appreciate the alternate viewpoint chrisk, and I also think that straight-in VFR approaches are "sometimes" rude. I have a question for you though... Did your described experience happen on Sunday by any chance? The winds in the area of Brenham (11R) were very strong with wind aloft at 1,000' around 35 kts. On a practice approach at Eagle Lake my groundspeed was down below 70 kts and it seemed to take FOREVER to get from the FAF to the runway. I agree that position calls are frequently way off the mark, but it's possible that the guy was closer than you thought. The one thing I've learned from having full-time traffic on the iPad is that a plane can be only 2 miles away and still very difficult to spot. At 4 miles distant it's nearly impossible to see them in many cases. Now with that being said, there are multiple places to practice RNAV Approaches (like those at Brenham) so I prefer to stay away from active airports for that. As busy as the cafe is there on the weekends I wouldn't go there to shoot approaches. But there are very few places to work on an ILS so you pretty much have to go where they're available. Cnoe
  21. The discussions following my original post have been great. In answer to Cliffy's question about whether the C172 ever communicated directly with me the answer is "no". Politely asking him to extend his downwind would have likely been my best option but I simply didn't expect him to make the right turn in front of me. There were four of us making calls during my approach: one departing in front of me, my calls stating "distance, direction, and altitude", and the two planes doing pattern work. I had heard the C172 call downwind when I was well inside the FAF and was certainly looking out for him. My best guess is that he was either a solo student pilot or perhaps a new pilot practicing in the pattern. I do remember myself a few years ago when my knowledge of IFR operations was minimal. I agree that generally straight-in approaches while VFR at an active airport aren't the best approach, but there's really no other way to practice an ILS around here. I almost never do this work on weekends to avoid the congestion (like yesterday when I witnessed 4 planes all headed to the IAF around the same time). Anyway, I'm not mad about it but neither did I think that I was being a dick. Cnoe P.S. My pet peeve is the guy I crossed path with 2 weeks ago in a PA28 or similar at 2,000 AGL coming in off the Gulf of Mexico just 12 miles south of the mode-C veil with his transponder turned off. I'm pretty sure he was crossing the ADIZ while trying to avoid detection. ATC called him out to me as a traffic advisory about the same time I saw him a mile out on my left as I was sight-seeing along the coastline. I told ATC that he wasn't displayed on my ADS-B traffic and asked if he was on "primary or secondary" radar. The controller confirmed him as a primary target only. I expect the Cubs etc. over land with no transponders, but this one was a bit odd coming in off the water. Maybe a smuggler?
  22. I'm just looking for a few opinions on what is proper etiquette when flying practice IFR approaches at an uncontrolled airport. Here's the situation: While prepping for an upcoming Instrument Checkride three weeks away I was practicing a procedure turn and ILS approach at a local airport. My safety pilot and I both had full ADS-B Traffic displayed and the safety pilot was obviously keeping a keen watch out the windows. I made frequent position reports over the radio starting about 10 miles out starting the procedure turn inbound. Calls were also made approaching the FAF and twice when on final. We were flying with the flow of traffic along with one departing aircraft and two in the pattern practicing VFR touch-and-goes. Shortly after calling our 2 1/2 mile final @ 90 kts (low approach) one of the planes (C172) on downwind made a right turn to base (and called it out on the radio). I asked my safety pilot if he "had the airplane in sight" to which he replied that he did and it appeared to be a conflict. At about the same time the other pattern traffic called out on the radio "does aircraft on final see that a plane has turned base in front of you?" (nice of him to make that call I believe). I asked my safety to clear me for a left turn and then aborted the approach with a left turn out (right-had traffic on this runway). No big deal; no real danger, but... ... Am I unreasonable in thinking that the guy cutting in front of my approach was rude? Or was "I" being rude by practicing an approach where a couple of planes were already in the pattern? I felt like the guy could have easily extended his downwind for another 1/2 mile and followed me in #2. I don't like getting in the way of others and had gladly aborted a previous approach to yield way for faster jet traffic coming up behind me on the same approach. Thanks for any input. Cnoe
  23. So that I understand... you are priming the engine with the boost pump "off"? Since fuel is essentially un-compressible it seems to me like you can't be getting very much fuel into the cylinders. I understand that it takes different amounts of prime for different pilots (and engines) with most quoting 2-8 seconds of "boosted" priming. And as suggested you'll need to have the throttle open some as well. I'm in Houston (i.e. warm climate) and I usually fire right up with 2-3 seconds of boosted priming. My technique is to prime, set throttle to idle, mixture to ICO then crank. When it fires (in 3-4 blades) smoothly advance mixture to rich (then back to aggressive lean for ground ops). All the successful methods listed here seem to use priming to some degree except N201MKTurbo's (which is an anomaly that only uses 1 qt. of oil every 40 hours anyway).
  24. If yours is not a 406 unit you can test it and hear the alarm for yourself; it's an unmistakable sweeping-tone sound. From the AIM: (a) Analog 121.5/243 MHz ELTs should only be tested during the first 5 minutes after any hour. If operational tests must be made outside of this period, they should be coordinated with the nearest FAA Control Tower or FSS. Tests should be no longer than three audible sweeps. If the antenna is removable, a dummy load should be substituted during test procedures. ( Digital 406 MHz ELTs should only be tested in accordance with the unit's manufacturer's instructions. © Airborne tests are not authorized. C.
  25. Not a bad idea. I think I have a copy of the registration in the POH. C.
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