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Everything posted by cnoe

  1. Must be a slow week around there. It sometimes takes me longer to get a burger and fries 'round here than your near-overhaul.
  2. Even the estimates of 50% and 50% seem overly optimistic to me, and I'm an optimist. But, I hope you're right; that should give an immediate boost to plane values. I just hope that this new (old) pilot population gets a proper introduction back into flying. From what I can tell a lot has changed in the past 10-20 years. I recently helped re-introduced a friend back into flying and he's taken the steps to get current. And though he's only 40ish he marvels at how much things have changed. A couple months ago he bought into a C182 partnership and is progressing quickly now but it was an eye-opener from his pre-9/11 days.
  4. Be extremely cautious with those 8-tracks. I'm pretty sure that stacking a Barry Manilow cartridge on a Village People cartridge can cause some serious galvanic corrosion. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I'll check for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Yep, CFIs are sneaky. Examiners too. When instructed to close your eyes while being set up for "unusual attitudes" don't be surprised if your trim ends up out of whack! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I gave her a bath today. Scrubbed her undersides thoroughly. Got a good start on her rub-down (wax). Considering it was 95 F. today I may have to call her "the Punisher" instead of "the Mistress". I'm BEAT! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Awesome pics Paul. Eli said to tell Darby "hi"! Don't wear out that fine ship; we need her in the formation in 12 days! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. JPI makes this VERY clear in the installation instructions. I vote for making the original installer correct it. But FYI my engine ground runs from a prop governor bolt to the firewall box. I tied into that connection when installing my JPI. In fact my IA insisted that I add another ground strap from there to the actual airframe to forgo any other ground issues. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. sure its a woman? If unsure, might I suggest Katlin? Definitely a woman. And I have the invoices to prove it.[emoji846] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I've had my bird for nearly 3 years now, and yet she remains nameless. I do care deeply for her, and pamper her like the mistress that she is. Yet I still don't know what to call her. Names always seemed to come easy with my boats, though their monikers were sometimes harsh. My Mooney deserves better. Am I rushing things? Should I just relax and let it come naturally? Thank you in advance for any kind words and understanding.
  12. FYI, I experimented with glide performance in my J a few months ago and posted about it extensively in a thread titled "M20J or Glider". One long glide was with the throttle closed and the prop pulled fully aft. In another test I pulled the mixture to idle cut-off for 3.6 minutes with the prop back as well. In my experience there was "some" but not a great deal of difference between gliding distance in each scenario. But due to detrimental engine/prop harmonics I'd suggest not going fully to ICO for long periods of time (at least in an IO360). Also, the published glide distance/ratios appear to be very conservative compared to my results. Properly configured I now expect to glide 2.3 nm for every 1,000' of AGL (no wind). My actual observed value at ICO was 2.37. I believe that a glide distance in a J of 2 nm in 1,000' is easy to achieve. Now here's the disclaimer... I am not an engineer, nor a test pilot. And I'm not making recommendations for you. I am only telling you what I subscribe to myself.
  13. I always love it when people accidentally write "money" instead of "Mooney".[emoji57] Freud was such a genius! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. It's a shame somebody can't develop an STC mod for new rollers in old cases. Most of ours are too old for Lycoming to accept in trade as I understand. And new engines are exorbitant! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Since I was quoted I guess you were directing this question to me, so... I have the IO360-A3B6D w/ 559 TSMO at my last oil change. My camshaft and lifters were "new", not reground (circa 2008). I have found a very few (3-4) tiny thin shiny specks in my filter on a couple of occasions but they didn't stick to a magnet and typically dissolve when rubbed between my fingers. I suspect that they're carbon. I actually expect more particles to be found in a healthy engine than what I've seen in mine so far. My last oil analysis showed: aluminum 6, iron 19.17, copper 3.00, nickel 1, chromium 2, and silver <1. Iron has always been 20 or less except for one analysis when it was 27.02 at the end of last winter when my flying was less active. I chalked that up to minor cylinder corrosion. I've averaged 160 hours/yr flight time for the past 30 months. Still I worry about self-destructing camshafts and followers. Also, I use Phillips XC 20W50 w/Camguard. Even if it does nothing more than give me false peace of mind it's worth it to me. If anybody has more advice to stack the odds in my favor I'm all ears. I'm interested in the centrilube mod but it will (hopefully) be a while before I get to personally spec out a rebuild.
  16. I find it incredible that such deterioration doesn't throw up a red flag during oil changes. And if the filter didn't show metal then surely oil analysis would show elevated values. Perhaps both, or one-or-the-other, but surely SOMETHING! SOMEWHERE! Please tell me I'm not wasting my time with meticulous filter inspections and regular oil analysis. I have to believe that there were signs being ignored at some point in the past with this engine. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. It was indeed hot and sticky here yesterday afternoon. I considered buzzing up to West Houston under the Bravo at 2,000'. OAT was 37C. Instead I topped the cumulus at 6,500' and enjoyed a smooth cool flight down the coast to KPSX. A Coast Guard King Air and I each completed a practice approach (sort of). I was lazy and stayed at 6,500’ tracking the lateral guidance only. The King Air did the full approach, but they had air conditioning. Glad I skipped the low flight to KIWS. I wouldn't have wanted to see the crash. RIP. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. btw, does anyone know what percentage of private pilots are instrument rated? Just wondering since this will exclude them anyway. The bill was changed to include IFR pilots/flights. Mark Baker took a lot of heat about that exclusion in the original proposal. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Keep in mind that the "one-piece belly mod" often means it was geared up. That may or may not matter to you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Are the views shown available by pulling only one jug? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Simply awesome! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. No problem Brandon. It's a great place to stash cords and sic-sacs (just in case). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk You may notice I was awaiting new knobs for my panel/instrument light dimmers.
  23. Glad to hear someone other than an "internet mechanic" (like myself) is giving it a good going over. There's been way too many loss-of-power-in-the-terminal-area incidents already. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. I'm cautiously optimistic. Thank you all for keeping the pressure on your legislators, and your AOPA reps. And thank you George. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. It seems pretty simple to me. If you're happy with your primary gauges and panel space is tight buy an EDM 730 or 830. IMO the added features of the 830 make it a no-brainer. If you're tight on space and need/want primary gauges buy a 900. And if you're ripping out the panel and starting over go with the 930. I'm VERY pleased with my 830 right in front of me on the left of the radio stack. It also displays everything previously mentioned on one screen with the exception of "amperage". If I ever get around to a complete do-over I'll install a 930 to go with my G500, 750, and auto-throttle.[emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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