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Everything posted by cnoe

  1. Im a wait until it fails kinda guy, too, but a vacuum system failure in IMC is quite a hazardous situation, so I mitigated it with the vacuum warning light and a standby electric attitude. I wish mine was tied into the JPI's warning light which jumps out at me much more than the stock annunciator. Instead I added a small vac gauge in the middle of my panel that at least gives me a shot at seeing the failure quickly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. FWIW I'm using a Tempest vac pump with the vane wear indicator port that at least gives you some indication of health. I have no intention of randomly replacing it; I'm much more concerned with infant mortality. Instead I PLAN on its failure by utilizing an electric backup pump PLUS an electric standby attitude indicator. Then there's always Foreflight displaying the AHRS info from my Stratus. When (not if) my legacy vac pump craps out I have a few options to choose from. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. I've been a Savvy paid subscriber for 7 months now and am very pleased with what I get for my money. It's also nice to have Kortopates (Paul) on board here too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I followed up on your question in an e-mail with Chuck Shavit (the developer of the CloudAhoy app and am posting his response below. It's interesting to note that the app uses actual pitot information when available from an EFIS such as the G1000. I did not know that. Also, do click on the links for more info; they are informative. A growing number of CloudAhoy flights are imported from an EFIS (such as G1000), and the IAS we display and use is the actual pitot measurement. For flights logged using our iOS / Android app, or imported from sources (see http://help.cloudahoy.com/importing-flight-data) that do not include IAS, we compute the wind (see http://help.cloudahoy.com/wind) at every point along the flight path. We then compute the TAS from the GS and the wind. From the TAS we compute the IAS. Feel free to post this in the forum.
  5. Yes, DA affects true airspeed of stalls and not indicated. However, ground affect and air compression do affect indicated airspeed of stall. 1) Implication of True Airspeed on Stalls - At higher temperature and/or altitude (higher DA), stalls will occur at a higher true airspeed (yet same indicated airspeed). The issue here is that those pilots that prefer to "rely on their eyes" and not bother "looking at the airspeed indicator in the pattern," even with wind aside (or perhaps they are factoring in the wind), the stall will occur at a faster apparent groundspeed. The stall will happen at a lower pitch attitude. In a departure stall, the stall will happen at a lower pitch attitude. 2) "Practicing power on stalls, light on an ordinary day,. Can be much different than hot and heavy." Yes. The pitch attitude, ground speed, and amount of sweat pouring down your back will be different. The plane will be climbing much worse than when you load it light or in the winter. The higher DA will be a double whammy for NA guys. Higher TAS and lower engine power output. Add being heavy to that, and this still looks nothing like the one you practice with instructor. 3) Ground effect - Stall speed decreases in ground effect. There's no published number or formula (that I know of) for this phenomena. You can potentially takeoff and fly in ground effect below "stall speed" but as you pull up out of ground effect at a constant airspeed, it turns into a stall. Hot and heavy will play a drastic role here because the rate of acceleration to "flying speed" will be much slower and the plane won't catch up to you going from rotation to climb like it would light/cold. 4) Performance speeds are affected by both weight and DA. If these are not properly compensated to account for being "hot and heavy" beyond sea level at standard temp, your climb will be much worse on the induced drag side of the curve. Slowing down will only make it climb worse and put you perilously close to stall. Fair enough. High DA has many negatives. I just wanted to confirm that for those of us without an AOA indicator the ASI provides vital info that will allow us to avoid a departure stall no matter what the DA or temperature is. These discussions do indeed force us to think outside our comfort zone. I believe that's a good thing. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks for the reply Paul. I was just curious if the indicator would tell you when it's time to fly. You fly more seat-of-pants than I do but I assume on a high DA departure you transfer to the ASI fairly quickly (in the absence of an AOA indicator)? It's really hard for me to judge Vx or Vy at 8,000' just looking out the window. Probably not so much in the 252![emoji846] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Here's another guess for you (based on past experience). Look at ~2:25 and notice that 2, 4, & 6 all seem to move together while 1, 3, & 5 are more flat. I'd see if there's any way that half your ignition harness is in proximity to the CHT leads somewhere/somehow. Ignition can cause indication interference. Perhaps there's a broken cable-tie or clamp? Or it could be something else entirely. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks for the response to question #1 Hank. I was pretty sure that was the case but then I read statements like: "Next, on that day that you get yourself in a bind with a power on stall... most likely this won't be in winter either. Hot Day, higher DA, or actually the one time you go to a higher elevation field." and "Practicing power on stalls, light on an ordinary day,. Can be much different than hot and heavy." I'm just trying to make sure that I (and others) get accurate info from these discussions. We have to keep it real.
  9. I still have questions. Two to be exact (though the 2nd is multi-part). I already asked one which went unanswered so I'll ask it again because being a novice pilot I want to make sure I'm not missing something. #1. Isn't Vso based simply on IAS with density altitude and temperature having no direct bearing on the value? If I'm wrong about this then I better hit the books and start adjusting my departure speeds when flying from high-elevation fields. #2. (And I'm not trying to be a smart ass here...) What does the typical AOA indicator (in a Mooney) display when parked on the ramp idling (with little/no relative wind and a tail-low attitude)? Off? High AOA? Low AOA? Is there a come-alive speed for the indicator (based on airspeed)? I guess what I'm truly asking is how do you determine the rotation point using an AOA indicator in the absence of an airspeed indicator; just fly it off? I don't recall exactly but I believe the Dynon unit (AOA indicator) I previously flew with (rental) required a certain airspeed before it was usable but that's just a guess. Cnoe P.S. Hang in there Doc. Something good HAS to come from this. I hope.
  10. Isn't Vso based simply on IAS? That shouldn't have anything to do with DA or OAT should it? Even at 7,000' DA and 18 C. I still stall at the POH values. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I appreciate your input and believe that you have some valid points, but I also believe your thinking may be a bit dogmatic. Departure and approach stalls do happen, flying straight ahead. But I'll acknowledge that the base-to-final turn is likely a more common scenario. The primary reason I practice stalls is to improve my instinctual reaction to the break. Slow flight can be valuable in teaching one how the plane handles approaching a stall as well but for me the big benefit is (automatically): 1) keeping ailerons NEUTRAL rather than trying to roll out of a stall 2) applying the CORRECT (brisk) rudder input rather than spending time deciding how to react 3) and of course pushing the yoke forward briskly When the stall is immediately recognized and the appropriate control inputs utilized your descent can easily be arrested in less than 200 feet if you are anticipating the stall. If you are SURPRISED by it then the recovery will be obviously extended, but by practicing these things it is my opinion that your chance of survival is greatly enhanced. I should probably practice high AOA "turns" (at a healthy altitude) as well, but this seems more risky to me as the resulting stalls might be more aggressive. I'll have to work up to those (possibly with somebody like Jetdriven riding shotgun). I have no interest in doing cross-controlled stalls in my Mooney. By practicing straight stalls at least I'm more prepared for the scenario I'm most likely to encounter (a distraction such as the dog barfing on my head during approach or departure). I get the whole AOA indicator thing; I flew with one for 2 years in another plane but I don't miss it terribly in my J. I'll likely add one to it sometime in the future but the AOA indicator in my head and butt serves me pretty well already. Airspeed isn't "useless" if well understood, and I believe most people here do understand its limitations. Lastly, I have no objection to using whatever tools you have at hand in flying be it speed-brakes, forward-slip, or a 45-degree banked turn as long as they're used appropriately. I'd suggest that a stabilized approach is best for most situations but some situations require other tools. Not everybody agrees but that doesn't mean they're not safe pilots.
  12. You sure got that right! Strangely enough the landing was one of my best ever; so much so that I went home and bragged to my wife about it. She wasn't impressed.
  13. CloudAhoy has added much functionality over the past couple of years and can provide lots of data and great feedback if you subscribe to the paid version. And the free version is still good for tracking flights. As an added benefit just last week I utilized it to get myself out of the doghouse following a period of spending excessive time at the airport/flying. It's all about flight planning you know! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I'm following up on 201ers recent posts that provoked some mildly provocative discussions. Much was said about the stalling characteristics of the M20 which made me realize it had been 6 months or so since I'd practiced a slow-flight/stall regimen. In fact some of the talk focused on how abrupt and dangerous M20 stalls can be. I got to thinking so I went out yesterday and completed some stalls and slow flight in various configurations. Here are a few random thoughts on the subject. Comments and others' experiences are welcomed. First of all I was light at around 2,250# (2,740# gross). About 70# of my load was in the baggage compartment but the 3 seats were empty. The IAS at which I stalled was pretty much spot-on based on my weight and configuration so I feel good about the ASI calibration. It amazes me that I can fly at 50 kts in landing configuration as the plane gently settles (though it's right on the brink of a more abrupt stall). With the gear down and both full flaps/half flaps my J wanted to consistently drop the left wing when at a low power setting (as if landing). If recovery is initiated quickly (ailerons level, yoke briskly forward, opposite rudder) it would straighten up quickly with little altitude loss. But as I explored the recovery characteristics I can attest that a secondary stall can occur if the yoke is pulled back too soon (even when airspeed appears to be sufficient). I did not allow the secondary stall to develop as I understand these can be quite violent. When re-creating a full-power (departure) stall the break seems to occur a bit more quickly but was still quite manageable. With 15 degrees of flaps deployed it still wanted to break left upon stalling on the two occasions I practiced that configuration. But... On another full-power stall with NO flaps it surprised me and actually broke "right"! Though I was doing a fair job of keeping the ball centered it dropped the right wing in two consecutive instances while in this configuration. This leads me to believe that one shouldn't necessarily count on a particular direction of stall break (this is even more true when the stall is unintentional and you may not be watching the ball). Lastly, I'd like to add that it also amazes me what an incredibly acute climb angle is needed to stall in the clean/power-on configuration. I failed to note the number of degrees nose-up on my attitude indicator but I can tell you it felt/looked like I was going straight up. It was literally hanging on the prop, and still flying. I can hardly imagine putting my plane in this attitude unintentionally outside of IMC conditions. Still I'll remain vigilant. YMMV I'm attaching a screenshot from my CloudAhoy app showing just one moment in time during all this. It's pretty accurate and a great tool for analyzing this stuff.
  15. You got me wondering about this so yesterday I measured the distance between the wing and horiz stab on my '78 J. Can somebody provide similar measurements on a SB and a LB for reference? See pics but I measured between the inboard flap corner and the leading edge of stab at the rib ~directly aft of that point. The distance was ~93" (hard to be precise doing this solo). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. "Forgive me father for I have converted to Track Up". But... when I enter a terminal area I often touch the "North Up" button on the iPad as it's hard to make an accurate position call (i.e. 10 miles NW of the field at 3,000') when the map is turned at some odd angle on-screen. And Paul is right; Foreflight's new aero chart just made flying "track up" much easier.
  17. This has been discussed a lot on MS, and still I don't entirely understand it. My elevator too is slightly down while trimmed for cruise on most configurations but I believe the horizontal stab is still applying a "downforce" on the tail (perhaps attributable to the Mooney's unique hinged tail. I, among others, believe my plane would be faster if the elevator was perfectly aligned with the horizontal stab during level flight. Somebody remind me if this was resolved earlier. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Definitely good advice. My turn was to leave the approach to get away from him. Once he had me in sight and I had him in sight I rejoined the approach about 3 miles behind and upwind (crosswind) from him on the same glidepath. He was off the runway and on the tarmac before I called 2 mile final. I appreciate the comment though; it never hurts to be reminded of invisible gremlins.
  19. Occasionally I fly somewhere that a steep/slow/short approach is needed, and I want to be proficient for those instances. But your guess was spot-on. My home base is 7,000' x 100' at 25 msl with absolutely NOTHING to run into at either end. The challenge is not growing complacent about landings so I try to mix things up with a mixture of different approaches and spot landings, etc. It's also good that we have a non-standard pattern (rt. traffic to 17 / lft. traffic to 35) so at least I'm not stuck in the rut of always flying counter-clockwise in the terminal area. On the downside it's a very active uncontrolled field with a full compliment of aircraft including Cubs, RVs, warbirds, Coast Guard amphibs, a helicopter school, King-Airs, frequent business jets, and twice-daily regional jet service. "Most" pilots here give position announcements but I can't remember the last time I saw a plane over 6,000# actually fly in the pattern (it's always straight-in for them). Plus we have one of only a few ILS approaches here and get frequent student-traffic (straight in as well). Just a couple of days ago I'm on the RNAV 17 approach calling a 5-mile final when the regional CRJ700 made their first call "8.5 miles straight in for RWY17". WHAT? I was 3.5 nm in front of them at 90 kts. so we worked it out on the radio (I made a left 360 at 500' below them) and all was well. I can only imagine what would happen under that circumstance if I had been NORDO (i.e. in a Cub). Fun stuff! Oh, and I AM really good, but just an average pilot.
  20. Definition of "slip": n. - poor man's speed brakes. I practice this maneuver occasionally as well as various stalls and aggressive turns (with sufficient altitude). But I attempt to set up my landings so that they're unnecessary. Still fun, and good for the soul (and confidence). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. It appears to me that the older J's have a higher useful load. Why is that? My '78 J has a UL of 1,000#. Includes a backup vac pump and AP gear in the tail. Old avionics weighs a lot and new stuff gives back considerable UL. At 10k in a NA I can fly pretty much whatever mixture I want (LOP in my case) but I think about 11 gph ROP is typical up there. The trip across W Texas, N Mexico, into Colorado is awesome. Just watch out for those pesky rattlesnakes in the fuel hut at Andrews County. [emoji15] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. I installed mine solo during last year's annual under my IA's supervision. You need to be detail oriented and comfortable with detailed wiring but it's not rocket science. It's not an EASY task working between the firewall and panel; just take your time. As I mentioned before I spent about 40 hours doing what an experienced installer could have likely done in 30. I'm happy to help if I can offer any advice of value. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Another vote here for under-wing installation. I put mine in the same location as the factory installation but under the opposite wing. The original probe location has a Davtron OAT/voltage gauge there. It's nice to have F. displayed on one and C. on the JPI. Also nice when they cross-check the same. The typical shop installation would place it in the naca vent but for another 1-1.5 hours you can put it in the wing where it belongs. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. It looks like you're doing a great job Matt! When I installed my 830 it took me about 40 hours including the removal of the previous (UBG16) monitor. I also had to weld up the previous exh probe holes as they were way too close to the heads. If you put the OAT probe in the wing that takes a bit of time too for wiring. Though a shop may have done the install in less time, in the end I knew exactly what I had and that there were no undesirable shortcuts. You too will feel this way soon. Here's my tip... route the egt/cht probes as far as possible from the ignition leads as the readings will be a bit jumpy if they get close to each other (even though all are shielded). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Sorry, no I don't.. I will try to remember to take one and post it the next time I go to the airport.. It looks exactly like the old one except it is 3/4 inch shorter. Look closely and you can see where it previously covered the cooling fins. Mine's only about 1/2" shorter than before. Still those baffle seals are very droopy. BeeGee's replacement kit worked great for me. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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